Count of Wizards

Chapter 229: sweet

Connor’s plan is pretty good. To deal with the spiritual imprints in the scar face space ring, Connor did not directly erase this extremely risky method. Instead, he took a prudent way, and the water milling effort was slowly consumed. The spiritual imprint in the Scarface Space Ring, things went very smoothly, but what Connor never expected was that on the fourth day he returned to Luen, a person moved into his apartment alone!


On a stormy night, when Connor drank his Romano Conti red wine boredly, and was about to consume the spiritual imprint of the Scarface Space Ring overnight, Varga's petite voice and shadow broke into his apartment. As the so-called long-term goodbye wins the newlyweds, Connor's surprise is naturally to temporarily leave the period of spiritual imprinting behind him, and it is indescribable overnight with Varga.


When Connor was reminiscing about last night’s madness the next morning, Varga was already like a docile little wife, and brought breakfast to Connor, although with Connor’s current intermediate wizard apprenticeship, he didn’t need to eat and absorb. Energy can survive in the world, but how can a beauty's heart fail? After having breakfast with Varga, Connor asked with some curiosity, Varga, who was leaning against his arms: "Did Guersey give you a holiday? How can you come out and stay with me for the night?"


Varga spends the night in the apartment with herself. While Connor feels "happy", she also has a lot of curiosity in her heart. You must know that since Varga joined the secret society and studied pharmacy at Gulsi Hospital, although she has been Come out to accompany him, but except for the few days in the safe house, Varga has never matched him for the night before this time. The two people simply get together and stay together for a while, and Varga will rush back.


   "You want to drive me away so soon" Hearing Connor's question, Varga's dissatisfied little mouth leaning on Connor's chest pursed slightly:


   "Why? You are here every day, I'm happy!" Seeing Varga acting like a baby girl, Connor felt a warm flow in his heart and quickly coaxed the beautiful woman in his arms.


   "Huh!" Varga snorted, squeezing the powder fist and tapping Connor's solid chest gently.


   Seeing that Varga is so cute, Connor can't bear it anymore, the big mouth is decisively printed on Varga's red lips


"Teacher Gulsi was sent out by the organization, and it took about a week to get back to Luen. Before leaving, he left me some materials for me to study on my own, but I had already learned all those materials in one day, and then people thought You are here, so I came to look for you!" Varga, who was a little messy, turned red, and said that when he finally thought about Connor, Varga looked very shy.


Feeling the affection in Varga’s words, while Connor’s sweetness in his heart, he is naturally very fortunate that he is very first to see, and left himself a full three weeks of ample time. Hearing Varga’s words seems to have to accompany him for a few days. Meaning, I can still live a relaxed two-person world with Varga. The fight and the search for the magic stone mine during this period of time really made Connor feel a little tired, and there were some minor injuries on his body. It was just by being with Varga to recover in the past few days.


In the next time, Connor will temporarily retreat the matter of consuming the remaining spiritual imprint in the scar face ring. Anyway, the remaining spiritual imprint is not important anyway, as long as Connor is willing to spend a day or two at any time. You can remove them completely, and then you can open the scar face space ring in your hand, so Connor, who is not in a hurry, leaves all the time to Varga. He and Varga are like ordinary couples in love. Like a couple, play around in Ruen, the prosperous jewel of the west coast of the Kaman Empire.


"In the bars around the school, I like this one the most!" Sitting in a shop called Jessica's Restaurant near Green University, listening to the melodious piano song "To Jessie" played by the bar’s very gentle pianist. "Ka", Varga took a sip of the lemon juice in her glass, and said with great enjoyment:


Connor naturally smiled and nodded in response to Varga’s emotions, but in his heart he cursed a **** dog ​​at the elder Raul, who he thought was a transversalist, and now the so-called greatness is flying in the bar. "To Jessica" personally composed by Raul the Great is the basic piano music "To Alice" on earth.


   Emperor Raul is really not authentic, he has played everything, how can a latecomer like himself pretend to be happily*?


The Jessica’s wine shop selected by Varga should be regarded as a clean bar based on the calculations on the earth. The customers in the relatively quiet bar are basically not drunk and drunk. Generally speaking, they talk to their relatives and friends. This kind. It is in sharp contrast with most of the hot bars around Green University that are full of **** name of Jessica’s restaurant is not for Connor, who has studied at Green University for two years. Strange but it’s the first time he’s here. The bars he went to before were all the ones he went to with George




   Just when Connor wanted to say something to Varga, he suddenly discovered that in a hidden corner of Justin, a long-haired young man was looking at him from time to time in a hidden corner.


After noticing this, Connor suddenly became alert, and his eyes narrowed subconsciously. It stands to reason that Avilova and Scarface were deliberately hiding their whereabouts without telling anyone to come here. The Benfica Secret Order should not investigate. To yourself, is this person a Celta?


When Connor was thinking about who this guy was peeping secretly, and whether he wanted to catch this guy alive, Connor was surprised to find that Varga, who was sitting next to him, seemed to have also spotted the long-haired young man who was peeping secretly. , This point made Connor feel a bit of surprise. The long-haired young man moved very concealed. The reason why Connor discovered his actions was also because of his super inspiration as a spiritual wizard.


   Instead of a spiritual wizard, Varga, what did he find that person relied on? What surprised Connor even more was that although Varga tried his best to hide his facial expressions, Connor could still faintly find a clue. Varga seemed to know this long-haired young man. Varga looked at the appearance of this man. Zhong seems to carry a trace of anger and anxiety!

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