Count of Wizards

Chapter 236: Gold Bar Secret

   Feeling the admiration in Margaret's eyes, Connor's eyes flashed with pride, he patted his hands lightly, and a metal plate used for experimental magic magic items popped up on the floor in the hall.


   Glancing at the metal plate, Marguerite's beautiful eyes flickered, without any hesitation, the red cross sword in the slender jade's hand was swung continuously, and suddenly four or five crimson lights slashed on the metal plate.


   "Boom! Bang!"


   The Crimson Light Cut collided with the metal plate and made a few muffled noises. This metal plate specially refined by Connor immediately showed four or five deep metal cracks.


Seeing that the metal plate had not been completely shredded, Marguerite had a look of surprise in her eyes, but before she could speak, something more surprised her appeared on the metal plate, and it was in Marguerite. Under Lit’s gaze, the deep cracks that had been cut out on the metal plate were slowly closing.


   "What's this?" After a minute, watching the surface of the metal plate have returned to the original smoothness, without seeing the cracks cut by the cross sword in her hand, Margaret asked Connor meaningfully:


   smiled at Margaret, Connor clapped his hands again, and the magical metal plate returned to the floor of the hall.


   shook the "Kant" in the glass, Connor drank it and said to Margaret leisurely: "It's just a test product. It's just been practiced not long ago. Are you satisfied with how the cross sword is?"


Seeing Connor's reluctance to say more about the metal plate to perfuse herself, Margaret rolled his eyes and didn't ask herself to be bored. She raised the crimson cross sword in her hand and said in surprise: "Connor, I didn't expect you to really surprise me. I originally only expected you to change its appearance. I didn't expect you to change it so much that I could display its full power."


After Margaret finished speaking, Connor looked at her and smiled. The original cross sword was a typical demonized item used by refining wizards like Scarface. Such demonized items were like Margaret. Although ordinary wizards of the way of magic can also use it, they absolutely cannot exert the greatest power of this enchanted item. However, after Connor’s manipulation, this cross sword is not only a change in color, from silver It became crimson, and Connor added an energy attribute, allowing ordinary magic wizards to activate all the power of this enchanted item.


"By the way, this is for you!" After dealing with the problem of the cross sword, Connor took out a space ring from his pocket and placed it on the guest table between him and Margaret, and then gave it a hand. Pushed in front of Margaret.


"Look, this guy with Scarface is more wealthy than I thought! I have taken half of me, and half of you are in it!" Connor was serious about the space ring he handed out. Said:


Glancing at Connor, who looked serious, Margaret showed a smile on her beautiful face. She picked up the ring that Connor pushed in front of her, but didn't check it immediately, but put it in her hand and played with it. Only then did the mental power be probed into the space ring.


   After seeing the contents of the space ring a moment later, Margaret returned to her senses and muttered in a low voice: "It turns out that the things in the vault of the Baron Surrey were done by Scarface!"


Although Margaret's voice was very small, but the two were so close, Conner still heard one clearly. He was shocked and he saw the contents of the space ring. He immediately frowned and said in surprise. : "You mean the gold bars in the space ring were stolen from the Baron Surrey's vault half a year ago!"


   Facing Connor's exclaim, Margaret glanced at Connor coldly, and then a little unbelieving faintly said, "You know?"


There was a dumbfounding look on Connor's face. He didn't think that he had only wanted to keep his promise, but he unexpectedly sent a hot potato out. Fortunately, he didn't greedy and left the gold bars in the space ring. In your own hands, otherwise it would be serious trouble.


   "Are you sure this batch of gold bars is really the batch that Baron Surrey lost?" After calming down, Connor said to Margaret solemnly:


Seeing Connor even questioning herself, Margaret gave Connor a big glance and said with some dissatisfaction: "After the vault of the Baron Surrey was stolen six months ago, the wizards of the Metropolitan Police Department and our Storm Church The arbitrator, all mobilized to find out the gold bars. Although the gold bar marks in the space ring have been erased, the weight and appearance of these gold bars are all the same as the baron Surrey told the church that the gold bars were stolen. You Say if they are a batch!"


Listening to Margaret’s narrative, Connor fell into silence. If Margaret’s statement is true, then this batch of gold bars is the batch that was lost in the vault at Baron Surrey’s is also It's really a bit of trouble. Baron Surrey is not terrible, but this guy's brother Maurizio Sarri is very powerful. He is the admiral of the Imperial Navy and commandes the Imperial Navy Storm Ocean Fleet. These years Baron Surrey has leaned on him. His brother Maurizio’s relationship with his brother Maurizio is doing import and export trade. It can’t be described as an exaggeration. Even in Ruen, where the wealthy are everywhere, Baron Surrey can securely enter the position of the top five richest in Ruen. .


"Hey! No! I remember that the city was full of wind and rain. It is said that the vault in the house of Baron Surrey was looted, and at least 200,000 gold pounds of gold bars were lost! The gold bars of the Scarface Space Ring are worth no more than 15 thousand. !" As if thinking of something, Connor asked Margaret:


"Baron Sarri is actually the white gloves of his brother General Maurizio. The gold in those vaults is nominally Baron Sarri's but it is General Maurizio at all. The reason why General Maurizio was able to secure the imperial admiral In addition to the position of the commander of the Storm Ocean Fleet, in addition to his outstanding military service, another major reason is that General Maurizio is a second-level wizard. The vault of Baron Surrey is said to be a great alchemist who found the royal family by General Maurizio. It will take a long time for a formal wizard to break through it!"


"Scarface can't break through the gold inside the circle. So Scarface was just a small one in the vault theft. By the way, the vault of the Baron Surrey’s house lost it’s not worth two hundred thousand gold pounds. Gold bars, but gold pounds worth fifty!" Margaret hesitated and told Connor a paragraph about the gold bars mising!

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