Count of Wizards

Chapter 235: Be on time for appointment

The auxiliary chip was very punctual. A minute later, Connor’s mind sounded a cold female voice: "The task is completed. The chip did not find the name of the potion that can help Warcraft in the database, but the information obtained from the main instructor" I found such a record in the book "Albert Diary". I didn't expect that kind of medicine could help the Kuba snake to break through to the second-level monster. It's incredible!"

Hearing the first half of the auxiliary chip's narration, Connor's heart was suddenly cold for more than half of the time, but the half-turn in the second half of the incident did rekindle hope in Connor's heart.

"Chip, immediately transfer all the contents of that notebook to me!" Connor did not hesitate, and directly ordered the auxiliary chip.

"Di, follow the subject's will, the mission begins...The mission ends. "Albert Diary" has been transmitted to the subject's brain!" The cold female voice of the auxiliary chip said:

This so-called "Albert Diary" is not much, it only has more than one hundred pages. It took Connor over an hour to read it carefully. According to Connor's observation, this diary should It is crippled.

Ninety-nine percent of the content is about what a wizard named Albert saw and heard on the mainland more than a hundred years ago. According to the content inside, the wizard Albert, at that time His cultivation should look like a senior wizard apprentice. If he succeeded in breaking through from a senior wizard apprentice to a formal wizard, he should be alive with the long lifespan of a formal wizard in more than a hundred years, and maybe even break through to a higher level. surface.

As for the record in this diary that "I didn't expect that kind of medicine could help the Kuba snake to break through to the second-level monster, it is incredible", Connor also found the source, but Connor was disappointed by the survey. In the whole diary, there is only one sentence about the kind of record that can assist in the cultivation of monsters, and there is no narrative in the rest, nor does it mention what kind of medicine is.

Although it feels a pity, Connor still feels a glimmer of hope. Since this "Albert Diary" can be collected by Reyes, it shows that this diary is still very valuable, and the contents in it have a certain degree of credibility. And the time inside is only a hundred years away from now, not too far away. In addition, Connor also had some impression of the Kuba snake recorded in that sentence.

The Kuba snake is a relatively common snake that grows on the Odin Ice Sheet. The adult cultivation base is generally around the first level of the Warcraft. There are also a small number of Kuba snakes that can break through to the headset Warcraft. The term Kuba is in ancient Austria. The Ding language means "ice". In short, Kubashe is a kind of ice snake that grows on the Oding Ice Sheet, and the Odin Blood Tiger is also native to the Oding Ice Sheet, and both are at least on the original land. It's the same, the two are somewhat touched, maybe the medicine in the diary that can help the Kuba snake break through to the second-level beast, is also useful for the Odin Blood Tiger.

Although he doesn’t know what that kind of medicine is, Connor is still very happy. At least through this "Albert Diary" he knows that there are indeed medicines that can assist the training of Warcraft. This is enough. He is not a pharmacist. He also knows little about the content of the world, and he still needs to find a professional, his Varga, to determine the specifics.

Varga is in the private hospital of Dr. Gulsi. Connor’s mentor, Reyes, once warned Connor not to go to the hospital to find Varga. Connor can only wait for Varga to find him. Regarding herself, according to Varga’s past frequency of finding herself, the latest time she will come again will be one to two months at the latest. This time is not long for Connor, who has already gotten the little blood tiger. He can afford to wait, and he has work to accomplish now.

More than half a month has passed since the January appointment with Margaret. She commissioned Connor to change the appearance of the silver cross sword from Scarface. Connor has not started to do it yet. The little blood tiger thing, since It’s already this point, and it’s useless to worry about it. Connor intends to shift his attention from the little blood tiger to changing the appearance of the silver cross sword. Since he agreed to it, he must keep the contract. Take the matter to someone!



Half a month later, late one night, Connor sat lazily on the sofa in the lobby of his apartment, slowly shaking the expensive "Romano Conti" in the cup in his hand.

When Connor awakened "Romano Conti" just right, a scent of fragrant breeze hit him, Marguerite in a purple robe, as always, sat on the sofa opposite Connor, and she came to make peace. Connor's January appointment!

Slowly took a sip of the "Kantai" Connor in the cup while enjoying the silky and mellowness of "Kantai" with his eyes While brushing the space ring with the palm of his hand, I found a crimson red inside The colored cross sword was thrown to Margaret, who was sitting across from him!

"Try it and see if it's what you want!" Connor opened his eyes and said faintly. Although his tone was dull, the expression on his face was a little proud, and he finished dealing with the little blood tiger. He intended to use the remaining time to complete the commission Margaret gave him to change the appearance of the silver cross sword, and to study the production method of the alchemy puppet for mining.

But the idea was good, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Connor never expected that he was fascinated by the silver cross sword in this research, and the rest of the time was spent completing Margaret's Entrusted, there is no time to study the alchemy puppets, but as the so-called slow work and meticulous work, Connor has only completed such a thing in such a long time. Connor dare not say anything else, but he is sure of his own work. Margaret will definitely be very satisfied.

Silver Cross Sword, no! At this time it should be called the Red Cross Sword. As soon as Margaret started with it, a touch of surprise appeared on her beautiful face, and she couldn't help but raised her head and looked at sitting on the sofa with questioning eyes. Connor at ease.

Seeing Margaret realized the extraordinaryness of the cross sword after her modification, Connor smiled and nodded at her, motioning her to continue using it.

Encouraged by Connor, Margaret no longer had any worries, she was very decisive and injected her own energy into the crimson cross sword in her hand. The crimson light immediately appeared on the crimson cross sword, looking at the sword. With the crimson light, Marguerite's eyes were full of admiration.

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