Count of Wizards

Chapter 1102: treatment

"The Earl of Wizard(

"My own situation, I know it, there is no problem!" Seeing Varga checking his physical condition, his face became more solemn, Connor couldn't help smiling and comforting her:

Varga ignored Connor’s comfort and still focused on checking Connor. Seeing this, Connor could only helplessly shook his head and checked for another five minutes. Varga finally stopped the inspection. After taking a deep look at Connor, he said, "How did you do it?"

Hearing Varga's question, Connor gave a wry smile and slowly said: "I said I don't know myself, do you believe Varga?"

After waking up that day, Connor systematically checked his own situation, and he found that his Shenhai had some hidden injuries. In addition, there were more signs of energy erosion in his body. When these symptoms were discovered, Connor tried to take medicine to alleviate the injury, but the effect was little.

"Since you don’t want to say Connor, I don’t force you, but your current situation can be said to be at a terrible tipping point. Now you put everything down and go for treatment with me. I guarantee Connor you can be in three years The injury is healed within, and it will not have any impact on your future cultivation, but if you continue like this, you should know the consequences better than me. You are likely to stop in the realm of a first-level wizard for a lifetime. on··········"

"Connor, I am not scaring you, this is something that is very likely to happen!" Varga said to Connor very seriously:

When Varga's voice fell, Connor lowered his head and fell into silence. These injuries appeared on his body. He naturally knew very well. Varga was very sincere and did not exaggerate at all. If his current injury cannot be effectively treated. , If you postpone it, then trouble will really happen. In addition to the permanent stop of the cultivation base at the first-level wizard, it may also cause irreparable mental decline, physical energy conversion, and a series of very serious consequences.

Although the consequences were serious, Connor repeatedly weighed and thought carefully, and decided to observe the situation, meet with Elena, and see what the cardinal of the Storm Church has in mind and make a decision.

After thinking for a while, Connor spoke to Varga slowly and said: "Varga, do you have any way to conduct conservative treatment to temporarily control the injury on my body and don't let it worsen."

Feeling the thoughts hidden in Connor’s words, Varga’s face is undoubtedly very ugly. Seeing her like this, Connor quickly explained: "Varga, I don’t want to receive your treatment now, but now Flo Sinoe, the calm before the storm, just wait for a spark to detonate this huge explosive barrel."

"The situation is so chaotic, but it is an excellent opportunity for me! Now the Storm Church, from top to bottom, has unified opinions. They want Reyes to die! I can use their power to solve Reyes. Si, Varga, you should be very clear, how powerful my mentor Reyes is, even if you and I join together, and Margaret is counted, the three of us work together to face Reyes. , And only for Desperate End of the World!"

"And Reyes has always had a big conspiracy toward me. If I don't take this opportunity now, I will act first and kill him when he is sick and kill him. When Reyes is relieved, I There is no chance to deal with him anymore, only let him fish..."

"At that time, Reyes came to the door, even if I'm with you, what can I do if I take care of my current injury?" Connor sighed slightly and said earnestly:

Hearing Connor's words, Varga didn't open her mouth and subconsciously wanted to refute it, but in the end she really couldn't say anything. After a while, Varga looked up at Connor and said: "Promise me, Kang You must be good!"

Although he didn't want to deceive Varga, but feeling Varga's hopeful gaze, Connor was still a little unbearable, smiled and nodded, then leaned into Varga's ear and said, "Don't worry, I'm Connor. Ferguson is very fate, no matter who dies, I will not die, and I have not married you yet, let you become the Countess of Ferguson, give birth to Connor, how could I die?"

Connor's words were all heard into his heart by Varga. Two charming blushes appeared on the white and tender face immediately, and he whispered: "You know the rhetoric... ·"

After saying a few words about the love of self, Varga was just starting to prepare for Connor’s injury to be treated Varga took two hours and used more than a dozen different kinds of A large tank of medicated baths were prepared with various potions and potions, and Connor was soaked in. Connor who entered the medicated bath could obviously feel that the warm energy contained in the medicated bath followed the energy in his body. Every pore entered his body and repaired his injuries.

This can not help comforting Connor. To be honest, although he has decided to deal with Reyes, Connor is also very afraid of these injuries on his body. I am really afraid that because of these **** injuries, he will stay in the same life. The realm of the class wizard.

While meditating in the medicated bath, while absorbing the energy from the medicated bath, Connor spent three hours in this way. After finishing the medicated bath, Connor took a few bottles of medicine specially formulated by Varga specifically for his injuries, and Under the management of Varga, a small operation was performed on the body, and a sarcoma formed by the erosion of energy was removed under the skin and flesh of the back.

After Varga's treatment, although Connor can still feel the injury on his body, he has obviously improved a lot from the beginning. This undoubtedly makes Connor's confidence in his heart doubled, and he looks at him. Having been busy for several hours, Connor, who looked tired, felt a little distressed in his heart, holding up Varga's pretty face, it was an affectionate kiss.

After some lingering, Varga faced the parting again while sorting the clothes on Connor's body, and at the same time exhorting to Connor: "Connor, although I have used medicine to control your injury, it is only temporary. The effect of the drug lasts for at most one month. During this month, if you can’t fight with people, it’s best not to fight with people. Even if it’s a last resort, you must do something and be careful not to get hurt. If you are injured now, it will be very troublesome!


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