Cosma Empire

Chapter 304

Buddy was not subject to personal restrictions. He took a sip of his glass and was a pleasant thing to drink a glass of wine in the cold cell in winter. The body suddenly became warm, with the body that the chill had long been dispelled by the disappear without a trace. In Willis, there is basically no market for such things as fruit wine. Only high-alcohol is a necessity for people’s lives!

The police chief smiled a little cold. He shot on the table with one hand and stared at Buddy. “Do you mean that we are not friends?”

Budi grabbed a piece of broken fish and threw it into his mouth and refused two times. Like a smile yet not a smile, he shook his head. “You are the police chief, I don’t have that ability to climb you!”

In the next second, the head of the police bureau turned over the table, and the dish on the table was covered in Buddy’s hair, face and body. He slammed on the table and put Buddy on the foot of the bed. “I will give you a chance, you know, I don’t like to move rough!”

This is not the head of the police department. He does not like to give prisoners a sentence. He is a native. He lived here for 40 for many years. Willis said that he was not big, he said that he was not small, maybe he was The person who catches knows him or knows his family. If the family or relatives of the suspect do not know him or his family, they can’t avoid the human condition. Therefore, if you can’t take measures, you will try not to take measures, which makes him have a good reputation in the local.

Over time, his character was mastered clearly, and a little thing to apologize to pay a gift, to compensate the victim’s loss will be over.

But this does not mean that he does not have a “brutal” side, to do police work, without deterrence to become the police chief?

He saw Buddy say say a word, immediately removed the baton from the waist, and smashed the arm of Budi’s injured arm. This stick is very real, and Buddy thinks that the arm that hurts the bone should be broken. He clenched his teeth and resisted the severe pain, and his eyes became somewhat sensational. He didn’t talk, but he licked his mouth and showed a twisted smile, his mouth gasping, and his blood spurted out of his mouth as he breathed.

His gums broke several times, and the pain of the fracture was unimaginable. He saw that the arm of the police chief had started to swell and he didn’t care. The muscles on his face began to tremble slightly, and after a while he spit out a sentence, “I have the ability to kill me, come, just here, today you don’t kill me, I will only look down on you!”, he remembers The letter Durin gave him.

He doesn’t know the word, but he has a young person who knows the word. When the young people read what Durin wrote, he was shaking all over! He even carried this content down, which is a very difficult thing for a person who has not attended school in 40. But he memorized it very smoothly, and at this time the content suddenly appeared in his mind –

Death is the best way to get respect from others. Whether it is the death of another person or the death of oneself, you can be respected or even feared by others. Guartian is too long, we need blood, we need death, we need blood. Today we can choose to continue to live as before, but our child? What about our descendants? When generation after generation chooses acknowledgment allegiance, we will eventually lose the past we are proud of.

And all the shame we bear today will become their “past” and become their “habit”, let them think that survival is the whole of Guartian. If you want the descendants of the king and the gods to bear all of this for generations, then let me, and you, and more Guartian who are determined to change this, become pioneers, use our blood, use our death to come. Watering this flower called Struggle, let it bloom beautifully.

One day, people will stand in front of our graves and point to our tombstones to tell their children. A long time ago, some people fought for happiness, won happiness, and regained everything that belongs to us, with blood and stubbornness. A belief called equality.

And this is the purpose of all our actions, so that all the same people can live on this world equally, no discrimination, no humiliation, we will bathe in the sun until eternal!

At this time, Buddy’s eyes began to turn red, just like the injured coyotes were blocked by hunters somewhere, and an indescribable wildness filled Buddy’s eyes. He did not resist, nor struggled, so he stared at the police chief. “Come, kill me, there is a moving towards here.” He pointed his finger at his eyebrows. “Come on, fast. Point, I can’t wait. The first king and the gods are already in summon, I am returning to the hero’s return, satisfy me!”

