Count of Wizards

Chapter 294: Conquer the little blood tiger (middle)

So Connor handed this task to his auxiliary chip, and the auxiliary chip did not disappoint him. The chip combined with the data in the database, imitating the equal partnership contract recorded in the secret of the abyss, really came up with another A version of an equal partnership contract!

The equal partnership contract created by the auxiliary chip, which Connor handed over to Varga just now, is based on the data in the chip database and imitated the equal partnership contract in the abyss secret law, but it is not in content. It is completely different from the equal partnership contract recorded in the secret of the abyss, so Connor gave this version of the equal partnership contract to Varga, and naturally it did not violate his original promise to his mentor Reyes. Under the circumstances of his permission, he shall not disclose the contents of the secrets of the abyss taught to him by Reyes to others!

Although Varga’s eyes did not hesitate to create an equal partnership contract, Connor still calmly said, “Varga’s effectiveness of the contract was created by me, but I I have consulted a lot of materials, not only that, I have done experiments, there are no problems, you can rest assured!"

Varga smiled sweetly at Connor and said, "I believe you!"

Feeling Varga's trust in him 100% without distracting thoughts, Connor felt warm in his heart, no longer nonsense, and nodded heavily.

Then he told Varga carefully about the reconciliation plan he set. After confirming that there were no problems, Varga slowly walked towards the big iron cage that would imprison the freedom of the little blood tiger, the little blood in the iron cage, with Connor's encouragement. The tiger looked at Varga's approach. His small, greedy eyes looked at the blood lotus potion, and immediately became vigilant and hostile towards Varga. Not only did he show his sharp little tiger teeth at Varga, but also in his throat. It also made a threatening sound of "uuuuu"!

Although the little blood tiger put on a hostile posture, Connor still noticed that the little blood tiger still could not stand the temptation of the blood lotus potion. Although the little blood tiger was still full of vigilance and hostility, his eyes were secretly secretive. Aiming at the pale red blood lotus potion in Varga's hand

According to Connor’s plan, Varga step by step approached the iron cage holding the little blood tiger under the threatening gaze of the little blood tiger. She didn’t make any direct action, but took the blood lotus potion in her hand. , Placed in the iron cage, and then retreated to Connor's side under the gaze of the little blood tiger.

This time it was the turn of the little blood tiger in the iron cage. Although it didn’t know what the light red liquid was placed in the iron cage, the natural instinct of being a beast told it, this The light red liquid has great benefits for its growth! Although this is the intuition, but the intelligence comparable to humans has made it difficult. These have taken it from its mother and imprisoned its freedom. I want to change it from a proud Odin blood tiger to a begging pet. How could these wizards give this light red liquid to themselves so kindly? This light red liquid is likely to be a problem!

The little blood tiger struggled for a while, and then Conner's patience was gradually exhausted by it. He decided that if this little guy could not feel the benefits of the blood lotus medicine, he would be ready to "be willing to help the beast, force it." Help" Let the little blood tiger feel the effect of the blood lotus medicine specially refined for it by Varga, the tangled little blood tiger seems to be unable to overcome the blood lotus medicine that comes from its bones because of its young age. Longing, I finally couldn’t bear the temptation of the blood lotus potion to it anymore, and rushed to the blood lotus potion.

In about a second, all the blood lotus potions that Varga placed in the iron cage were swallowed by the little guy. After drinking the blood lotus potion, the little blood tiger had no obvious reaction at first, but for half a minute After passing, a layer of **** light appeared on the little blood tiger's small body. The little blood tiger's eyes could clearly feel the undisguised surprise color, and he couldn't care about it immediately. Connor and Varga were still around, and he curled up his body, closed his eyes and began to digest the effects of the blood lotus medicine in his body.

There was a smile in Connor's eyes. Although it is not a world anymore, the law of true fragrance still exists without a doubt. If you want others to mix with you, naturally you have to give them a taste of the sweetness first. , Let people know that it’s good for you, then it’s easy to talk about it!

After the little blood tiger has tasted the sweet taste of the blood lotus potion, such a game of wits and courage can really be regarded as an official start, and now it can only be regarded as the former "old".

Although Connor, who has been using Varga's potion, thinks he still knows Varga's ability, everything that happened to the little blood tiger once again subverted his cognition. After taking the blood lotus potion It took nearly a day for Little Blood Tiger to barely digest the power of the blood lotus and opened his eyes again.

Although I don’t know what miraculous changes happened to the little blood tiger after taking the blood lotus medicine specially refined for it by Varga, Connor feels that the aura on the little blood tiger is not only significantly stronger than before, but The small eyes look more agile than ever, and of course the eyes looking at Connor are more brutal.

Seeing that the little blood tiger has tasted the wonderful taste of the blood lotus potion, under Connor’s plan, Varga took the equal partnership contract that Connor gave him to find the little blood tiger again, perhaps because of the blood lotus potion’s credit, let The little blood tiger remembered Varga. This time Varga was close to the iron cage. Although the vigilant threat in the little blood tiger's eyes still existed, it did not yell at Varga or make a sound threat.

Seeing the change in Little Blood Tiger's attitude towards Varga in his eyes, Connor's confidence in his plan to help Varga conquer the Little Blood Tiger is undoubtedly another point higher!

When she walked to the iron cage and looked at the little blood tiger who was locked in by Connor without any freedom, Varga had a touch of contact in her eyes. She said gently, "Little guy, I know you are very intelligent and can understand me. If I say that, I don’t want to enslave you, let you go against your pride and yearning for freedom, and become my favorite, but I need your help and want to be friends with you!"

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