Count of Wizards

Chapter 257: Crazy "Rhine Project"

According to the survey report conducted annually by the Ruen City Hall, nearly half of the industrial products processed by Ruen’s large and small factories are sold to the New World through the East Hoy Company’s channels, while the East Hoy Company mines various types of products in the New World. More than 80% of some products, such as ore and raw materials, were sold to all parts of the empire through Luen’s dealers.

Ruen can become the largest commercial center on the west coast of the empire and even the entire storm ocean coast. New World East Hoy Company has contributed a lot. On the contrary, East Hoy Company can have the power in the New World today, and it is absolutely necessary for Ruen’s support. This is why The important reason why Mr. Silio chose to land in Ruen is that the two sides are so close and interdependent that they absolutely need regular close interactions and visits to connect with each other.

According to Martinez’s butler’s letter, dozens of chambers of commerce, including the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce in Seville, and Ruen’s large chambers of commerce, are expected to land in Ruen on the third day of Desilio. The most luxurious empire meal in Ruen will be packaged together to hold a welcome banquet for De Silio's arrival!

The old butler of Martinez meant that, as the first heir of the Ferguson family, Connor should be the representative of the Ferguson family to visit the elder Mr. De Silio, according to the original words of the old butler of Martinez. , Is to strengthen the historical friendship between the two families, but in fact Connor also understands that he is going to give gifts to Uncle Desilio!

After all, the Ferguson family, which is now gradually desolate, apart from the income of a few shops, farms, and manors in Frosinone, the remaining source of income is the distribution company arranged by the Desilio within the scope of Frosino. The ore of Hoy Company, the Ferguson family can make a net profit of about four thousand gold pounds every year!

Looking at the imperial bank's cashier's note attached to the letter, Connor had a hint of surprise on his face. He still knew the economic situation of the Ferguson family very well. After one year of operation, he added the Empire to the hereditary aristocracy. The cost of throwing out the reward should be about eight thousand gold per year. Old Ferguson would cost three thousand gold a year if he didn't play big ordinary flowers!

The remaining uncles and uncles in his family also cost about three thousand gold pounds in total. As for the remaining two thousand gold pounds, they can’t save up, and one thousand five hundred of them will also be allocated to the little one in the family. There are two or three knights of cats and kittens, and the final five hundred gold list is also for the craftsmen and servants hired by the family. It is impossible to save money all year round.

Now the old butler of Martinez can give himself a thousand gold pounds, which he can use to please this Mr. De Silio. It is already very rare. The eighth achievement is to sell the family again. I don’t know where in the city of Frosinone. The shop came together.

Although the Ferguson family and the Ranieri family are related, the Ferguson family is now in decline and has long lost its former glory. After the Ranieri family has a character like Desilio, the benefits are distributed from East Hoy every year. There are so many, already rich and rich. Mr. De Silio, in the past, giving a piece of meat to the Ferguson family is already very interesting. Naturally, the Ferguson family also knows clearly that they want to retaliate, or else this past. There is no interest in the love, and sooner or later it will be exhausted.

Looking at the thousand gold pound check in his hand, Connor thought about it, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although a thousand gold pound is definitely not a small amount of money in the Kaman Empire, it can completely support a smaller city. One year of municipal expenses. Although Connor doesn’t know exactly what position Ethical Silio holds in East Hoy Company, as far as De Silio is able to represent the entire East Hoy Company’s high-level reports to the general meeting of shareholders, his position Uncle Desilio is definitely the boss of the East Hoy Company!

In terms of their status and financial resources and the size of the East Hoy Company in the New World, the one-thousand gold list is sent directly, and they may not be considered to be received! If you give something, there may seem to be a lot of gold list, but in fact, there are not many things you can buy!

With a wry smile and shook his head, Connor put the gold list in his wallet. Martinez’s butler’s letter didn’t say what Uncle Desilio liked. He had to inquire about what he liked. Money If it is not enough, he can only use his own money to pool together. After all, half of the Ferguson family's economic income is in one sentence. He must make this Uncle Desilio satisfied!

After reading the letter from Martinez, the old housekeeper, Connor’s eyes focused on the name East Hoy Company. As a member of the History Department of Green University, Connor, he still knows East Hoy Company very well. The origin of After Raul the Great created a new era of the Kaman Empire, he actively developed navigation and industry and commerce. In his fifth year in power, the Kaman Empire fleet found a new continent. The continent where the empire is located is a small new continent, and when this new continent was discovered, it already had a primitive civilization. The new continent was originally known as the Hoy people, so people called the new continent Hoy continent, which is similar to the Kaman Empire In comparison, the Hoi people's civilization is still relatively backward, and they still live in tribes.

The New World is rich in products, and it is because the Hoi people’s level of civilization is relatively low, so their pursuit of material is also very low. The vast majority of the minerals in the Hoi Continent are in an unexploited situation. The rich New World has been discovered, and more attention is paid to it. The Kaman Empire of industry and commerce is undoubtedly a carnival. For the Kaman Empire, which has just experienced Raul’s reform, the country’s strength is growing day by day. It makes people want to stop. After carefully examining the strength of the Hoy people, then the Minister of Military Affairs of the Kaman Empire Lineker immediately submitted a top-secret "Rhine Project" to Raul the Great.

According to the release of the ban by the Kaman Empire Archives ten years ago, the "Rhein Project" was definitely a crazy plan at that time. This plan carefully prepared by the then Secretary of State of the Army Lineker was basically a plan. Give up part of the sovereignty over disputed areas with the Kingdom of Persis and the Empire of Odin. At the cost of this, we reached a treaty of friendship with Odin and Persis, and then placed it on the border between the Kaman Empire and Persis and Odin. To defend against the Kingdom of Persis, the four most elite legions of the Odin Empire invaded a total of 150,000 people, and then proceeded to expedition to try to conquer the continent of Hoy.

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