Cosma Empire

Chapter 305

“We are never afraid of bloodshed and fighting. We will always defend our power. No one can take them away from us, even if it pays the price of life!”

“It is precisely because there is a fighter like Buddy and you, we have the future!”

“We are not the inferior people. We are the sons of the first kings and the gods. World will give us justice. Please believe this, it won’t be too long!”

“May the king and the gods be with you!”

Looking at the passenger ship that was far away, Budi’s face showed a firm face. Durin may not be old, but his thoughts, his character, his love for the Guar race, surpassed everyone here! He is the pioneer, no, he is a saint, a saint who can appear in the Guartian fable for thousands of years! He will lead the entire Guart nation to revival!

Buddy’s arm was a little bent. He had been fractured for too long and it was difficult to fully connect, but he didn’t care. If an arm can be exchanged for the rise of the entire race, he is willing to pay another arm to his own life.

Without living in pain, those who struggled in the quagmire of endless darkness never know their desire for life and the repressed love of life. No one likes the darkness. Everyone is willing to embrace the light. When praying for the inability to exchange for light, only use both hands to tear the darkness. Even if you will fall into the blood of hell, you will never regret it!

Durin’s second stop is Monte, and he has a lot of hope for this place. Once Monte’s market can be opened, it will not only bring him great wealth, but also make the local Guartian life a step. . This is a relatively more open place. Apart from tourists from within the empire, there are many tourists from outside the empire. The collision of various cultures makes people living here have a strong ability to accept new ideas. Once Guartian’s status changes, it will soon have a synergistic effect and radiate out, so that visitors who come here feel the difference of Guartian. Only when people’s views on Guartian change, can they get more fair treatment.

Durin knows that a small group of people can’t change the fate of the entire race, but when this little monk drives a large group of people to stand up, the fate will change quietly.

Nearly a quarter of the shipment, which is 3,000 cartons of wine, was prepared for Monte. There is a month to fight for the fight, even if it is a fool, maybe I should have laid a large site at this time? With the site, there will be people who are unwilling to join him. There are more people joining, whether for their own benefit or to better manage these people, he must expand outwards, and this is one of Durin’s plans.

It was only after he arrived at Monte, it felt like the situation was a bit different.

This time Sai Bray did not receive Durin in his small restaurant, but arranged in the most luxurious hotel in Monte, he could understand the reason why Sebray did this, but he felt strange that he stayed there. Five members of the fellowships did not come to meet him.

After ordering Dufo and Ellis, Durin changed his clothes and went to the restaurant to see Sai Bray.

At this time, Sai Bray has changed greatly from the last time. He wears a precious formal suit. Every stitch is fine and hard to find. The hair is also built. The smooth fat face is more white, even on the wrist. Brought a diamond watch with almost three thousand pieces.

“I still wonder if I want to call you. I haven’t got enough goods in my hand. You have arrived. It’s really too timely!”, Sebri sat on the opposite side of the table, ten fat like carrots. With the same fingers crossed, the two sapphire rings exude a faint glow.

Durin laughed, “Is it sold out?”

Sebble nodded, “It’s too good to sell, people are rushing to ask, how many times have you brought this time?”

“Three thousand boxes!”

Sebble smiled with satisfaction, three thousand boxes of 36,000 bottles, which means he has more than a dozen 200,000 income, he has never seen such a profitable business, no wonder those smuggling gangs each and everyone are fierce. Such a big profit, I am afraid that even those rich people must be tempted? However, he is better than those people, and does not need to take any risks. Someone will bring the goods to the door and let him enjoy the benefits.

He was more enthusiastic about Durin’s attitude, no one would have a hatred of money, he immediately took out the money, and there was a beautifully packaged box, all put together. He patted the suitcase, “There is a lot of money for the goods, and I personally give you a little thing.” He pushed the small box that was very beautifully packed to Durin’s left hand, eagerly urging: ” Take a look and see if I don’t like it, I will give you one.”

