Count of Wizards

Chapter 237: New spell

Connor took a deep look at Margaret. He once again realized the benefits of having a collaborator like Margaret. No wonder at that time, the arbiters of the Church of the Storm and the wizards of the Metropolitan Police Department almost swept their nests. He was sent out to search everywhere, it turns out that there is such a brother behind Baron Surrey.

Thinking of this, Connor couldn’t help but look at Marguerite. When he found gold bars in the Scarface Space Ring, although he realized that these gold bars may not come from a very good source, he really did not expect such a batch of gold bars to be unexpected. It's such a hot potato.

   Margaret held the batch of gold bars in her hand, believing that she would never make a move, otherwise once people know, she will most likely face the inquiry and anger of a second-level wizard!

Staring at Connor, Margaret didn’t say anything else, she just put the space ring into her pocket, then took out some materials from her space ring and handed it to Connor, saying, “It’s just what you want to repair you. I have all the materials for the staff except for the dark meteorite! I will look for the remaining dark meteorites. You can also go to the Moncheng Club or the auction of Meazza Manor to have a look. Yes No clue!"

Listening to Marguerite’s narration, Kang An’s face immediately showed a touch of joy. He really did not expect Marguerite to be so powerful. He found all the materials except for the dark meteorite, Castilla The damage to the staff is now a piece of Connor’s heart disease. Without the Staff of Castilla, his current strength can only be said to be a strong apprentice of the intermediate wizard. The strength of the senior wizard apprentice to challenge!

  Dark meteorite is not very precious, but it is very rare that the refining of enchanted items can use this thing. Margaret can't find it in a month. Conna thinks it is normal!

"Thank you!" Connor said to Margaret earnestly after receiving the materials handed over by Margaret. This thank you Connor is really sincere. Without Margaret, repair Castilla. Connor needed to find the materials for the staff one by one. Not to mention the trouble or trouble, but the risk is also very high, and it is very easy to be noticed by interested people.

Connor’s thanks gave Margaret a smile on her pretty face. She pondered for a while and said, “I’m already working on refining alchemy golem materials, but it will take about half a month. You can get it. After half a month, you go to the Imperial Department Store to find Leoni, Leoni will tell you where to put the things!"

Listening to Margaret’s words, Connor’s expression on the surface did not change, but in his heart he calculated it. Since he has worked with Margaret for so long, he has never delayed finding alchemy material Margaret. , This is the first time to postpone.

Although there were some doubts in his mind, Connor thought about it, although the materials he wanted for alchemy puppets were not precious, but an alchemy puppet itself needed more materials. He wanted to be on the safe side to prevent damage to the refining. For ten alchemy puppets, what he asked for was the materials for fifteen. With so many materials, Margaret has so many magical powers, it will take time to assemble it, and it shouldn't be a big problem for only half a month!

   Connor nodded at Marguerite, and signaled that she had no problem. Marguerite smiled as she came quietly, and also quietly left Connor's apartment.

   Sitting on the sofa pondering for a while, Connor looked down at the material Margaret had given him to repair Castilla's staff beside him.

The dark meteorite is mainly used to form the formation of the Castilla staff to condense the black warrior. Without this material and the scar face, during the fierce battle, the corpse exploded badly and damaged the Castia formation and The black warrior in the circle cannot recondense, but without such a thing, it will have no effect on the restoration of the defensive enchantment of the Staff of Castilla!

Thinking of this, Connor did not hesitate, and took the materials directly to his alchemy laboratory on the second floor of the apartment. The defensive demonized item on his body is only the protection of the black magic robe, which can not help but make Connor, who has always been cautious. Some worry.

Connor, who looked a little tired early in the morning, looked at the defensive barrier surrounding him, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face. The night of hard work finally got what he wanted, the defensive barrier of Castilla's staff. , Was finally repaired by him. In the next step, he only needs to get the Dark Meteorite, and then he can recondense the black warrior after repairing the castilla circle, so that the castilla staff will be completely repaired.

Coming out of the apartment, Conner enjoyed a delicious breakfast in the restaurant off the street, and bought a copy of yesterday’s Luen Evening News by the way. If he was allowed to choose between the Monchen Club and the Meazza Manor~www. Connor thinks he would choose the Moncheng Clubhouse. Although the Meazza Manor can provide more things than the Monarch Clubhouse, but I don’t know why. Connor’s instinct tells Connor, Meazza Manor It's very dangerous, intuition is very hanging, but the wizard's intuition is often very effective, so Connor chooses to trust his intuition, if not necessary, he will try not to go to the Meazza Manor.

   After some calculations, Connor threw the newspaper into the trash can. If he did not make a mistake, three days later, it will be the time of the Mon Hing Club.

   Back in the apartment, Connor opened the hidden magic circle in the apartment. When the circle was opened, no matter what movement made in the apartment, people outside would not notice it.

Sitting in the quiet room, Connor began to meditate seriously. The two-turned fierce battle with Scarface made Connor understand a truth. Although he is an alchemist, his primary identity is a wizard, demonized. Items in Qiang Qiang are always foreign objects, and he cannot tolerate that he will become mediocre without demonized items!

Focus on the secrets of the abyss and find power from his own meditations. Although Connor did not reduce the time of his practice in the past when he was obsessed with alchemy, Connor planned to shift the focus of his energy from alchemy to practice. Above, and the spell of undead entanglement is the answer that Connor is looking for in the abyss secret method.

Undead entanglement is a dark attribute spell recorded in the secret of the abyss. Undead entanglement is a very evil spell. It requires the person who casts the spell to kill himself, then detain the soul of the slain, and then make it become subject to the cast The person controls the undead who only knows to kill and destroy,

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