Cosma Empire

Chapter 907

The smell of gunpowder between the Empire and Confederation is getting stronger and stronger. According to fairly reliable news, the border crossing between the Empire and Confederation has been closed, and all bilateral trade has been suspended. Except for a handful of businessmen who are dissatisfied with this, most people still have a positive and supportive attitude.

I had already wanted to retaliate back, and this time I finally had the opportunity. The entire imperial society was actively planning an unprecedented victory to wash the humiliation that Confederation once brought to the empire.

Confederation also performed very decisively. Mr. Theo, who has been promoting things for the time, finally detached from the joint ruling group of the United Parliament, and launched a war mobilization order in the form of a master.

Seeing that it is about to start, Durin is still on his journey. He has been restricted by Confederation and some small countries, so the journey has become much shorter than planned. After receiving Nadia, the entire group continued to go south.

It is worth mentioning that in the Republic of Tolivia, Durin participated in a very famous auction and found a very interesting thing, a coin.

The coin doesn’t look like the more common gold coin or Silver Coin, it’s more like an alloy, almost as big as an egg. There are some symbols of ghosts around the front of the coin. There is a biological upper body that looks like a dragon and is not quite like a dragon. It has a bit of abstraction and can be seen like a dragonfly. Even if the triangle eyes are not decorated, it gives a kind of The feeling of being inexplicably stared. The reverse side of the coin does not have any known symbols or letters that represent numbers. There is a circle of patterns that are complicated and aesthetically pleasing. There is a pattern in the pattern that looks like…

He doesn’t know why this world can actually see the word, but if he remembers it correctly, the pattern is actually a kind of text, not the text of this world, the word of World in his dream – dragon!

This is also the reason for his interest, he is not sure whether his views are correct, but at this moment, he would like to buy this.

The auctioneer on the stage is introducing the coin, which is also featured in the auction brochure in Durin’s hand, but no more details are mentioned by the auctioneer.

“This is a coin from the big break. The amount of unearthed is very small. It started with the first coin found in 1979. Up to now, six pieces have been found in the whole world. This is the seventh.” The auctioneer looks very young, looks like a 30-year-old, and has a good instrument. In some large-scale auctions, it is rare to see older auctioneers. The reason is that the auction process is very long. If you are too old, you may not be able to stick to it, even if there are several breaks in the middle. Secondly, when people are older, their memory will decline, and it is difficult to recite the contents of the auction.

Therefore, large-scale auctions are often hosted by young people. Those older auctioneers either host small auctions or change their minds and become experts with various titles to provide a certain degree of customer satisfaction. Jianzheng service.

With the introduction of the auction items by young people, many people have opened another booklet for recording the contents of the auction. Of course, more people choose to listen to the auctioneer.

“Some experts in the field of archaeology and World history agree that this is a non-circulating currency before the period of great disintegration. It is more like a work of art, or a medal or something, by a person with a high weight. The rewards were given to the people to express their appreciation. After many scholars’ research and speculation, the coin was finally called a ‘dragon coin’. In some handwritten pieces from the time of the great destruction, there was some record, there was once called a ‘dragon. The emperor’s monarch, the ruler’s vast country, this is an evil monarch, and eventually he is also ruined by his own madness.”

“This kind of coin is something that he rewards his men with similar medals representing glory. So far, four of the first six dragon coins have not known the whereabouts, and the other two have been made into ornaments. It became a small toy of a big man. The other one was set in the scepter of a ruler to set off a huge jewel. We refer to the transaction price of the last dragon coin, combined with the current currency purchasing power, the price It is listed in the manual.”

“In addition to this, I also revealed a gossip here. It is said that there is a huge secret hidden in each dragon coin, which has a certain relationship with the lost dragon empire. If anyone can find the treasure of this emperor, use Buying the next country with wealth is probably no longer a ridicule!”

