Count of Wizards

Chapter 260: Suddenly George

The next morning, Connor, who was neatly dressed, set off from the apartment. He was going to Sanchez Bank to find George to see if he could get a better solution from George. He had already decided, if there is nothing from George. Good news, Connor decided to go to Meazza Manor, where to sell some alchemy items he refined, and see if he can get two thousand gold pounds. In short, if there is no suitable and safe exchange With the golden pound channel, Connor would never take this risk.

"Hello sir, Manager George is not here today, please come back another day!" After arriving at the headquarters of Sanchez Bank, Connor directly found the front desk of the bank and asked her to inform herself. However, Connor was unexpected It was this graceful figure and nice face lady who respectfully said to him something that caught him off guard.

Hearing George's absence, Connor frowned slightly, and after hesitating, he continued to ask the front desk, "Will George be back to work tomorrow?"

The lady at the front desk showed a touch of embarrassment on her delicate face, and explained to Connor: "This sir, I'm just the front desk of the bank. I can't get the itinerary of Manager George!"

Came but didn’t see George Connor. Although he felt a little disappointed, he knew that the front desk was telling the truth. Connor nodded slightly, and then took out a ten-gold note from his wallet and handed it to this person. The lady at the front desk said, "My name is Connor Ferguson. I am a classmate of George at Green University. I want to find him if I have something to do. If he comes to work tomorrow, please inform me!"

The lady at the front desk looked at the ten gold pound note handed over by Connor, with a clear desire in her eyes, but in the end she shook her head and said respectfully: "Mr. Connor, if Manager George comes to work tomorrow, I We will inform you according to the bank's procedures, but please withdraw the money. According to bank regulations, bank employees are not allowed to accept tips from customers!"

Hearing that Sanchez Bank still had such a regulation, Connor was taken aback for a moment, but still put the money he handed out back into his wallet, whispered "I’m in trouble", and the lady at the front desk looked like autumn water. With beautiful eyes, he walked out of the Sanchez Bank headquarters.

Walking on the street with a cool breeze, Connor knew very well that if he wanted to, he could easily get the contact information of the lady at the front desk, and then he would spend a wonderful night tonight, but now Connor simply Without this interest, Desilio's time to come to Ruen, but day by day is getting closer, he needs to get the difference of two thousand gold pounds as soon as possible.

While Connor was thinking about how to solve the current small trouble, he returned to its apartment at No. 16 Rand Street in the east of Ruen. Connor was surprised to find that he saw it on Rand Street. A carriage he was very familiar with, it was George's carriage. As George's friend, Connor had ridden in that carriage many times, and he would never admit it was wrong.

Just when Connor discovered this situation and was a little surprised, a man in a gray trench coat and peaked cap stepped off the carriage and walked towards Connor.

Although the gray windbreaker on this man concealed his figure, and the extremely low-pressed peaked cap blocked his face, Connor could tell at a glance that he used to get along with each other day and night. At this time, this man approached him. The man, it was his friend George. Although Connor didn’t know why George dressed up to look for him, his reaction was very quick. He quietly opened the door with the key and walked into the apartment. In the middle, and then concealed the door.

Three minutes after Connor walked into the apartment, George opened the vacant door and walked into Connor's apartment.

Glancing at the exhaustion on George’s face, Connor and George hugged heavily, picked up a bottle of their favorite red wine Romano Conti placed on the dining table in the living room, smiled at George and said, “You kid Good fortune, my last bottle of Romano Conti"

Looking at the enthusiastic Connor and Romano Conti at the table, George, who has always been enthusiastic and cheerful, barely squeezed a smile on Connor and sat on the sofa.

Connor poured a glass of Kande for himself and George. After passing the wine to George, he sat on the sofa opposite George, shook his glass to sober up, and squinted his eyes and said to George: "What's the trouble? "

Connor is very clear about the way George came to find himself, and the way he is thinking about it now. Obviously, his visit this time was not just a gathering between came here. He must be discussing something with himself, and if he doesn't solve his problem, no matter how good the wine is, George is now chewing peony!

After hearing Connor's straight-up, George handed Connor to him the wine glass containing Kandi as if exasperated. The wine didn't wake up, he just raised his neck and drank all Kandi, which was as expensive as gold!

Drinking Kandi without sobering up is still very easy. George’s face instantly became blushing. With the drunkenness, George stared at Connor, panting and said to Connor: “Connor, you know the wizard ?"

Listening to George's question, Connor was shocked, his expression hesitated for a moment, and he didn't say anything but nodded heavily at George.

Seeing Connor nodding, George said to Connor with a wry smile: "Olson has a talent for wizards!"

Hearing these words, Connor suddenly realized that Olsen is the illegitimate son of George's father, Mr. Harvey, and Olson himself is not small in his ambitions. He wants to compete with George, the first-in-line heir, for what Mr. Harvey left. The family property of the Sanchez family. However, with the help of Connor last time, George did the calculations and successfully calculated Olsen, which made Olsen a big somersault. George’s father, the owner of the Sanchez family, Mr. Harvey, also used Olsen himself. It's banned.

But he didn't expect Olsen to have this good fortune, and he actually has a wizarding talent that is rare for thousands of people. After receiving this news, it is no wonder George is now so worried.

"Tell me more!" After thinking for a while, Connor said to George seriously:

George came to Connor like this today. The purpose is to find Connor to help him think of a solution. Faced with Connor’s inquiry, he naturally did not have the slightest reservation about the news he had received, and he told Connor all the information. !

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