Count of Wizards

Chapter 1103: Something bad

"The Earl of Wizard(

"Got it!" Connor said with a smile after scraping Varga's straight nose;

Having said that, he seemed to think of something, he pondered for a moment, and solemnly said to Varga: "You know Varga, the secret road of the Ferguson family. I will contact you through communication magical items at that time. After my signal, Varga, you will take those few stars of hope, leave from the secret road, and escape Frosinone according to our plan!"

"I know what to do, Connor, you must take care of yourself. If things are really unbreakable, you can leave as soon as possible. Let's go to East Hoy Continent together. You can also get rid of Reyes!" Varga said with concern! :

Hearing what Varga had imagined was so beautiful, Connor didn't pierce her dream and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, naturally I won't lose my life!"

After speaking, Connor patted Varga's hand, and then he was not Varga, leaving Ferguson Mansion again under Varga's watch.

Connor, who left the Ferguson Mansion, went straight to a cabin in the center of Paquette Park on the outskirts of Frosinone. This was once the place where he and Margaret had a tryst in Frosinone, and now he Arranged with Margaret on the place to meet Elena.

Connor is a dark wizard, and Jelena is the cardinal bishop of the Church of Storms second only to the pope. Although the two decided to meet each other because of the common goal of dealing with Reyes, they apparently saw Connor in private. For Elena, such a sensitive dark wizard has to take a lot of risk. Once someone finds out that it is exposed, it is difficult to explain clearly, and Connor also has his own concerns, and he is also afraid of this. It was this meeting that Jelena set him up, tricked him into it, and then besieged him.··········

Therefore, this small wooden house in the center of Paquette Park in the outskirts is the best place to meet. This place is located in the suburbs, perfectly avoiding the church of the storm, and all the eyeliners arranged in the urban area of ​​Frosinone. The Eye of the Storm device greatly reduces the risk of Jelena coming to meet Connor.

Secondly, this place is well-connected and suitable for running. Connor is also familiar with this place. If there is any danger at that time, Connor can run away if the situation is not good, so as not to be besieged and killed.

Sitting in the cabin, Connor closed his eyes patiently. If everything goes as Margaret said, it won’t be long before he will see the storm in this cabin. The youngest second-level wizard and cardinal bishop in the history of the church!

After waiting in the cabin for about three hours, Connor, who was sitting in the cabin silently meditating, finally seemed to have discovered something. He opened his eyes and looked to the northeast. Where is Margaret from? The direction is flying here.

However, what is a little strange is that, according to Connor and her plan, Margaret should come with Elena at this time, and now under Connor’s induction, Margaret has no side by his side. In addition to the two figures, Connor's mental power also sensed that Marguerite seemed to be injured at this time, and her breath was very weak.

Realizing the situation in front of him, Connor immediately realized that something must have changed, and it was a very big change!

At this moment, Margaret also flew into the wooden house and appeared in front of Connor. It was the same as Connor felt. At this time, Margaret was also covered with scars and her breath was very weak. Without waiting for Connor to speak, Margaret said very anxiously: "Connor, the big thing is not good..."

Margaret had just started talking, but she hadn't finished speaking. She walked here with her body, but she couldn't hold on anymore and fell into Connor's arms.

Connor hurriedly caught Margaret and hugged it in his arms. Connor did not hesitate, and immediately checked Margaret's body with mental strength. Connor felt fortunate that Margaret was at this time. Although he was covered with scars and looked very embarrassed, but these scars are some traumas, not particularly serious, and the reason why Marguerite fainted now is because of the excessive consumption of mana, and the loss of life. The blood is small, so the problem is not very big.

Connor gave Margaret some mana, and then took the healing potion for her, and he stood aside, silently waiting for Margaret to wake up.

Although I still don’t know what Margaret’s "big event is bad" refers to, Connor already has some guesses in his mind. If not surprisingly, his mentor, the secret society professor Reyes, should have been It's the first shot!

In addition, from the point of view of Margaret’s injury, even if Reyes did not succeed, he definitely gained a lot. Thinking of this, Connor looked at the dark moonlight outside the wooden could not help but sigh deeply. With a sigh of relief, no matter how you look at the current situation, it seems to be moving in a direction that he doesn't want to see.

Marguerite is a close friend of Elena, and Elena is the frontline commander of the Storm Church in Frosinone, so obviously in Frosinone, Marguerite can be injured like this. People are undoubtedly Reyes’s men. Judging from the plan set by herself and Margaret, Margaret did not anticipate this battle. It can be seen that Reyes should be The first shot, hit the storm and the church was caught off guard

In addition, since Margaret said "The big thing is not good", it is obvious that for the Storm Church, things are very bad.

Based on Margaret's injury and the information she revealed, Connor can only analyze this step for the time being. As for the more specific situation, Connor can only wait. After Margaret wakes up, she learns from her. .

Marguerite's injuries were not very serious, and the potions made by Varga were very effective. So Marguerite was only in a coma for more than two hours before she woke up.

"you're awake?"

Feeling Margaret's awakening, Connor, who was looking out the window in thought, immediately took out a bottle of potion from the space ring and handed it to Margaret.

After receiving the medicine from Connor, Margaret had just regained consciousness and was not very conscious. She took it without thinking about it. After taking the medicine, Margaret meditated for a while, digesting the potency of the medicine. After another half an hour, Margaret, who was completely relieved, opened her eyes and looked at Connor, and said leisurely: "Your Varga, the refining agent is really talented, this bottle Galenz Pharmacy is the best I have ever taken..."

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