Count of Wizards

Chapter 238: High-priced rewards from the Munxing Club

Connor has always been very greedy about the power of this spell, but he has always been lingering about it. To practice this spell requires the caster to have extremely high mental power and willpower, otherwise, when casting the spell, Perhaps the undead had not attacked the other party before they had already been eaten away by the undead under their control. 35xs

As time went by, Connor, who was meditating in the quiet room, immediately formed a faint black mist on his body, and Connor’s calm facial features became a little ugly, as if he was enduring something. pain.

The black mist lasted around Connor for about a minute, and was gradually absorbed by Connor's body, but as the black mist was absorbed by Connor, the hideous color on Connor's face became more intense.

When the black mist was completely absorbed by Connor's body, the hideous color on Connor's face gradually disappeared. Ten minutes later, Connor slowly opened his eyes, and the practice ended. He felt the wet cold sweat on his body. , A wry smile appeared on his face.

Although it is only the most basic practice and has not yet reached the most critical point, the training process of the undead entanglement is indeed too torturous. According to Connor’s estimation, he probably needs a day or two. Only then can you pass this stage and practice the next step of the spell of undead entanglement.

Connor shook his head, his eyes flashed with a cruel look, he took out a bottle of medicine from the space ring and swallowed it into his abdomen. If the undead entangled him, his strength would definitely rise a lot, for this he What does it matter if you suffer a little pain now?

Three days later, with the previous experience here, Connor passed the inspection of the clubhouse very smoothly and came to the lobby on the third floor of the clubhouse. The principal of the clubhouse, Mr. Mustafa, still sat quietly. In the theme.

It may be because Connor came a little earlier. There were not many wizards in the hall who came to the party. Connor also chose a very remote corner as always. As the party time gradually ended, Connor I was surprised to find that the number of wizards who came to the hall to meet at this time had exceeded fifty, and there were a few people who Connor couldn’t see through. Taking Connor’s current cultivation base, he saw Ten most impenetrable people are senior wizard apprentices.

According to Connor’s previous experience of attending gatherings, the number of attendees at each gathering in the Munxing Club is generally about 30, and occasionally there are more than 40 people, but there has never been more than 50 people at a time. It seems that at this stage, the Munxing Club has accepted a lot of wizards, but I don’t know if the number of people has increased, the privacy has not declined?

While Connor was contemplating, the wall clock hanging in the hall rang again. When Mr. Mustafa, who was sitting on the main seat, heard the chimes, he lifted the door of the living room and slowly closed automatically. On it!

After closing the door, Mr. Mustafa did not signal that everyone could start exchanging what they were holding. Instead, he stood up from the main seat, and his eyes from behind the phoenix mask scanned the hall. Everyone said in a deep voice: "Before the party, I want to issue a reward!"

As soon as Mr. Mustafa finished speaking, on the wall facing the people in the hall, an old man with a beard appeared.

"You don't need to know who this person is. This person will appear in Luen in the near future. If anyone among you finds out this person's whereabouts, please come here and tell me. As for the bounty, this is it!" Mr. Mustafa, there was an extra quaint jade medal in his hand, which was shown to the people sitting to watch.

As soon as the jade card came out of the hall, more than a dozen of the more than fifty wizards stared at it, but the rest of the more people looked at the jade card and their eyes were filled with confusion. Obviously they didn’t know what the jade card was. what!

"Mr. Mustafa, can you tell me what the jade medal is in your hand?" Someone in the hall didn't know what the jade medal was, so he boldly asked Mr. Mustafa:

"If you know this thing, you will naturally understand what it is. I can only say that this thing is worth at least five thousand gold pounds. If you find this old guy’s whereabouts and tell me, if you don’t want this jade medal, You can ask me for five thousand gold pounds and buy what you want by yourself!" Mr. Mustafa said lightly:

Everyone in the hall was shocked by Mr. Mustafa’s great handwork. The official wizard is indeed an official wizard. Any one shot is five thousand gold pounds. This price can be exchanged for a good demonized item. Everyone in the hall also responded quickly. UU reading immediately followed the beard-faced old man's appearance on the wall.

"By the way, let me remind you that this guy is a senior wizard apprentice, you better be careful!" At the end, Mr. Mustafa reminded:

Seeing that everyone in the hall almost wrote down the appearance of the old man with a beard on the wall, Mr. Mustafa nodded slightly, the appearance of the old man with a beard on the wall suddenly disappeared, and the wall returned to its original appearance. Then Mr. Mustafa sat back on his main seat and waved to everyone in the hall, indicating that everyone could start a party and exchange!

"I have a thousand gold pounds, and I want a bottle of mana-gathering potion, is there any one for sale!" A tall, burly man who covered his face stood up and said angrily. His opening announced the door to the club this time. The party officially kicked off.

Sitting in the corner, Connor glanced at the brawny man, and then returned his energy to what he was thinking about. As an alchemist, he had seen so many classics given to him by his mentor Reyes. data. Connor felt that if he was not mistaken, Mr. Mustafa just took it out and said that the jade medal that was offered as a reward should not be unexpectedly a very famous magical item in the Byzantine Empire.

According to the records in the ancient books, in the Byzantine Empire, the life-giving card was a magical item that sorcerers were vying for. It can only be used once. After use, it will be completely shattered and can no longer be used. A one-time demonized item that could be sought after by so many wizards at the time, its ability was naturally very powerful, in fact, its role can be guessed from the word "substitute" in its name.

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