Count of Wizards

Chapter 258: The formation of East Hoy Company (Part 1)

This ridiculous plan that now seems to betray territorial sovereignty and can be called a national thief caused a sensation among the upper echelons of the empire at that time. What is even more incredible is that this "Rhein Plan" was held at the then military joint meeting. It was approved by more than 70% of the imperial generals!

After knowing that Raul the Great was a traverser like himself, Connor had carefully studied the history of that period, coupled with the rich historical materials of that period, so this made Connor's "Rhein Project" so popular. Own guess

In that era, the new army established by Raul the Great had just swept the Odin tribe on the Odin Icefield, but because the Kamans could not adapt to the harsh natural environment on the Odin Icefield, this made the Kaman Empire’s army fundamentally It cannot be stationed anywhere for a long time, so even if the Odins are defeated, the army of the Kaman Empire will be withdrawn to the mainland and stationed on the border.

The dizzy Odin people who were beaten by Raul the Great’s new army felt the crisis for the first time. They quickly abandoned the tribal organization. After a **** internal integration of the race, they followed the example of the Kaman Empire. The Odin Empire, but unlike the current similar constitutional monarchy of the Kaman Empire, the Odin Empire is more like a centralized monarchy, and the entire country is determined by the emperor alone.

The Kingdom of Persis is a kingdom of politics and religion. It is called a kingdom but has no king. Instead, it follows the example of the Kingdom of Kaman to establish a prime minister, in charge of the administrative power of the country, and is directly responsible to the Pope, the supreme leader of the Persis Kingdom.

When the Odin Empire and the Kingdom of Persis were proposed in the Rhine Project, they both had their own internal problems. The Odin Empire had just progressed from tribes to centralized power, and various internal problems appeared. The kingdom of Sri Lanka is because the old pope is running out of time, and the new pope has been unable to establish itself. Regarding the question of inheriting the pope, the internal factional crushing is also a mess.

Connor believes that it is this external situation that led Lineker, the then Minister of Military Affairs of the Kaman Empire, to propose a crazy plan to sell the sovereignty of the disputed border area to reach a peace treaty, and then the border is not fortified and fully conquered the Hoy continent! ,

In Lineker's plan, once his "Rhine Project" succeeds, with the support of the resources of the Hoy continent, the Kaman Empire may reach the height of the ancient Byzantine Empire... However, it is a pity that, Lineker and his "Rhine Project" were directly rejected by his emperor, Raul the Great.

As for the historians behind Raul the Great’s rejection of the Rhine Project, there are many speculations. Among them, the more authoritative is that although the ships at that time had developed into steam power, they were still primitive and relatively steam powered. It takes at least a year to sail between the mainland of the Man Empire, and the stormy ocean between the two is in a once-in-a-hundred-year period of instability. There were large-scale storms at both ends of the sea in three days, and 150,000 people moved from Departing from the mainland, how many people are left in the New World after a year of voyage? Even the most optimistic people think that the answer is only half!

And most importantly, even after arriving in the New World, no one knows the answer to what kind of combat effectiveness the army can maintain after a year of sailing for the remaining people.

After negating Lineker’s "Rhein Plan", Emperor Raul came up with his own Hoy strategy. His meaning is very simple. The Empire ZF does not lead directly, but encourages the organization of civil forces to conduct business on the Hoy continent. The activity is to sell the over-produced industrial products of the Kaman Empire to the Hoy Continent, and to transport the raw materials produced in the Hoy Continent back to the Kaman Empire, forming a virtuous circle.

Raul organized the major chambers of commerce and nobles of the empire at that time, and jointly established a company that managed Hoy. And because the navigators of the Kaman Empire at that time discovered the eastern part of Hoy, this house was Become the "East Hoy Company" Since then, East Hoy Company has become the representative of the interests of the Kaman Empire in the New World. From the very beginning of the establishment of the company, it has been a tool for careerists!

In the early days of the establishment of the East Hoy Company, because the Empire’s shipping industry and shipping tools were developing very slowly, shipping from the Kaman Empire to Hoy Continental was very risky and the transportation was inconvenient, so even the East Hoy Company wanted to directly interfere. The rule of the local Hoi people, but it is impossible at all. It can only support the Hoi tribe by providing arms and medicine to let them kill each other. On the one hand, they have obtained huge economic benefits, and on the other hand, they have also aggravated the local area. The hatred between the Hoyzhin tribe prevented them from uniting. This laid a solid foundation for East Hoy to realize its ambitions

Eighty years ago, technological changes changed the destiny of the Hoy people. With the tremendous progress made in the research of the imperial steam engine power, all walks of life in the Kaman Empire were greatly affected. The shipping industry was the first to bear the brunt. After the technological transformation, the speed and stability of all shipping tools have been greatly improved, which directly led to a significant reduction in the shipping time from the Kaman Empire to the Hoy mainland, from one year to three months. And not only that, the stability and safety of ships have also been greatly improved, and ordinary storms on the vast ocean of storms are basically difficult to shake ships.

The shortening of the shipping time and the improvement of safety from the mainland of the empire to the mainland of Hoy undoubtedly caused more and more people to become more and more interested in exploring the continent of Hoy. The increasingly difficult social background also promoted the colonization of the Kaman Empire on the New World.

The East Hoy Company, which has accumulated countless wealth in the trade between Hoy Continent and the Kaman Empire, is the biggest beneficiary of this wave of colonization. They provide talents who have not been able to use their talents for various reasons. Favorable conditions allowed them to come to Hoyland and provide them with the platform of East Hoy Company. However, they showed their talents to their fullest. In less than ten years, the strength of East Hoy Company has been greatly increased. , East Hoy Company has changed from a merchant role in Hoy Continent to a Big Mac!

The East Hoy Company, which has gained tremendous growth in strength, began to show the Hoy people their long-hidden tusks. They are no longer satisfied to purchase raw materials from the local Hoy people, but directly start relying on their own weapons. Huge advantage, they started to conquer Hoy's footsteps

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