Count of Wizards

Chapter 194: Invisible hand

"You mean that the actions of these people who are good at dealing with resentful spirits have not been recorded? Could it be because of authority issues, the level of their actions, Margaret, you don't have the authority to read it?" Listening to Margaret's statement, Connor thought for a while and gave a hypothesis.

"I have the help of Lord Jelena and have the highest authority of the Ruen Church known. You said it is possible, but the probability is not high!" After thinking about Connor's hypothesis, Margaret still shakes He shook his head and denied:

"Are you very interested in this matter?" Connor looked at Margaret and asked slowly. He didn't know why Margaret cared so much about this kind of thing, this kind of resentful spirit, which is very important to the church. In other words, it should be just a daily event, even if the loss is a little bit bigger, Margaret shouldn't be so careless.

Hearing Connor's question, Margaret stopped talking, but in the end she shook her head and didn't say anything.

Connor didn't mind Margaret's words and stopped. Seeing that Margaret didn't want to say more, he handed Margaret a list.

"Why do you want so many earthy magical materials?" After receiving the list handed over by Connor, Margaret scanned her brows for a while and said with some confusion:

"Margaret, I want to refine a simple mineral-testing alchemy item. You can take photos of the items on the list as much as possible within a week?" Connor was not surprised by Margaret's doubts. Looking at Marguerite's eyes, she seriously ordered:

"Magic Stone Mine?" Margaret is also a very smart person. She immediately thought of what Connor had hinted at her, and asked in a low voice expectantly:

"Well, I may have discovered a magic stone mine that has not been discovered by the church and the empire. I want to go to Tunguska to find this magic stone mine. I need your help!" Now that I have decided to join forces with Margaret, Connor was not hiding from Margaret either, but he kept a hand as usual and didn't tell Margaret where he was going.

"I want to share it!" Although Connor had hinted at it before, it was confirmed from Connor's mouth. Margaret still showed a sense of excitement in her eyes, and she found one who was not caught. The magic stone mine discovered is conservatively estimated that all the resources needed in the apprenticeship stage will be no problem. Based on her understanding of Connor, she understands that Connor’s cautious character is naturally very likely to tell her. of.

"Since I told you, I naturally intend to cooperate with you. If everything goes well, you will definitely have a copy. Now you first get me what I want. I only know the approximate location of this magic stone mine. , I still need to investigate the specific location!" Connor said very clearly, in order to let Margaret help him, he was a reassurance to swallow Margaret.

Raising the list in her hand, Margaret confidently said: "In less than a week, I can find it all in three days!"

"Very good! After you get it, put it in the same place!" A smile appeared on Connor's face. He has always been very satisfied with Margaret's efficiency.

Five minutes later, Connor, who had finished the secret meeting with Margaret, smelled the faint scent of Margaret who had left in the apartment. His eyes flickered and he drank the red wine in his glass.

Connor found a map from the space ring. This map is very precise and judging from the map's logo, this map is impressively Ruen and its surrounding areas.

After taking out the map, Connor immediately focused his attention on the location of the northern area of ​​Ruen. He didn't know where he found a pencil, and while thinking, he scratched the map.

After a while, Connor finished his thinking and looked at the dozen or so circles he drew on the map, his eyes full of solemnity.

What Margaret told him about the Wraith Spirit, although he pretended not to care about it on the surface, Connor actually took it to heart. Of course, this was not because of Margaret, but because of ·······

"From the map, there are as many as eleven of the coordinates of a village in the northern suburbs given by Margaret!" Looking at the circle on the map, Connor was a little big. Said:

Shaking his head, Connor focused on the map again. He felt that he could find the answer on the map. Connor’s efforts quickly paid off. His eyes were completely attracted by a coordinate on the map. The name of this coordinate is called "Ruiz Steel Works"

If Connor remembers correctly, this Ruiz steel plant is controlled by the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, which owns 88% of the Ruiz steel plant.

The reason why Connor’s attention is attracted by Ruiz Steel Plant is not just because He is a factory controlled by the Valencia Chamber of Commerce. You must know that Valencia has dozens of factories in Ruen Holdings. Among them, there are seven steel factories. The reason why Connor really noticed it is that it is still very close to the eleven villages in the suburbs of Ruen North District that Connor has drawn on the map. The remote village is also only a half-hour walk away.

A steel factory, even if it is not very large, still has at least a hundred employees according to the current level of productivity development in the world, and at least half of the hundred employees are engaged in that kind of work Jobs with low technical content. According to the factory recruitment practice, these jobs with low technical content are likely to be recruited from the local area. Some of the villagers in the northern suburbs villages and towns in the North District that are circled by Conner are very popular. It may be the villagers of this Ruiz steel factory.

Taking out the small box solemnly from the space ring, Connor looked at the red dust inside seriously, but his mind was spinning quickly. He was very aware of normal grievance events, and Margaret would never Will take it so seriously, so there is definitely a problem!

The reason why Connor cares about this wraith incident is also because of this red dust, this red dust extracted in the secret society safe house. Connor will not forget the beginning of this red dust. That rich resentful spirit breath.

The Valencia Chamber of Commerce is related to the secret agency. This is a message that has been confirmed many times. The secret agency’s safe house has stored red dust related to the wraith spirit in the northern suburban villages very close to the Ruiz steel factory. There was a resentful spirit, and even though Connor didn't know the truth about all this, he always felt that there was an invisible hand controlling all of this!

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