Count of Wizards

Chapter 195: Poverty limits his imagination

"Taxi! Taxi, in the direction of Roy block, there are two people short of it!!"

"Hotel! A clean and tidy hotel, including three meals a day for only five pence!"

"Kathy Tavern, welcome gentlemen, we have the purest fish and chips, and freshly brewed wheat beer!"



Coming out of the Tunguska train station, Connor, with a new face, listened to the shouts around him and nodded secretly. Everything in front of him was similar to what he had imagined, and everything was full of the atmosphere of the city.

In order not to attract people's attention, Connor did not use his own taxi cab as he did in Luen. Instead, he shared a taxi with others.

This time, when he came to Tunguska, Connor was fully prepared. Instead of staying in a hotel, he chose to rent a detached house in the Sissoko neighbourhood where public security is better. Connor thinks that even if everything goes well this time, he will have to spend at least a month in Tunguska, so renting an apartment is more concealed than staying in a hotel.

After taking care of the chores, Connor looked at the house he rented and shrugged his shoulders indifferently. To be honest, the living environment of this house is much worse than that of his apartment in Luen, but fortunately, it is clean, tidy, and living. The facilities are also readily available, and Connor is quite satisfied with this residence.

Leaning on the sofa, Connor commanded silently in his heart: "Chip, bring up the map of Tunguska!"

"Dip! Following the subject's will, Tunguska's map has been presented in your mind." Connor's mind echoed a cold female voice:

Although he has studied this map countless times, Connor thinks that it will help him make new discoveries when a map is presented in your mind.

Compared with Luen, Tunguska is not big, about one-eighth the size of Luen, and its population is only about 50,000. The whole city is located in a hilly area, there is no such thing as mountains and rivers.

Although Tunguska is not big, it is a very difficult problem for Kang An to find a hidden magic stone mine by himself. Fortunately, before Connor came, Connor worked on Margaret alchemy materials. With the help of, I refined a gadget that can detect the magic stone mine-the magic wand!

The appearance of this magic wand is unremarkable, and it has no difference from ordinary wands. Its function is also very single, that is, it can find magic stone mines around a mile nearby, but it is of no use.

With the existence of the magic wand, Connor has some clues to find the magic stone mine in Tunguska.

After refurbishing the room for a day, Connor wore his black robe and appeared in the Lexide Tavern, the largest tavern in Tunguska, the next day.

Although it is said to be the largest tavern in Tunguska, the central environment of the Lexidian Tavern is still very deserted, filled with drunken men, women with heavy makeup and all kinds of people.

Facing the bartender’s scrutiny eyes, Connor threw a gold pound on his face and said in a low voice, “Don’t look at me with your dog’s eyes. Tell the Glazer family intelligence dealers that business is coming. !"

At the beginning of the period, the bartender with a face full of flesh was hit by a coin, and his face immediately became vicious, but when he discovered that it was a gold pound, his face full of flesh appeared like a chameleon. With a flattering expression, he bowed slightly to Connor, and then respectfully said to Connor: "This gentleman, I will go look for them now."

Five minutes later, the bartender took Connor into the private room in the tavern. At this time, a thin and capable guy in the private room looked carefully at Connor in the black robe, and said with a dry smile, "Sir, please sit down, everyone. They call me Ryan, I don’t know how you call this gentleman!"

Sitting on the sofa opposite Ryan, Connor glanced at the guy who called himself Ryan and said in a deep voice, "You can call me Eriksson. I want you to help me find this guy who used to work here. What!" Connor took out an oil painting from his arms and handed it over.

After receiving the oil painting Connor handed over, this guy who calls himself Ryan surprised Connor. He did not open the oil painting directly, but smiled and said, "Mr. Erickson, I don’t care if you do it. What, but there are some things I want to tell you first."

"Since you know our Glazer family, you should know our rules. We have a task here. The lowest price is ten gold pounds. Even if there is no gain in the end, we will not refund the ten gold pounds. Of course we took it. The mission will go all out, and the unproductive example has not happened for several We can't handle the task, no one else can handle it in Tunguska!" Ryan's tone is very calm, but his eyes are With a hint of arrogance.

"Yes!" Connor didn't mind other people's rules since he wanted to use them.

"In that case, let me see who you are looking for?" Seeing Connor agreed to his terms, Ryan opened the oil painting.

Looking at the highly recognizable portrait of snake eyes on the oil painting, Ryan's eyes showed a solemn color. He looked back at Connor again and said, "The price is three hundred gold pounds!"

Glancing at Ryan with a smile, Connor knew that this was a smart guy, but it was a pity that perhaps poverty limited his imagination. Connor did not talk nonsense. He took out three hundred-gold pound notes directly from his wallet, threw them on the table, and said quietly: "A week later, I will come to you, don't let me down!" Connor went straight after speaking. Turned and left and walked out of the private room.

Connor walked very decisively, leaving only Ryan in the private room who was hesitant to talk and smiled bitterly at the banknotes on the table.

The well-informed Ryan, although he doesn't know who the person is in this portrait, but from the strange green eyes of the snake eye in the portrait, he understands that the identity of the snake eye is almost always related to the wizard, as an ordinary person. People, although he has some connections, he is definitely not like provoke wizards, but professional relations, he refuses Connor directly, so he offered a high price of three hundred prices, wanting Connor to retreat. .

However, what Ryan did not expect was that the black-robed man understood what he meant, but the black-robed man directly paid for himself...

A guy who looked for a suspected wizard and took out three hundred gold pounds didn't feel distressed at all. In any case, meeting such a person Ryan knew that he was in trouble!

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