Count of Wizards

Chapter 296: Contract validity

Seeing the little blood tiger finally nodded and agreed to conclude an equal partnership contract with Varga, Connor was relieved in his heart. Although he was confident in his plan, he subdued a high-level beast like the little blood tiger. Everything is possible. If the little blood tiger really walks to death with a tendon in the end, then Connor can ride the tiger. Seeing Varga’s affection for the little blood tiger, if he wants to really give it to the little blood tiger. If the blood tiger uses some tricks, Varga will definitely stop it, and it was really embarrassing at that time!

Now the little blood tiger has chosen the right path, so naturally the merits will be fulfilled, and you're done. Connor turned and smiled and shrugged at Varga, pretending to have everything under his control. Varga was naturally relaxed and casual. Not stingy about Connor's admiration, he plunged into Connor's arms, and Sakura's lips gently printed on Connor's mouth.

There is no need to prepare anything extra for the establishment of an equal partnership, so Connor decided to choose a day instead of hitting the sun and finish it today. The province’s Ye Changmeng and the little blood tiger are regretting that they have come up with something else!

After a brief preparation, Varga began to chant a spell, and as the spell sounded, magical energy fluctuations began to appear in the basement of Connor's safe house.

While Varga was singing the spell, Connor, who had always been cautious, stood aside, his eyes focused on the little blood tiger, in order to show his sincerity to conclude the contract, the little blood tiger had been removed from the iron cage by him. Released in. Although the little blood tiger has just nodded and agreed to conclude an equal partnership contract with Varga, Connor will never relax before the contract has been reached. Who knows that this little thing who has been coerced and lured by himself has finally agreed to conclude the contract, yes Are you really desperate before agreeing to conclude a contract with Varga, or are you pretending to be falsely intimidating with yourself, trying to make a lie, waiting for yourself to relax, and then escape your own clutches?

Although this little thing was released from the iron cage, Connor was confident that with his strength, as long as the little blood tiger dared to play with him, he would let this little thing survive or die!

As Varga’s spells continue to sing, the energy fluctuations in the basement have become more and more intense. Connor had to maximize the concealment circle in the safe house to cover the energy fluctuations and the small ones that were released. The blood tiger, keeping his head down, looked very depressed, but when it was about to turn to him in accordance with the ritual to conclude the contract, the little blood-red eyes of the little thing began to turn around again, but in his heart As soon as other thoughts came up, they immediately met Connor's cold, warning gaze.

Under Connor’s undisguised threat, the little blood tiger could only accept his own destiny. It was also in accordance with the contract of equal partners created by Connor, and began to growl with Varga’s singing. Energy fluctuations gradually concentrated on Varga and Little Blood Tiger, a person and a beast.


With a hum, the energy fluctuations around Varga and Little Blood Tiger reached their limit. The magical energy wrapped the two of them. After a long while, the energy wrapped around a person and a beast gradually dissipated, revealing their true colors. However, on the surface, Varga and Little Blood Tiger have not changed much, but Connor's keen inspiration as a spiritual wizard still vaguely feels the close connection between Varga and Little Blood Tiger.

Upon closer inspection, Connor immediately discovered that the little blood tiger’s front paws and Varga’s right hand white and tender wrist had the same dark red crescent shape as compared to just now. There is no doubt that this dark red. Crescent Moon is a testimony to the completion of the equal partnership contract between Varga and Little Blood Tiger!

Seeing this, Connor finally showed a relieved smile on his face. After so much hard work, he finally got a good solution.

Now that the little blood tiger and Varga have concluded an equal partnership contract, at this time the little blood tiger is no longer a prisoner held by him. The effect of the equal partnership contract created by the Conner auxiliary chip is not as effective as life and death. Exaggeration, but absolutely must not hurt each other, otherwise you will suffer a very serious backlash. This backlash may not kill you all at once if you are prepared, but basically your cultivation career Basically it's over, let alone go further, it will be very difficult to keep the current cultivation base.

And when one of the two parties falls and dies, because of the contract, the backlash that the still alive suffers is not as serious as the backlash that attacks each other, but it won't be too small. So there is a contract, little blood tiger. Basically, it can be said to be tied to Varga!

Now that they have turned their enemies into friends, Connor doesn't mind showing his kindness, and under Varga's surprised eyes, he took out dozens of magic stones from his space ring and smiled and sent them to the little blood tiger. But what made him dumbfounded was that Xiao Xuehu glanced at him After catching the magic stone he gave with his paws, he faced Connor and wanted to touch it and improve the relationship. At the time, he didn't give any face, he just turned his head and hid behind Varga.

Seeing this little thing holding such grudges, Connor's heart is not so small, he shook his head bitterly, then stood aside with a smile and watched the little blood tiger "kiss and hugs" beside Varga. , "Lifting high".

Varga helped him so many times and he didn't give her a good return. This time he was able to help Varga to subdue the little blood tiger. Connor's debt to Varga also eased a lot, watching Varga for a while. After playing with the little blood tiger, Connor devoted himself to his work nervously. He carefully eliminated all the formations in the safe house, and then carefully eliminated all the traces in the safe house. Several turbid gray crystals were found in the space ring, and they were carefully placed in a hidden place in the safe house.

After all this was done, Connor breathed out a sigh of relief, smiled and said to Varga: "It's time, we should go!"

"Yeah!" Hearing Connor's call, Varga responded, and then talked to the little blood tiger for a while. The little blood tiger reluctantly returned to the iron cage and was covered by the piece again by Connor. It seems ordinary, but in fact it is a black cloth that can block the exploration of mental power.

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