Count of Wizards

Chapter 225: Living Corpse (2)

At this time, the situation of Scarface in the blood mist was deteriorating, and his ferocious eyes also showed an anxious look.

In the cold and cruel wizarding world, Scarface can walk step by step to the position of senior wizard apprentice. Obviously he is not a fool, on the contrary, Scarface is a very, very shrewd and cunning wizard.

From the moment he was severely injured by the magic stone bomb, although Scarface said that Connor and Margaret were to die, he actually knew the difference in offensive and defensive situations, and he had the best fate today. Just stay alive without paying too much and leave from here!

Originally, in order to successfully kill Margaret and Connor after discovering the magic stone mine today, Scarface deliberately spent a great price to carefully prepare these ten living corpses, but what made him sigh was that these originals The living corpse used to kill, now he can only use it to escape.

What Scarface is doing now is for the purpose of escape! His plan was originally good. He attracted Connor and Margaret's attention, and then his corpses attacked, and then he took advantage of the chaos to escape. The plan was very good, but the reality was very skinny. He never expected that his plan had been seen by Connor. Connor trapped the living corpse in his castilla circle ahead of time, and Scarface himself is still waiting for the living corpse. The emergence of.

The blood witchcraft used by Margaret, Scarface once suffered a lot of dark losses in his heyday. Now he is seriously injured, and naturally he can't hold it anymore. Now Scarface Every second he persisted in the blood mist, he felt that the blood in his body was more out of his control.

While Connor was thinking hard about how to quickly get rid of the living corpse trapped in the castilla circle, Scarface trapped in the blood mist finally lost all patience. He gritted his teeth fiercely and chanted a spell in a low voice!

Seeing Scarface chanting a spell, Margaret, who used the blood mist, immediately felt tight. Although the blood mist she is currently using is powerful and weird, it is also very restrictive based on her current cultivation level. Yes, not only does it need to be prepared for a period of time without being disturbed, but also because of the limited cultivation base, she can't use the blood fog for long. Connor can't quickly solve the work trapped in the circle. The corpse, she could only gritted her teeth, desperately continuing to cast the blood mist to trap Scarface in it.

Scarface is still a senior wizard apprentice. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the centipede is dead but not stiff. If she tries her best to use some life-saving methods, Margaret finds herself very hard to eat!

Margaret’s worries were superfluous. After Scarface chanted the spell, there was no change in the blood mist. Unlike Margaret’s surprise, Connor was immediately surprised to find that he was The five living corpses trapped in the circle of Castilla immediately became extremely violent, and two blood-red eyes were also left with blood!


Just when Connor made up his mind and prepared to enter the circle, and personally go to the field to meet the gang of living corpses, the five living corpses immediately wailed together!

In the next instant, these five living corpses were like five flesh bombs, and they exploded directly in Connor’s Castilla circle. The Castilla circle was exploded and disintegrated immediately. , Not only the terrorist shock wave of the explosion also spread to the surroundings!

Connor's reaction was quick. When he was about to enter the circle, he heard the wailing of the living corpses and realized that it was not good. He directly released the defensive enchantment of Castilla's Staff to protect himself in it. After the huge shock wave of the explosion broke through the Castilla circle, the first one was to bombard Connor's side, but because of the existence of the defensive enchantment, Connor was only smashed back more than ten meters and suffered some minor injuries. .

"Cough cough cough...!"

After coughing up several mouthfuls of blood, Connor smiled bitterly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the palm of his hand. Looking at the dim castilla staff in his hand, Connor suddenly had a bitter and grateful smile on his face.

Just facing the impact of the self-detonation of the living corpse, the defensive barrier was not completely resisted. After offsetting most of the power, it was also broken by the shock wave. The defensive barrier was broken, and the magic circle was broken just now. After a series of blows, the Staff of Castilla, the second-level enchanted item carefully refined by Connor, was seriously damaged.

But even so, Connor is very fortunate. He just released Castilla’s defensive enchantment just a little bit slower. Now he is not as simple as spitting out two mouthfuls of blood. Fortunately, it's still a magical As long as the Connor is still there, let alone the serious damage, it is completely destroyed. If Connor can refine it once, he can refine it. Come out the second time, the third time!

The shock wave of the living corpse’s self-detonation was very large, but most of the shock waves were blocked by Connor, and Margaret on the side was not affected too much, so I wanted to be trapped in the blood mist. The wishful thinking of Scarface, who had driven the living corpse to explode in order to escape in the chaos, was completely hit in the empty space.

Feeling the tiny effect of the self-detonation of the living corpse on the blood mist where he was in, the scarred face in the blood mist showed a terrified expression on his fierce face. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him. ·······

Taking out a bottle of healing potion that Varga had refined for himself from the Space Ring, Connor swallowed it directly into his abdomen and quickly recovered from his injury. Then he directly rushed into the blood mist controlled by Margaret. In the middle, feeling Connor's rushing in, Margaret, who was pale as paper, finally breathed a sigh of relief and consciously manipulated the blood mist away from Connor.

Rushing into the blood mist, Connor found his target Scarface in only a second. The scarface now has no demeanor of a senior wizard apprentice. The whole body is corroded. It was bloody, and even the scar on his face could not be seen clearly. Only the green runes on his body barely resisted the erosion of the blood mist, but from the situation, the guy with Scarface could not last long!

Connor sneered at the look of Scarface's miserable face now, and then he glanced at the space ring he was wearing on Scarface's hand, greedy eyes flashed in his eyes, and Connor was directly in the silver pendant for the next moment. Under the increase, facing the scar face is to release three mental shocks with all his strength!

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