Count of Wizards

Chapter 230: Varga's frankness!

   "Let's go home!" Connor pretended not to see Varga's cover, smiled and preached to Varga:


   Regarding Connor's proposal, Varga would naturally not choose to refuse, and dropped a gold pound on the table. Connor called the waiter to check out, and took Varga's little hand and left the bar without looking back.


However, unlike Connor’s guess, when Connor and Varga were about to leave, the long-haired young man who secretly spied on them did not follow them but immediately turned his attention to Varga, Connor. The terrifying mental power even observed that after this guy saw Varga's weak and boneless hand, his two hands were tightly held together. Although his handsome face tried to hide it, Connor could also see it. The look of resentment on his face!


Back in the apartment, Varga took the initiative to jump into Connor’s arms, raised his head and said seriously: "Connor, I want to tell you one thing, there is a guy in the Gulsey Hospital who wants to chase me, but You have to believe me, I never thought about him!"


"I understand, I understand, my Varga is so beautiful, someone likes normal things, you can rest assured, I absolutely believe in you!" Connor smiled and calmed Varga on the surface, but deep down, With a deep mind, he was already secretly conspiring.


Judging from the state where Varga saw the long-haired young man and the expression on the long-haired young man looking at Varga, Connor felt it was not difficult to guess. Varga confessed to him this time and understood this. Connor breathed a sigh of relief. Varga is so beautiful, coupled with his identity as a genius pharmacist, and it’s normal for men to like it. The appearance of rivals is better than Celta and the Benfica Secret Order. Two enemies.


   Seeing that Connor didn’t mind very much, Varga sighed in secret, and then she hesitated and said to Connor, “Connor, I’m going back to the hospital now.”


   "Be careful!" Caressing Varga's hair, Connor smiled and said, but in the depths of Connor's eyes that Varga couldn't see, there was a bit of coldness. When he didn't see the long-haired young man in the bar, Varga didn't have the posture of going back to the hospital at all. He must have a lot to do with him if he wants to leave now.


After a sweet goodbye to Connor, Varga wearing the Eusebio mask left Connor’s apartment and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby of the apartment. Connor squinted his eyes and watched Varga's departure. The figure, the mind is full of thoughts, Varga is such a beautiful genius pharmacist, it is a normal thing to have a suitor, Connor has no surprises about this, but he is not surprised by this, it does not mean that Connor can By acquiescing to this matter, Connor felt that this kind of matter must be within his control. He must know the details of this long-haired young man.


However, judging from the envious expression of this person when he saw that he and Varga were holding hands and leaving, ninety-nine percent of this person was unrequited love. This way, Connor felt that he could take a moment to relax and not have to deal with this in such a hurry. The long-haired young man, the top priority now before Connor's eyes is to erase the spiritual imprint from the Scarface Space Ring, and then go to Osasuna City to find where the Scarface is hidden!


I took the Spatial Ring of Scarface from his arms and played in the palm of his hand. No matter how strong he was, he was still an apprentice of intermediate wizards. Even if Scarface was weak, he was still an apprentice of senior wizards. There was a gap in the realm of cultivation, Connor. If you forcefully choose to violently erase the spiritual imprint of the scar face on the space ring, let’s not say whether it will succeed, but the auxiliary chip analysis will have a 79% probability that it will cause permanent damage to the space ring. Connor gave up this plan, after all, Connor also planned to use this space ring to open the scar face hidden in Osasuna's circle!


The water mill time slowly consumes the spiritual imprint on the space ring. Although this method will not cause any damage to the space ring itself and is not difficult, it is a test of the wizard’s patience and requires continuous consumption of it. With a slight slackness, Connor has been concentrating on relaxing with Varga these days, but has not made any progress in the consumption of the scar face spiritual imprint in the space ring!


   Now that Varga has left, Connor can start to consume this spiritual brand all by himself.


Two days later, in Connor’s alchemy studio on the second floor of the apartment, although his expression looked tired, Connor looked at the space ring in his hand with joy. He spent a full two days and two nights. , Finally exhausted the spiritual imprint of the scar face in this spatial ring.


   Take a deep breath, Connor calmed down the excitement in his heart, opened the space ring with a thought, and felt the huge wealth in the space ring with mental power. Based on the qualitative nature of Connor, he could not help but be surprised that his mouth opened slightly!


In the space of about five square meters in the space Connor’s first sight is the gold bars, the gold bars piled up into hills. According to the quantity of these bars, according to the current market price, Connor thinks They are worth at least fifteen thousand gold pounds!


A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Connor shifted his gaze to the rest of the space ring. On the other side of the space ring, there were a lot of potions, in the form of a dozen bottles. These potions are some healing treatments, and The potions used to help senior wizard apprentices practice, just glance at these potions, and Connor no longer looks at them. With Varga, a genius in pharmacy, like these ordinary potions, Connor can’t appreciate it. !


   After seeing the gold bars and potions, Connor scanned the space ring and focused his gaze on the center of the space ring. There were some strange shapes piled up at random, various alchemy materials and some magic stones.


  Excluding those magic stones, Connor's spirit swept through the alchemy materials one by one, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his mouth kept muttering: "Fire meteorite, sphincterite, Lozano iron spirit"


It took a long time for Connor to count the alchemy materials randomly placed in the Scarface Space Ring. After finishing these, the smile on Connor's face became very bright. He really did not expect the scarface. The guy has stored so many alchemy materials, and from the current point of view, the amount of alchemy materials he has stored in Scarface is not only large in quantity, but also of good quality. Many of these materials can be used by Connor to repair cards. Staff of Stia!

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