Count of Wizards

Chapter 223: Beat the dog

"Boom boom boom boom...!"

As Connor triggered the magic stone bomb in the depths of the mine, a deafening roar erupted in the depths of the mine. Connor was not panicked when he saw this. He smiled and sang a few words in a low voice. The array immediately hid the sound of the explosion.

For today’s fight, Connor can be said to be very prepared. Just getting rid of the scar face is the teleport spell he set on the circle. As for now, Connor has already arrived, in order not to attract people. , He deliberately set up a sound-silencing barrier on this hidden magic circle. As long as he does not die today, this hidden magic circle will be turned upside down, and people outside will not find a trace.

While Connor was operating the magic circle, Margaret had already prepared her own spells as planned by her and Connor. They planned to be the same this time as last time, and Connor was in charge. Containing the consumption of Scarface, Marguerite took the opportunity to prepare for a big move.

The miracle did not happen until Connor was allowed to wait for too long. Connor’s divine consciousness felt a very weak breath in the mine’s tunnel, and Connor’s face flashed across. A trace of regret, if his magic stone bomb could directly blow Scarface to death in the tunnel.········

Regrettably, Connor thought of his two second-level enchanted items, the Staff of Castilla and the Silver Pendant, suddenly appeared in her hands.

"I'm going to kill you...!" Before the person appeared in Connor's field of vision, the spiteful cry of Scarface reached Connor's ears.

Hearing this murderous cry, Connor didn't have any fear. Instead, a mocking smile appeared on his face. He didn't say a word, but just kept watching the scarface figure slowly walking in the tunnel.

The scar face at this time has long since disappeared from the arrogance of clamoring to send Connor and Margaret to death a few minutes ago. He looks abnormally embarrassed now, and his whole body is bloodied by the magic stone bomb. The tyrannical aura belonging to the senior wizard apprentice is also very weak now, even one hand is already scorched, I don't know if it is broken!

In a word, the current Scarface is severely injured by Kang Nayin, which is a great opportunity to beat the dog in the water!

Connor did not talk nonsense with Scarface, it was the full increase of the silver light pendant that released three mental shocks to Scarface in a row. If Scarface was in its heyday, these three mental shocks, of course, could not help him. , But at this time Scarface is only 50% or 60% of his strength left. Although he tried very hard to overcome the influence of Connor's mental shock, it is very regrettable that he was still caused by the mental shock. It is dizzy and dizzy, with a splitting headache!

Seeing that the mental shock had an effect, Connor didn't hesitate at all. He just slapped the castilla staff in his hand. The next moment the scar face was located, the castilla array appeared on the ground. By the time he reacted, the Staff of Castilla was already formed, and he was already trapped in the circle.

Knowing that Castilla’s powerful scar face saw that he was already trapped in the circle at this time, he did not dare to be careless, cast a spell to form an enchantment around him, reducing the magic circle’s mana on him. With the suppression of spiritual power, as soon as his enchantment was set up, the ten black warriors in Castilla's circle were driven by Connor, and they fought without fear of death.

A look of resentment appeared in Scarface’s eyes, and his biggest reliance on the silver cross sword appeared in his hand immediately. The cross swords were slashed down in succession. The three black warriors disappeared from the cut, but the next seven others The black warriors just surrounded them, some of the black knives in their hands slashed towards the waist of Scarface, some cut their heads, some cut their throats...

"Bang bang bang...!"

The cross sword was pulled out of a sword flower in the hands of Scarface, blocking all the remaining seven black samurai knives...

Standing outside the circle, Connor’s mental power closely felt the battle between the black warrior and Scarface in the circle. Although facing the black warrior in the circle, Scarface still had the absolute upper hand, and the black warrior was fundamentally superior. It can't help him, but Scarface has no longer the first fierce battle. Dealing with the black warrior is like chopping melons and vegetables. The black warrior is now at a disadvantage, but Connor feels that he is continuing in the castilla circle. Under the consumption, Scarface couldn't hold on for long!

This situation gave Connor an unreal feeling. He frowned slightly. After he had expected Scarface to be shamed by himself, he would definitely be injured, but it would never be as weak as it is now. Continue to develop Trapped in the castilla circle, Scarface can clean it up by himself, without Margaret's help at all!

After hesitating, Connor solemnly said to Margaret, who was silently preparing for a big move beside him: "Be careful, this scarface seems to be tricking us again!"

Hearing Connor's reminder, Margaret, who was preparing for the ultimate move, responded softly to show that she had heard it.

Seeing that Marguerite was already prepared, Connor held the staff and walked directly into the circle of Castilla. No matter what tricks the Scarface played with, he would respond unchanged. Change, kill him here!

Connor who walked into the circle, under the spiritual power increase of the silver light pendant, increased the suppression of the scar face by the circle to the maximum, and then he hid himself in the blue mist in the circle. The black warriors who drove the regrouping continued to rush forward and fight with Scarface, waiting for Scarface to reveal a deadly space.

Being in the Scarface of Castilla’s circle, although supported by enchantments, it opposes the suppression of his mana and mental power by the circle, but this can’t change the fact that he was seriously injured. As Connor’s suppression increases When it reached the maximum, the barrier of Scarface became more and more unstable, and the chase of the black warriors seemed to start to become a bit difficult.

Seeing these situations in his eyes, Connor’s eyes in the mist became more and more doubtful. After thinking about it for a while, Connor decided to test it first to see if the scar face was really hurt to this point, or Playing tricks with him.

Connor drove the black warrior to continue to move forward to cover up and kill, and his talented spell shadow chain was condensed again in both hands. Connor's thoughts moved, and the shadow chain suddenly pointed at the knife silently and silently under the cover of the black warrior. Scarface's scorched hand shot past!

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