The appearance of Sebble made Durin dislike it, but he did not care. Anyone with poor and wealthy mentality will have a little change in personality. It can be said that it is inflated, or it can be said that it is not known.

He flipped the gift box for two laps and looked at Sebray before unpacking the box. There is a gold watch in the box, so the gold watch must be purchased at least 5,000. To say no, after all is a gift from someone else, do not like to say it. I have to say that I like it. To be honest, this kind of watch with thousands of watches, Durin, is not in sight. Maybe he will be very concerned about it more than a year ago, but as a strong man who has passed the “100 million” before and after, he really can’t see this thing.

He doesn’t like Sebray, who has a little money to squander his character. In Durin’s opinion, only a small part of the money that Sebray earns belongs to him, and more belongs to other Guartian. He does not have this power. Move someone else’s money.

So there was no surprise expression on his face. He just nodded his head and showed a faint smile. “You have a heart, things are good, I have accepted it.”


Regardless of what Durin had to say, Sebble had to ask Durin to accept the thing. The chefs just started serving at this time, and both of them closed their mouths at the right time. After the chefs left, Durin asked the food and drink in the neckline and asked, “How many of my friends? Why didn’t you see them?”

Sebray did not pause at all: “They are in the north of the city, and there are still some things that need to be dealt with.”

He replied very quickly, and there was no change in his expression. Durin secretly observed for a while and accepted the answer with suspicion. As he split the steak in the plate, he asked: “When I came over, it seems to be very calm. How do you coordinate with other local wine merchants and solve this kind of thing peacefully. To be honest, I am very curious. It’s a big deal!”

Sebble put down the knife and fork, rubbed the greasy lips with a napkin, and every time he talked, the fat on the gang would tremble with the opening and closing of his lips, which looked a bit funny. He shrugged his bladder. “I don’t think there is anything that can’t be negotiated. The key is to be sincere!” He extended a finger and clicked on it. “To say that we are all doing business, there is no hatred.” As long as you can find the bottom line that both sides can accept, then there is nothing to talk about.”

He lifted his chest and the button on the shirt might be a bit sinful. He looked like he was very proud. “I am a businessman, Mr. Durin, please don’t ignore my instinct as a businessman!”

If sitting across from him is a naive idealist, maybe he can be fooled by him. But who is sitting opposite him? That is Durin, a person who comes up from the bottom to go through arduous training or hard work.

When Sebray said the word “negotiation,” Durin knew he was lying.

The profits of private wine are even seen by the rich. The reason why they do not touch these is not that they do not look at the profits here, but that they have to take into account their own decent and social responsibility. Of course, it can be said that their desire for money has been reduced, and they began to chase political power, but this does not mean that the rich are not tempted by private wine. If there is no ban on alcohol, what are these gangs?

Moreover, he did not see the members of the fellowship association. He knew that he was the president of the fellowship association. He was not an unexpected choice but was informed in advance. Even if those members really have something, they will definitely find a way to come over. The fact that Sebray kept open the topic gave Durin some shadows, and he suspected that the members might have died.

He is a good-tempered person. First of all, everyone must reason. At the same time, he is not a good-tempered person, as long as he violates the rules he sets, he will be angry. When a good person is angry, he is sulking, but when the bad guy is angry, it is a storm and rain!

Before and after the combination and his temptation to Sebray, Durin asserted that Sebble was lying. He put down the knife and fork, took a napkin and dipped his lips, took a cigarette from the cigarette case, and spit a sip. “Let my people come over. This time I come here to save the goods, but also Bring them back.”

Sebble frivolous screamed. “They will not come back for a while. It’s better to take you around and turn around. I know there is a place. Recently I came to a group of girls who are said to be east, and we are here. People can be a lot different.”

Durin slightly nodded, he hooked his finger, “The hand is sticking out, I have something for you.”

Sebble snorted and looked happy. “How interesting is that?” He looked at Durin, and Durin had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were undoubtedly shiny. He hesitated for a moment, then slowly put the chubby hands on the table and stretched over.

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