Count of Wizards

Chapter 1104: Memories (1)

"Earl of Wizard(

After sighing with emotion, Margaret did not do much about Varga and the medicine. She sighed, looked at Conner and said slowly: "It's over, it's all over... ··"

After speaking, Margaret saw Connor was a little confused and didn't understand what she was saying. Then she explained with a wry smile, "Reyes hid too deep, Connor, do you remember Conte?"

"Conte?" Connor asked in a puzzled way. In his memory, there was no one named Conte among the members of the Frosinone's secret society and the Church of the Storm recently.

"That's right, it's the former No. 3 figure of the secret agency, Conte who is in charge of all the affairs of the secret agency in the mainland of Hoy!" Marguerite nodded and said bitterly:

Hearing Margaret talking about this Conte, Connor suddenly realized. After a few seconds of contemplation, he asked with some confusion: "Margaret, if I remember correctly, it was as early as ten. Many years ago, when you and I were apprentices to intermediate wizards, Conte had already died in the Loen incident.

"According to the news at the time, the four second-level wizards Reyes, Conte, Abidal, and Jovic fought a battle at the critical time of the Ruen incident. Abidal and Conte fought. After the death, Reyes and Jovic were injured. In the end, Reyes lost Ruen. The secret society forces withdrew from Ruen. The Church of the Storm also claimed a big victory. 1"

With Connor’s words, Margaret’s face became more and more bitter. After Connor’s voice fell, she shook her head again and said, "Connor, what you said is indeed the official version, but in fact After the Ruen incident, there were some voices in the church that had doubts or doubts about the Ruen incident, but for some reason, these voices were suppressed by people..."

"Jovic, the God-punisher who participated in the Ruen incident, is the reinforcements arranged by the church for Frosinone this time." Margaret said deeply. When she said this, her beautiful eyes Shining a light called hatred.

After a few seconds of silence, Margaret continued: "Five hours ago, the Black Agency found out that the secret warehouse No. 3 that had been attacked in Frosinone was the dark wizard organization. The lighthouse man."

"The intelligence director of the Black Agency, Christant, who got the news, took immediate action. By arresting some people from the Dark Beacon, and through some secret mediation, finally contacted the high-level of the Dark Beacon through an intermediary. And forced them to tell the reason for the attack on the secret warehouse No. 3."

"The dark lighthouse attacked the church's secret warehouse No. 3 because it was instigated by Reyes. Reyes told them that the secret warehouse No. 3 stored dark copper, and Anthony's magic lead was in the thirteenth. A rare metal."

"Under Kristant’s persecution, the senior officials of Dark Beacon refused to disclose why they wanted these rare metals and what they wanted to do, but they also acquiesced that these rare metals are very important to them, Dark Beacon These rare metals have been collected in various channels in the dark."

"Although we have been collecting these rare metals, because the origin of these rare metals is controlled by forces such as the Empire official, the Earth God Church, the Storm Church, etc., not only the output is scarce, but also the external control is very strict. There are minerals that fall into the major black markets.

"The dark lighthouse, because it belongs to the dark wizard organization, there is no way to obtain a large amount of this rare metal from the major forces through trading and other methods. Therefore, the dark lighthouse has not collected many rare metals from various channels over the years. , So the upper side of the dark lighthouse is also very anxious."

"A month ago, Reyes revealed to the Dark Beacon through a certain channel that a batch of rare metals enough for them will be stationed in the church's secret warehouse No. 3 in Frosinone."

"And when Dark Beacon confirmed that the news was correct, although I also understood that Reyes would not help them so much for no reason, there must be their plot, but they had to take the risk of greatly offending the church and willingly give Reyes took a knife once, arranged elite personnel, attacked the secret warehouse No. 3, and took the rare metal."

After listening to Margaret finished speaking, Connor thought about it for a moment, and said with some incomprehension; "What does Margaret have to do with Conte?

Just now when Margaret mentioned Conte, her eyes flashed with that kind of unforgettable hatred. Connor was all in her eyes. He was really curious. Conte, such as Conte, had already died in Luen. For more than ten years, what has it done to make Margaret hate him so much...

Facing Connor’s question, Margaret did not directly answer but shook her head and whispered: "Connor, listen to me and finish talking."

'it is good! Connor suppressed the curiosity in his heart and made a gesture to signal Margaret to continue.

Without Connor’s interruption, Margaret continued: “Because of the previous events and the attack on the third secret warehouse, all of this has already caused Elena and Kerry. Stent, realized that there was a ghost of Reyes in the upper ranks of the Storm Church, so after getting the truth about the attack on Secret Warehouse No. 3, Christant used the news as a bait and made a game to lure the church. The inner ghost in the bait!"

"Christant was very successful. He really caught this inner ghost hidden in the top of the church, and the true identity of this inner ghost is the second-level wizard of the church **** of punishment-Jovic!" Grete said with blood red eyes;

Although I have realized that there must be a reason for the failure of the Church of the Storm, but from Margaret's mouth, when he heard that the church's punisher Jovic was actually the ghost of Reyes, the deep Connor face in the city was also Unable to change, he was shocked, very unbelievable.

We must know that in the power structure of the Church of Storms, apart from the supreme pope and the spokesperson of the goddess of the storm in the world, the most powerful person belongs to the cardinal, who are the pope’s assistants and assist in the management of the pope. Regarding the big and small things of the church, the God-punisher has power in the church, although not as great as the archbishop in red.

However, because all the divine punishments of the Church of Storms are served by second-level wizards, they are a symbol of the church's highest military power except the pope. Therefore, they have a very high status in the Church of Storms. It can be called the top of the church. "

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