Count of Wizards

Chapter 231: How to keep promises!

In the space ring of Scarface, after discovering so many things like gold bars, potions, and alchemy materials, Connor was a little surprised to find that he searched the entire space ring but did not find any enchanted items or exercise books in it. , There is also an ice coffin with Avilova’s body...

Thinking of the woman in Avilova, Connor couldn’t help but sigh. This woman said she was stupid, she was not stupid, she could fool herself and get out of her control secretly, but if she was smart , She was also not smart, she broke away from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den, and she took the initiative to find the scar face, and finally fell to the end of a furnace that had been wiped out of her soul and her body was used for cultivation and enjoyment.

Shaking his head, Connor left behind everything about Avelova in his mind, and turned his attention back to his eyes. The two-turned fierce battle with Scarface made Connor really see the body refining wizard. Great, in his castilla formation, the black warrior that Scarface hit with only his body is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

As a spiritual wizard, Connor, who possesses the upper limit of the spiritual power of the intermediate wizard apprenticeship, is naturally more powerful than ordinary wizards of the same level. However, even though Connor has practiced the ancestral knight breathing method of the Ferguson family, his physical fitness is infinitely close to Great knight, but the flesh body has always been a big shortcoming of Connor, so after killing Scarface, Connor hopes to find a solution to increase the strength of the flesh from Scarface!

Now I haven't found what I want from the Scarface Space Ring. Invisibly, Connor is also looking forward to his Osasuna and his party, hiding those inconvenient things in Scarface!

After counting the Scarface's space ring, Connor has to face another trouble. He promised Margaret to give her half of the harvest from the Scarface Space Ring. For the last time she faced desperation, Marguerite Taking the risk of mana backlash, Connor remembers this kind of grace to help himself through the difficulties. Although the value of wealth in the space ring is very high now, the temptation to swallow it alone is great, but Connor does not intend to lose his words and get fat. , Violated my promise to Margaret!

Stick to the promise and stick to the promise, but when he gave Margaret the first promise, Connor actually thought of the situation at this time, so his promise to Margaret was to give her half of the harvest of the space ring, but Connor did not promise how to define this half of the harvest. Now that the space ring is in the hands of Connor, the right to define is naturally owned by Connor. For Margaret this half, there is nothing, it is naturally complete. Connor alone has the final say!

Thinking that Connor was in a better mood here, he directly fixed his gaze on the potions and piles of gold bars in the space ring.

Owning Varga, these potions in the Scarface Space Ring are completely tasteless to Connor. Connor did not hesitate to put these potions into the category of Margaret. For those gold bars, Connor thought about giving it to Margaret. After all, as an alchemist, Connor planned to take all the alchemy materials in the Scarface Space Ring as his own. Firstly, the value of potions plus gold bars is probably equivalent to the value of those alchemical materials!

Of course, in addition to this, Connor reluctantly gave up these gold bars. It is not without reason. Although the marks on these gold bars have been rubbed off, it is obvious that the original owner of so many gold bars is not a simple character. Nowadays, most of the gold bars on the market are not used for circulation, and money is used to buy things. If you want to spend so many gold bars, you must first turn them into gold pound banknotes.

It is by no means an easy task to turn so many gold bars into banknotes that are easy to circulate. You must have channels in this area, otherwise the gang of Metropolitan Police Department will definitely notice how inefficient the guys are. Yours, Connor doesn’t have this kind of channel in his hands, but he found this kind of channel. He estimated that these gold bars worth at least 15,000 gold pounds after deducting the handling fee, return to his hands to have 10,000 gold pounds. That’s not bad, so instead of Connor like this, it’s better to transfer all these tricky things to Margaret. In this way, Connor will kill two birds with one stone, not only fulfilling his promise to Margaret, but also dealing with it. Lost such a trouble.

Having calculated the share of his and Margaret’s, Connor simply tidied up and was ready to embark on the road to Osasuna, although it is still a long time before his one-month appointment with Margaret Abundant, but Connor has a lot of things on his hands now. If everything goes well, after returning from Connor will solve the problem of the appearance of the silver cross sword for Margaret, and at the same time. Studying the refining method of alchemy puppets and how to repair the staff of Castilla is definitely a time-critical task!

Unlike when he went to Tunguska to find the Magic Stone Mine, when he came to Osasuna this time, Connor knew where Scarface was hiding things. He didn't hesitate to get from the train station in Osasuna. After coming down, Connor headed to that location decisively.

In the evening Connor walked into a deserted forest in the suburbs of Osasuna. He looked around and nodded secretly. If he was not mistaken, the memory fragments he captured in the Scarface Shenhai showed that Scarface was hiding things in Osasuna here!

Connor's thoughts moved, and his mental power suddenly spread around him silently. Connor squinted his eyes and checked the space under his mental power for a while. Connor A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The palm of his hand stroked the space ring he wore on his hand, and Connor suddenly had three more French flags in his hand. Then Connor inserted the French flags in an inverted triangle shape on the ground, and then he solemnly struck out a magical decision. The three-stroke flag suddenly showed a faint light.

Although Connor was lucky enough to capture the memory fragments from the sea of ​​Scarface, he knew that Scarface had hidden things here, and he knew that the space ring of Scarface was the key to opening this place, but the fragments of memory After all, it is still a fragment, not a complete memory of Scarface. How to open the circle Connor does not know, but fortunately, Connor is an alchemist, and he studied "Reyes Alchemy". In the book, there are extremely detailed records on the arrangement of the magic circle, how to construct it, and so on!

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