Cosma Empire

Chapter 906

The sudden arrival of the war temporarily suspended the referendum in Saint-Louis and several other cities. Everything in the war will serve the war. This is what every country has written in the Constitution. If you look at the world history of this world, you can find that almost all ethnic tribes have started a never-ending war, starting from a big break. A dozen or two thousand years. The entire history of the world is a history of war evolution. All science and technology and civilization are for war service. Even in a few years or a decade ago, places outside the northern continent were still in full swing.

Every country has a dog brain. It is not that today the country is dying. It is the armed opposition of the opposition in that country. Anyway, if it is not a few wars every year, it is not the person of this world.

So in Confederation, there is a similar constitution, which is to follow the ancient system.

The referendum was forced to suspend, and the plans of the new generation of consortiums were lost. What is even worse is that Theo and the others, who have been reluctant to talk to them, are willing to talk to them. But everyone knows that the initiative in this conversation is not in their hands, they may not even have the power to choose.

In the valley, by the lake, the quiet scenery makes the people who enter here quiet. They seem to be sitting peacefully at a huge open-air table. There are many relatives in the family, and they often have dinners on weekends. The dining table, oval, and the tables on both sides that can sit on a dozen or twenty people.

Mr. Theo sits in the first place in the north. He is recently a proud of one’s success. A combination of punches has reversed the trend of building a national family. At the same time, he gained more power and released more space to face the new and old two-generation consorium. Between the wars, the balance has been completely pressed against his head.

Mr. Theo greeted everyone and then sat down with a smile and started the negotiation. “Gentlemen, the war is coming. I am very sad to tell you that this war is probably unavoidable. The recent paragraph of Confederation There have been many problems in time, letting the outside world think that we are weak, weak, and can humiliate us at will.” His tone is a bit deep, and these families always have a good voice and are very infectious. He looked around and continued, “This is the plot of the empire. They want to take us down when we are weak, step on us.”

“Do you agree? Can the Confederation people agree?” The muscles on his cheekbones shook a little, letting his eyes fall back, and a narrow gap in his eyes narrowed. “No, resolutely!”

His speech speed is getting faster and faster, and he is getting faster and faster. “They want war, it’s good, then give them war. We can almost disintegrate this empire more than 20 years ago, then today, twenty years later, We can also take up weapons that defend freedom and power and let them know that even if they have been chasing us for more than 20 years, they are still not our opponents.”

“This is a brand new era and an era of progress, but please don’t forget that peace is exchanged by force! This war must be played, and it must be beautiful.”

“The Joint Parliament decided to mobilize the First, Second and Fifth Group Army to go to the border to stand by.”

“I know why you are sitting here today, and I know what you want, but the current situation makes us unable to discuss these things for the time being. Only when the war is won, can we continue to talk and make sense.”

“Here, I have a request and I hope that you can do it.”

“We, you, all of them are Confederation people. Regardless of whether there is any disagreement between us, all our purpose is to make this country more prosperous. The war is about to break out. As a group of people like us, it should be more common. People have more obligations to face this war.”

Someone wants to say something, Mr. Theo directly rejected his speech and gave him a look. “I will let my most loved several grandchildren join the army and be the frontline troops. I showed my loyalty to this country. And blood, then should you also show it?”

He is lightly smiled, “Don’t talk about money, put people on the front line, let me see your determination, loyalty, and determination for the country!”

“Today your choice means the integrity of the negotiations between us tomorrow, at least let us know that although our positions are different, your purpose is to be the freedom and prosperity of this country!”

When Mr. Theo finished speaking, both sides of the table fell into silence, not only the new generation consortium, but also closed their mouths, and even the nation-state was closed. Mr. Theo is a big player. Not every family has a lot of descendants who can take it out and throw it into the battlefield. Some family bloodline sons are not prosperous, big cats are two or three, like the new generation. On the consortium side, some are a child, and not a case. This means… If they want to continue talking, they must first send their offspring to the battlefield.

The battlefield, the more terrifying place, was killed by the bullets in the first place, or was killed by the bullets in the back. It’s really unclear, and even a bad name that was killed by a deserter. .

Is it worthwhile to talk about it?

A group of people who were also nationals were secretly biting their teeth at this time. Mr. Theo did not inform them in advance that they were also passive now, because Mr. Theo said that he is the most loved grandson, the internal affairs of these big families. It may be very mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people. But for these people of the same class, there is actually not much secret. Who is favored, who has the hope to inherit the family, everyone knows well, Mr. Theo is going to break the roots. It is very troublesome to train a qualified heir. Some have been trained for ten or twenty years, but now they have to watch them go to death…

Mr. Theo did this, and if they didn’t do it, they might lose more power. This is Mr. Theo who is pushing everyone down.

After a few minutes, someone responded. “I agree. I have four grandchildren, one, and the other three are all on the battlefield. I am a Confederation, I have fought for Confederation, and my child should be Confederation.” war.”

Mr. Theo nodded pays tribute, “This is our responsibility. Many people question whether the power in our hands is appropriate, but ignore what we have paid for this country. I thank all those who fight for the country!”

Someone first agreed that this time the objection was courting death, and everyone could only bite the teeth and accept this, which made Mr. Theo very satisfied.

Of course, this is only the First Step. When the war situation begins to deteriorate, he will ask all localities to force enlistment to resist the invasion of the empire. At that time, more people will join the army, and maybe even those young console sect masters. !

Power is just so delicious!

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