Count of Wizards

Chapter 196: 1 gain nothing

After leaving the Lexid Tavern, Connor was still in a good mood. His plan was proceeding smoothly. When he was still in Roon, Connor was fully prepared for this Tunguska action. Tunguska has a well-known intelligence organization. They call themselves the Glazer family. They can get you highly credible and valuable intelligence by paying them money in Tunguska. The most important thing is, They are very reputable and rarely leak information about their employers.

After learning about the Glazer family, a two-pronged plan was formed in Connor's heart. On the one hand, he could carry the magic wand to find the location of the magic stone mine in the Tunguska area. On the other hand, he could entrust the Glazer family of the earth snakes. Looking for Snake Eye's footprint in Tunguska is far more efficient than acting alone.

Connor took the first step in finding the magic stone mine in Tunguska on the western outskirts of Tunguska. Although there are no big rivers around Tunguska, there is a small lake called Mercedes on the western outskirts. This small lake is a freshwater lake and the main source of water for the citizens of Tunguska.

   Walking on the country road around the Mercedes lake, Connor, with a cane, indifferently looked at the scenery by the lake like a rich young master on an outing in spring.

It looks like this on the surface, but in fact, Connor’s mental power cooperates with the magic wand on his hand to fully detect the situation within a radius of one kilometer. Under the action of Connor’s mental power, the magic wand will be silent. A probe wave is released deep underground. After this probe wave encounters ore underground, it will feed back the result to Connor according to the type of ore.

What Connor hopes most is that the snake eyes are not around the magic stone mine he found, and the camouflage array is covered. The magic detection wand in his hand is still a relatively primitive alchemy item for ore detection, and it is not possible to identify the camouflage array. Magic stone mine.

   In fact, as soon as he arrived on the side of Lake Mercedes in the western suburbs, Connor thought that the snake eyes of the magic stone mine were not found here. As for the reason?

   is very simple! There are too many people on Lake Mercedes. As the only main water source of Tunguska, Mercedes is not as tightly guarded as Ruenmendi Reservoir, but it is also a lake management force with more than 100 people. In addition to these people, Lake Mercedes has also formed an industrial chain for catching lake fish. Thousands of people rely on this lake for food. If there is a magic stone mine here, it is difficult to avoid the eyes and ears of these people.

After inspecting the western suburbs, Connor went straight to the next direction. In the next three days, Connor traveled around the eastern and northern suburbs of Tunguska. Only the southern suburbs had not been inspected. Regarding the information about the Magic Stone Mine, Connor did not find anything. Of course, Connor was not surprised by this situation. At the beginning of his search, he was very clearly aware of this situation, and Kang in the southern suburbs of Tunguska Na thinks the area where magic stone mines are most likely to be found.

According to ancient records, the magic stone mine does not appear alone. There will be other mineral resources around him, such as wolframite, etc. The reason why Connor believes that Snake Eye has found the magic stone mine is because it is in Snake Eye. In the space ring, he found a large number of magic stones, and several minerals that appeared around magic stone mines recorded in ancient books, including wolframite,

Coincidentally, in a city like Tunguska that is not rich in mineral resources, there happens to be a small wolframite mine. This wolframite mine is located in the southern suburbs of Tunguska, and is owned by the local big family of Tunguska. Occupied by the Correa consortium established by the Correa family.

This is Connor’s only clue about the magic stone mine at present, but Connor also has his own worries about this clue. In Ruen and the surrounding provinces, wolframite is not difficult to find. On the contrary, this is A very common mineral resource, as far as Connor knows, but in the suburbs of Ruen, wolframite has a large mine and a small mine.

   So the emergence of wolframite in the southern suburbs of Tunguska, it is not surprising that there must be traces of the magic stone mine that Connor has been thinking about!

   In the middle of the night, under the cover of the dark night, Connor, wearing a black robe, came to the wolframite mine occupied by the Correa family in the southern part of Tunguska. He leaned on his cane and searched everything around him with a serious face.

   For the sake of the magic stone mine, Connor didn't mind sending a few people back to the embrace of the gods of their faith, but before the magic stone mine was discovered, Connor didn't want to cause trouble. Connor briefly understood the Correa consortium.

   The Correa family is a Tunguska family business. Ninety percent of the family's property is in Tunguska. The family industry is mainly concentrated in catering, accommodation, and mining. The wolframite in Tunguska is an important source of income for their family. The essence of capitalists is the same. Wolframite is not scarce around Ruen, and the market price competition is also very fierce. Therefore, in order to convert the black lacquered ores, UU Read wwwww .uukanshu. com has become a lovely golden pound, and the Correa family, who does not have the ability to refine high-precision wolframite, can only do so.

In this way, in order to reduce costs and increase profits, the Correa family tried their best to suppress and cut the wages and benefits of wolframite miners. The miners risked their lives to mine underground, but in exchange for meager wages, they were naturally unwilling. Yes, so in order to deter the miners and let them work honestly, the Correa family set up a security team of about 100 people in the wolframite mine. New 81 Chinese network update fastest mobile terminal: https: / New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

Although no one admits it on the surface, in fact everyone knows that this security team is suspected of illegally holding guns without a license. On weekdays, this security team does not even allow people to enter the mine within a radius of 20 miles. .

However, it is a coincidence that twenty miles around the mine is the key inspection area of ​​Connor. The security team of more than 100 people, even if armed with guns, will kill them all if Connor let go of them, which is just a few minutes. However, in order not to attract attention, Connor chose to secretly detect whether there is a magic stone mine under the cover of night at night.

Half an hour later, except for the mine, Connor has used the magic wand to check the surrounding area of ​​fifty miles, but he still found nothing. This situation caused Connor to frown and cast his eyes on the mine. Although it is late at night, the roar of the machines in the mine can still be heard. Obviously, the workers in the mine are still working at this time, and behind the high walls around the mine, there are tall watch towers. A kerosene lamp was on, and they seemed to prevent the escape of the workers in this factory.

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