Cosma Empire

Chapter 908

On the long border, a group of soldiers who are patrolling at night are sulking their heads and the war is getting closer and closer, and the sorrows of these young soldiers are becoming more and more intense.

No one likes war, and no one wants war, especially the soldiers at the bottom. The word cannon fodder may be too cruel, but this is the fact that the basic unit infantry is cannon fodder. Each shell is enough to make dozens of people disappear, turning into a broken limb of a place, and fighting can not spell a complete human form. come out. They are also children of their parents, loved by their families, but their lives are worthless on the battlefield.

The number of patrols in the night has become more frequent in recent days. Everyone鈥檚 heart is heavy, and there is always a feeling that something bad will happen. Every day is a new life and a new hell journey. The young soldier who walked in the middle of the team suddenly asked, “Is it really going to be a war? Can you not fight?” He said suddenly that he might have said something wrong, and quickly added, “I mean if you can It is best not to fight in a peaceful way to resolve disputes.”

No one in the team laughed at him, because other people think so. In fact, although they obey the requirements of their superiors and respect the choice of the Confederation government, they may not even complain about the Confederation government. It is only a matter of several people, but with the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers, to maintain the decent of several people and a few people, is this exchange worth it?

No one said anything, the soldier who spoke no longer spoke, and a group of people continued to move forward. After walking for about 20 minutes, when they were able to see the next outpost, the leading soldiers suddenly stopped. The other veterans鈥?faces have become a bit weird. They are not recruits, not conscripts and recruits forcibly recruited into the army. They have experienced joint exercises and know that when there is a slight shock on the soles of the feet, it means that large-scale war machines are moving fast.

“What’s wrong?” The new soldier who spoke just asked a question. He couldn’t see the faces of these veterans in the night, but he couldn’t help but blurt out and asked him.

The veterans remained silent. After about twenty seconds, Captain shouted an urgent march and ran up. The recruits didn’t understand what was going on. It was always wrong to follow Captain. When they ran into the sentry, they suddenly heard a sharp whistle in their ears…

The entire post was blown up, and the explosion was heard at this time in the ears of some soldiers who remained intact.

There was no special effect of the sky, no people rushed to scream and lie down, the shrapnel that flew out and the bricks that bursted out of the post swept all the “standing” things in the radius of the thirty meters.

Going to war!

The empire did not declare war in the middle of the night. Under the moonlight, a large war machine mobilized twelve huge robotic arms to move toward the border line. On the platform of these warfare machinery, a cannon was continuously sprayed. A strong smog is like a devil in the night.

The camp on the border of Confederation immediately remembered the harsh warning. A large number of soldiers rushed out of the camp and took weapons to the front. Suddenly hundreds of flares were raised in the sky, and the war started completely.

At the same time, the empire announced to all known countries by telephone and telegram, and the empire officially declared war on the Confederation and entered the state of war from the moment.

An hour later, Mr. Theo was woken up. He licked his face and sat up from the bed, asking without looking back. “What happened?”

Steward whispered outside the door, “The war broke out, the empire did not declare war, and it was only half an hour after the war broke out. I think I should tell you.”

Mr. Theo took a moment, sighed, “Thank you, I know, help me prepare clothes and cars, I am going to the parliament building.” After Steward complied, Mr. Theo stood up, he simply took a shower, then Changed a suit and got on the bus.

When he was in the car, he began to think about how to deal with the situation in the future. Although this war is, to a certain extent, he insisted on forcing the empire to cooperate with him, he was directed by him, but after the war really broke out, how to end it would not necessarily follow the script. He opened the box and there was nothing in the box. No one knows how to close the box. Once the state of war begins, many things will deviate from the planned track. If Confederation can’t hold the previous rounds of offense, maybe the Empire will do the trick.

Just like… more than twenty years ago, Marcus鈥檚 plan was to use the invasion of Confederation to consume a large number of unstable defeated clansman mouths, send the young and middle-aged of these defeated nations to the battlefield to die, and stabilize the grassroots layer of imperial society. environment of. After the new generation of young people grow up, most of them will forget their former country, the culture of the past, everything that was once proud, and regard themselves as an imperial person. There is no plan to drive straight into the periphery of Imperial Capital. The original script was a war of attrition in the Empire.

The empire sent the youths of these defeated nations to the battlefield, and Confederation was to coordinate and alleviate domestic contradictions and pressures by exporting wars.

After the outbreak of the war, Confederation found that the empire’s borders and resistance were almost equal to no, backward systems, old armaments, and corrupt systems, not as strong as the Empire usually showed. The insider is tempted, and the unwitting person is also tempted. Since the empire is so empty, why not try to conquer this country? So the script changed for the first time. Confederation began to add drama to himself, strengthening the pioneering main force Legion, and hitting the Otis city all the way to stop. As for why not fight, because they really can’t move.

The backward transportation made the logistics support extremely troublesome. The cut-off supply line made Pioneer Legion be trapped in the Otis city to disable to move a single step. The completely revived empire extracted the Northern elite Legion and had the ability to counterattack. At this time, the fight went down and lost the original meaning of the war, so the two sides went to the negotiating table.

The current situation is almost exactly the same as it was twenty years ago. The war waged by a few people has caused most ignorant people to pay the bills. Can the other party really play the script?

Mr. Theo is not sure, Marcus and the people behind him may not be so friendly, it will be a test from hell.

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