His last three words were almost smashed out. Looking at the police chief’s somewhat retreating eyes, Buddy spit a bloody spit on the police chief. The sly smile stung the heart of the police chief and he lost it. The baton pulled out the pistol and took the butt against Buddy’s head. The sharp butt sharp thorn pierced the skin on Budi’s forehead, and the blood suddenly flowed out.

He put the muzzle on Buddy’s head and snarled. “Bastard, do you think I don’t dare?”

Buddy’s sarcasm, he suddenly realized that when he was hardened, even the police chief chose to give in, which made him understand where Durin’s courage came from. People are afraid of fearless things, but some sacrifices are meaningful, and some sacrifices are meaningless. When a person dies for an ideal, arouses the anger of his compatriots through his own sacrifice, and expels their inner shackles, then such death is sacred.

Ogdinian, far from being as great as they imagined, so determined!

There was a smile on his face that seemed to be a pilgrimage. The wrinkles on his face became soft. He scorned the song of the first king and slowly closed his eyes.

When I saw this kind of Buddy, the police chief suddenly realized what he had. He took back the pistol, inserted it into the holster, and released his foot. He sorted out the clothes and finished the inquiry. He left. At that time he left the word “mad”.

are you crazy?

Perhaps, when the door was closed, the police chief heard the laughter that Buddy had already gone. His eyes were pumping and the problem seemed to be more troublesome! He realized that Buddy might not be just a new private liquor agent, there must be something else he didn’t know.

He was timid at that moment, and he knew that he would just pull the trigger and the old guy from Buddy would be finished. But he also realized that it is not only Buddy who is crazy…

This made his scalp numb!

This damn bastard!

Three days passed and the assassination seemed to stop. Just as it never happened, the gunshots that often appeared during the time on the street could not be heard. People returned to the street to discuss recent events.

But anything needs someone to make an account. Several unimportant mountain wolf members cry and shouted to go to jail. The police chief arrested them and arranged the charges on their heads. When the City Hall asked him what he meant, he was silent for a while before he smiled helplessly. Perhaps this world has to change.

On the day when Buddy left the police station, there were more than a dozen cars parked at the police station. Many young Guartians were like the heroes who greeted them. They looked at Buddy with a hot flame. Buddy laughed and walked down the steps. As he was about to return, he looked up at the window on the easternmost side of the third floor of the police station. The police chief flashed away at the window.

This time, Guartian won, and Budi also understood what Durin said. You are not arguing. Why do others give you respect and give you equality? If you give up your dignity yourself, you must pick it up yourself!

More than a dozen cars left the police station at the same time. Buddy didn’t know that during his time in the detention room, Durin madly raided all the people who had a relationship with the mountain wolf gang. Kill to the last one. It is this practice that has caused more ambition and bloodiness of the young people. When they walked down the street, they were able to feel that people no longer have a look of disdain, contempt and contempt in their eyes, but a fear!

Someone asked Durin, is this okay?

Durin’s answer is simple. Are you willing to let others cast aside your dignity and then slap you, or will you be willing to fear you even if they hate you?

The man thought about it and chose the latter.

This is not a personal choice, but a race choice.

If you can’t let us accept us equally, then hate us with hatred and fear us!

Heroic warriors will never get the respect of others with their mouths. Only the scalp on their belts and the blood of others belong to them.

Back in the basement, Durin called the doctor, because Buddy’s arm was obviously not right, and the blood leaked out.

When the doctor was checking for Buddy, Buddy did not care at all, and even talked with Durin. He glanced at his already a little numb arm, looked toward the compatriots who were filled with care for his eyes, said with a smile: “With one arm for everything in today, I think it is worth it. I thought about it, I You should exchange all of this with something more important, but you are doing so well, and have not given me this opportunity.”

“If I did, then you said, would I be the legend of Eternal Inextinguishable like the heroic heroes of the First King?”

Durin forced nodded, “Yes, we will!”

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