World history has basically been recorded in detail since the beginning of more than one hundred years. Before that, there was not much detailed record, and even people have not known what it is. Why have there been many brilliant civilizations that have suddenly suffered a devastating blow, and why there is no complete written record before the period of great destruction. Now people’s speculations about the big shatter are from some incomplete handwriting, plus some logical conjectures to restore the high civilization that once existed in the past.

A lot of things have been destroyed, but there are also things that have been preserved, and these things have become treasures in people’s eyes. It is often reported that the treasures that have been found in a certain place have become rich and enemies, or the treasures that were bought at a large price have been faked, and they cost a lot of money. Nothing found.

The starting price of such a coin is converted into Star Coin, which is more than 61,000 pieces, and the fraction is not counted.

There are four currencies to settle here, in addition to the national currency and Star Coin, there are two other common local settlement currencies.

Durin gave a sign and hunted the thousand thousand Coin.

The money is not an important thing for him now. It is just a string of numbers. He is not willing to take a long time for the starting price of 5%, that is, the ladder of 3,000 yuan. It is better to lift it first. Go to the hundred thousand and sift out some of the people who plan to fish in troubled waters.

The auctioneer did not expect to enter the theme so quickly. Before the auction began, the auction house would have a simple assessment of the products that participated in the auction, what would be easy to sell, what might flow, and some measures. Dragon coins are a good thing for them, but they may slap, even if someone is involved in the auction, the price will not be too high.

It seems that this thing seems to be particularly remarkable. It will be a thing that represents the medal. It will be something that was destroyed before the emperor. It will be called the object of the big people. In the end, the value of this gadget has not been accepted by people. Uncertain historical background and meaning, without any current representative, is not an orphan, and there is no proof of the side, the starting price of 60,000 Star Coin is not necessarily acceptable.

Unexpectedly, there were people who placarded so quickly and pushed the price to a very high level.

After the auctioneer preached for a while, no one followed, which made him a little regretful drop hammer, and then the hand was handed over to Durin. He started playing the Silver Coin without wearing gloves. If he had some knowledge of World’s more languages ​​in the dream, including hieroglyphics, he would have found it from the chaotic pattern, which is actually text, which means simple meaning. Simple – lucky.

This is a lucky coin, not a dragon coin, not a precious piece of art held by the emperor, but it is also invaluable, but no one knows what it is.

“Do you know what it is for?” Nadia looked curiously at the coin in Durin’s hand, and she started to understand Durin a little bit. This is a man who can’t afford to be early.

This auction invited Durin, purely a formalism, and Durin came to participate, just to see a lively, but he took the initiative to participate in the auction, indicating that he is very optimistic about this thing, or know what the use of this thing.

Durin like a smile yet not a smile shook his head and put the coin in his pocket. If there are big people in the field of antiques, I am afraid that the chance of Durin’s future purchases will be low, because he does not care for antiques.

“Just think that there is an eye, look at it, buy it, there may not be a reason.”

This is not Durin, at least Nadia thinks so. Durin is not willing to continue to go deep into this issue, and she will not be boring. Then Durin bought a piece of jewelry with a precious “bloodline”, not a royal collection, or a royal palace. These things are very good for sending people later. The price is not expensive, there is enough historical back, under the support of this background, the money is not money, it is a fragrant banknote.

At the end of the auction, the President of the Republic of Tolivia privately sent some of Durin’s artworks, precious works of art, but it was printed as a print to Durin, for the simple reason. Durin just signed a big contract with them for “own money”. The Republic of Tolivia has just achieved republicanism and has come out of the split state for a few years. At this time, it has received large international orders for the entire country. The society is an exciting piece of good news. In addition to economic gains, the government’s authority in society has also increased a lot.

At least people will be more convinced that the current government is meaningful and beneficial to the whole society and will continue to support the current government. Then some art works that are not able to enhance national strength for such a “small and ridiculous country” are not as good as those sent to Durin. Later, it is not allowed to have other good projects to cooperate. Throughout the gift process, except for the curator of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Tolivia who has been watching Durin with hostile look, everything is very Perfection.

When Durin was about to end in the southern continent, the war broke out!

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