Count of Wizards

Chapter 224: Living corpse

It seems that Connor is also present in the circle. The next moment Scarface’s eyes flashed, the whole body was shocked, and the skyrocketed a lot. The cross sword in his hand was continuously swung, four or five silver light cuts. It was to cut Connor's black warrior together with the shadow chain they were covering to pieces!

Connor's face suddenly violent, it was not unpredictable that Connor suddenly thought that two black warriors stood in front of him. In the next second, the two black warriors were cut into pieces by the silver light. A few pieces turned into smoke and disappeared into the Castilla circle.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect your Excellency to use this kind of trick, but it's a pity that the success has failed!" Connor, who used two black warriors as a flesh shield for himself, has long since hid in another place in the circle. In the position, while mocking Scarface aloud, he signaled Marguerite to make a move!

"Haha..." Faced with Connor's mockery, Scarface didn't talk too much nonsense this time, and only responded to Connor with a sneer.

His eyes glanced around the circle, Scarface did not find the place where Connor was hidden in the circle, but he simply used a single force to drop ten guilds, driving the cross sword in his hand to continuously cut out the silver light cut. , Cut to the barriers around the circle.

Connor, who was hiding in the circle, felt the circle that was swayed by the scar face attack, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart. According to his and Margaret's previous plan, he has basically completed the early stage. The task of consuming Scarface and delaying time to prepare Margaret's ultimate move, all the following will mainly be completed by Margaret. Connor only needs to sweep Margaret from the side to prevent Scarface from escaping. That's it.

But now seeing the movement of Scarface, Connor has a question in his heart. Scarface, who fought fiercely with them, will not understand his routine with Margaret. He should be very clear and is about to use it. Margaret with the ultimate move is waiting for him. Although Scarface has just hidden strength and wants to yin herself, judging from his current strength, the magic stone bomb still leaves him very serious. Connor doesn’t think he is now Margaret’s opponent who is ready for a big move.

Scarface doesn't know what Connor knows, and he insists on breaking out of the formation now, is he panicking, or does he have something to do?

Just when Connor hesitated, Scarface had already burst out of the formation, and outside the circle, Margaret, who had performed blood witchcraft like last time, was waiting for him. As soon as he appeared, countless blood mist burrowed towards him.

Ignoring Scarface and Margaret’s battle group, Connor put away the Castilla circle and focused all his attention on the entrance of the mine. Connor suddenly remembered one thing, what happened today. Scarface was not unprepared. Before the magic stone bomb exploded, the ten slaves driven by the Scarface Picture Poor Dagger were obviously somewhat famous, but only Scarface came out in the tunnel just now. His None of the ten slaves showed up!

In Margaret’s blood mist, Scarface, who couldn’t know what Connor was doing, felt the corrosion of the blood mist on his body. A strange smile appeared on his face. He took a deep breath, as if Summoning something like that, looking up to the sky let out a strange long howl!

With the emergence of this long howl, Connor, whose mental power was exploring the mine, immediately discovered the depths of the mine tunnel. Five humanoid monsters with blood red eyes were pouring into the mouth of the mine at a very fast speed. Therefore, humanoid monsters are used to describe them because although they have a form similar to humans, they have a pair of fangs, their hands and feet have sharp nails, and their speed is so fast.

"Living corpse!" Connor said with a very ugly face. He really did not expect that Scarface would instigate such a thing. Fortunately, from his mental observation, the ten lives that Scarface prepared Only five corpses should have been bombed by their own magic stone bombs, and the remaining five living corpses seemed to have been bombed and suffered a lot of injuries.

"Margaret, you concentrate on dealing with this scarred face, leave these living corpses to me!" Before the five living corpses rushed in front of them, Connor yelled at Margaret and said that he would try his best to use the blood fog. Margaret from the world gave me a reassurance!


These living corpses driven by the scar face were very fast, and they rushed out of the mine with just a few breaths. However, as soon as they appeared, they were trapped in the castilla formation by Connor, who was ready to go. Among.


The ten black warriors in the circle immediately fought with these five living corpses. Although they occupy a number of advantages, the fighting power of the living corpses is obviously higher than that of the black warriors, and they have the upper hand with one enemy and two!

Standing outside the magic Connor frowned slightly, and felt a little tricky. He originally thought that the ten slaves driven by the scar face used some magic like possession Yes, I really didn't expect them to be living corpses!

What is a living corpse?

The living corpse is a very weird and cruel creature. Its refining methods are extremely complicated and cruel. A variety of materials are implanted into it.

Connor knew that a method of refining living corpses was to use the flesh and blood of living humans as a culture medium. Gu worms cultivated in their bodies. In short, the living corpses refined in this way had no feelings and no pain. They will be like a machine, driven by humans, fighting at the last moment, and because they have no soul, the influence of the spiritual spells of the spiritual wizards like Connor on them is minimal.

Judging from the performance of fighting the black warriors in the circle, the living corpses brought by the scar face are obviously not ordinary goods. Not only are the flesh strong, but the suppression of them in the circle is minimal, if it is not black in the circle. The number of samurai is dominant, and Connor's blessing can be quickly resurrected and condensed after being killed. These living corpses are to kill the black samurai!

"Where did he find these monsters!" Connor thought bitterly while standing outside the circle. In the blood fog beside him, he could clearly hear the sound of battles coming from inside. , Obviously Marguerite is fighting with Scarface. Judging from the current momentum, Margaret may have the upper hand, but in general, she and Scarface are still in a stalemate, Marguerite. Lite needs to quickly get rid of these living corpses by herself, and get rid of Scarface with her!

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