Count of Wizards

Chapter 259: The formation of East Hoy Company (Part 2)

The East Hoy Company first chose a Hoy people tribe named Hoffenheim, then forged their history in this Hoffenheim tribe, and created a so-called Hoy people royal family in this tribe, and then In the name of the Hoffenheim dynasty uniting all Hoy people, the campaign began in the eastern part of the Hoy continent.

Although the brand is linked to the Hoffenheim dynasty, basically everyone knows that the Hofenheim dynasty named Hoffenheim is actually a puppet regime supported by the East Hoy Company. The Hoffenheim dynasty exists. The purpose is to reduce the resistance of the Hoy people during the conquest of the East Hoy Company.

With the support of the human and material resources of the Kaman Empire, the Hoffenheim dynasty supported by the East Hoy Company soon became the co-owner of the eastern part of Hoy Continent. Although there still existed some independent tribes locally, In name, these princes all expressed their surrender to the Hoffenheim dynasty, and the East Hoy Company has essentially become the actual ruler of the eastern part of Hoy Continent!

Although East Hoy Company is in the form of a company, there is a shareholder meeting, but with the development of time, and the conditions of the emperor, this makes East Hoy Company more and more independent, and the power of the company gradually changes from the shareholders meeting. Transferred to the top of the company, and the general meeting of shareholders can basically do is to get their own shareholder dividends!

According to the agreement between the senior executives of East Hoy Company and their local shareholders meeting, every four years, the senior executives of East Hoy Company select a senior executive to carry East Hoy’s account books and return to the local area to report to the shareholders meeting. 50% of the net profit of the East Hoy Company within four years will be distributed as dividends. In addition to the dividends, the general meeting of shareholders also has a veto right on East Hoy Company’s development plans and actions. In addition, shareholders The General Assembly shall not interfere with the specific affairs of East Hoy Company!

Recalling the history of the East Hoy Company, Connor could not help but a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This East Hoy Company was a piece of evidence in his eyes, and this evidence undoubtedly confirmed that Raul, who created the East Hoy Company. The emperor and he are both traversers, after all, this so-called East Hoy Company is really too much like the East India Company on earth!

Connor’s research on overcoming the three major obstacles of alchemy puppets has been done in the past few days, but it’s still far from truly overcoming the obstacles. The time it takes is far from being solved in a week, so consider it. After reviewing the priorities, Connor decided to put aside the research on alchemy puppets for now, and deal with the matters of the Ferguson family first.

Now it’s about a few days before Connor’s Ranieri Uncle Desilio landed in Run, but Connor felt that he had to deal with an incident that he should have dealt with long ago, that is Exchange the Persis silver dollar obtained from Scarface in his own space ring into imperial gold pounds.

In fact, Connor wanted to do this a long time ago, but what worries him is that at present he can think of only two ways to deal with this matter. The first is to use Margaret’s channel. There is absolutely no problem in changing those silver gardens to gold pounds. The second is to take the relationship with his good friend George, George’s family property, Sanchez Bank, and digesting the silver dollars in his hand is a piece of cake. .

Connor really wants to use the two methods. From the point of view of the matter itself, there is no problem in solving this matter. However, no matter which method he chooses between these two methods, Connor also has his own concerns. In the beginning, Kang Na himself didn’t want to bother his good friend George. After all, the Persis silver dollars in his hand were not coming from the right way. It is very likely that the gold bars he gave to Margaret were related to the Baron Surrey, and it was very difficult, and More importantly, Connor also found a huge amount of Persisian silver dollars in the home of Mr. Emery, who was related to the secret agency.

So after a little thought, Connor decisively gave up the idea of ​​taking George’s relationship. After all, taking George’s relationship is still very risky. Connor still very much agrees with Margaret’s ability, so he The plan was to use Margaret’s channel to dispose of these Persis silver dollars, but unfortunately, the plan did not change quickly. Connor had not had time to talk to Margaret about this matter, Margaret. Especially the secret society was eyeing him, and Connor, who had always been cautious, was naturally forced to give up his plan.

In this way, the Persis silver dollar worth tens of thousands of Kaman Empire gold pounds in the Connor space ring fell into Connor’s hands. Connor did not care much about this. He intends to pay off the mortgage he owes Sanchez Bank, and his mortgage contract is still several years away. Naturally, he is not in a hurry to exchange silver dollars for gold pounds to repay the mortgage, but it’s different now, Connor thinks One thousand gold pounds is far from enough to make Desilio's high-level East Hoy satisfied, at least three thousand gold pounds!

It is already very difficult for the declining Ferguson family to take out one thousand gold pounds. It is impossible to pay another two thousand gold pounds. Therefore, Connor can only make up for the difference between the two gold list. Connor has always been able to make up for it. Although he is not a good person, Connor believes that since he has become Conan Ferguson, the first heir of the Ferguson family, the future Earl of the Kaman Empire, he has enjoyed the benefits and obligations, and he has to bear the obligations. Connor will never refuse to do something for the Ferguson family within his ability!

As an alchemist, there are many valuable alchemy materials in the Connor space ring, but there is very little cash. Connor is reluctant to sell his treasures, so he can only put the difference between these two thousand pounds in his space. The free Persisian gold pound in the ring is on!

Now I want to deal with these Persis silver dollars in hand, Margaret’s secret agency is looking for her. Margaret can protect herself and don’t involve herself. Connor thinks it’s already very good. Her channel is It's impossible to use it at all. Is it really troublesome for George to deal with this kind of Persis silver dollar thing?

A wry smile appeared on Connor’s face. He really didn’t want to use George’s relationship, but when things got to this point, he might really have to try as many as he could. Leaning on the sofa, Connor thought about it for a while, his eyes There was a flash of light, and a decision was made!

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