Cosma Empire

Chapter 306

In the next second, Durin suddenly grabbed Sebreu’s wrist, and the right hand grabbed the fork and lifted it high. He inserted it into his palm, and he could hear the slamming sound. The fork was already deep. In the middle of the table.

After a few seconds, Sebble was slow to make a terrible scream, let him struggle, and the fork was completely motionless. At the same time, Dufo and Ellis took out their pistols and took control of the people that Sebray brought. Sudden changes made all the people present stunned, the waiter of the restaurant began to tremble, standing at the door and wanting to go out and dare not open the door, shiver coldly.

Durin picked up the pure white napkin and wiped the stained blood on the right hand and placed it on the corner of the table. He walked to the locker next to him, took a new fork, and returned to his seat, pulling the seat forward and leaning back, continuing to break down the steak in the plate. The steak is grilled well, 60% cooked, the appearance is slightly slight, and there is a pink color inside. The entrance is very tender and the taste is very good. This hotel has a good chef.

Sebble glanced at Durin, who was seriously eating, sneaking out another hand and trying to unplug the fork. He knew that Durin was violent again, holding down another hand of Sebray and making the second meal. The fork was inserted.

In his eyes, he spurted out a strong killing intent, which made Sebray shudder. Finally he was coldly snorted, sorted out the clothes that were too fast and the action was too big and messed up, and sat back again. The cold expression on his face remained unchanged, and another knife was placed on the right hand, replacing the role of the fork.

This time, Sebray did not make a loud scream. Once people are psychologically prepared, they will naturally enhance their ability to bear the next few things. His eyes gazed at Durin, and he couldn’t wait for the incarnation wild beast to tear Durin into pieces. After living for so many years, when did he try such pain? Both formerly and now, he is Guartian’s esteemed “Mr. Sebble”, a decent figure with a head and face!

It was already cold winter, and the sweat of the beans on the face of Sai Berry rolled down. He swallowed a bit of spit and ran a bit of tearing scorpion, and looked at Durin with a fierce look. “Why, what am I doing wrong?” Why are you doing this to me?!”

Durin ignored him and divided the last small piece of steak into the mouth and swallowed it. He took the napkin and dipped his lips, and dropped it on the table. He leaned back, tilted his leg, took a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, and tapped one. The smog of blue rises and there is an indescribable beauty. Through this layer of smoke, the eyes of the two meet. An anger, fear, cruelty, a calm, but killing intent.

He sat sideways and looked at Sebble calmly, letting his angry roar, all indifferent.

For a while, Durin bounced the ash and asked softly: “I know that many people see my young appearance and feel that I am very confused. I feel that even if I have seen it, I can fool the past. Many people think so and so. Did, but I forgave them and sent them to hell.”

“Sebre, what about my people?”

Sebray suffered a pain, his face paled, or the previous rhetoric, “They helped me in the North City…”

Durin stood up again, and he picked up the bottle of red wine on the table and leaned forward to face the head of Sebray. Ka-cha split a thick bottle from the wine, the red wine drenched him, and two pieces of glass also scratched his cheek. Sebble’s eyes were black in the blink of an eye, and there was only a squeaky voice in his head. Everything in front of him became a ghost. He has a feeling of wanting to vomit, and his chest is a bit dull, and it will take a while to recover.

In the eyes of Sebray, Durin is the child of a wealthy family with innocent fantasies. He simply doesn’t know how difficult it is to raise the status of Guartian in this world. Guart Kingdom has died and there is nothing more. The shit first king and the gods blessed Guartian. If the first king and the gods are really eternal, why haven’t they ignored their children and grandchildren these years? It is just a lie of the ignorant fool’s self-consolation. Instead of imagining those unrealistic and ridiculous ideals, it is better to make more money on the ground. Isn’t it better to have money?

Who can care for other people in this era? It’s really reliable to live your life first.

After Durin left last time, he asked the people who stayed at Durin to eat the stopped meal, and at the dinner table, people and the five young people drunk frequently. He is bullying those young people, have not seen any market, and soon drank too much in people’s compliments.

Sebray hadn’t figured out the details of Durin, so he didn’t really dare to kill the five people. He tied them up at the beginning, held them in the suburban warehouse, and arranged people there. Look, give them food and drink, and let them die. Then he found the big leader of the local smuggling gang, saying that he had some private wine in his hand and was willing to sell the wine in his hand to the group of desperados.

For the smuggling gang, what they are doing is this sale. Although it is not clear what kind of tricks Sebble wants to play, the money that can be sent to the door is really sorry if they can take the gun at any time. The two sides are sham. After seeing Sebray’s piles of private wine stored in the dock warehouse, the leader of the smuggling gang, a guy named Jerez, immediately made a decision and was willing to eat the goods at a relatively low price.

Jerez thought it was very simple, this is an unexpected wind. You don’t need to risk taking the wine from other places, you can realize it when you change hands. Isn’t that awkward money? At the same time, he also left a heart in his heart. As a member of the bustling city of Monte, Underground World has already had their own sites. This sudden burst of private wine indicates that someone is invading Montele’s private wine market. .

This kind of behavior is a provocation to Jerez and other smuggling gangs. After he bought the wine of Sebray, he made another request to know who is supplying 赛布雷. How can this group of people with bloody mouths be the past that Sebble can cope with? He explained that not only did he not appease Jerez for a long time, but he almost started to move his hand. In order to avoid his own suffering, Sebble handed over the five people in Durin’s hand.

With such a relationship, Jerez thinks that Sebble is “harmless” and that it is harmful to the private wine supplier who wants to invade the Monte market. He told Sebray that when the other party gave him another drink, he could pass it on to him, and he would pass the news to him as soon as possible. He would come to the provocate who called Durin to let him know that some money is not so good, it will be It is human life.

It was only this request that Sai Berry promised, but did not implement it. Whether Durin is really a smuggling or a pampered young master of a rich family, it is not something he can deal with. Instead of offending Durin, who doesn’t know the roots, it’s better to fool Jerez. After he had made a few sales, he had money, and Jerez did not dare to deal with him. When I can’t do it, I will leave Monte. I have a few thousand dollars to go to where I can’t live.

The idea is very good, he even thought about how to deal with Durin, but he did not think that Durin looked young, but not a new debut, but a person!

Durin took off the cigarette on his mouth and reached out to crush the cigarette in the palm of Sebble. He wrapped his wrapper and suddenly smiled. “Sebble, do you know? In our ancient customs of Guartian There is a kind of special treatment against those traitors, you will be judged!”

Sebble’s eyes immediately smashed round, how could he not know this custom? These customs have long been integrated with ethnic myths, Legendary stories, and so on, and have become the “education” that every Guartian must accept when she was young. His whole person began to tremble, and this time he realized how stupid he was doing!

“No, no… Mr. Durin, you listen to me…”, watching Durin go around the table and walk to the door, and Sebble stood up in horror. He forgot that his hands were nailed to the table, suddenly got up and didn’t get to the fork, and after a scream, he sat back. As he looked at Durin, his heart grew colder and colder.

In the Guartian tradition, all betrayers were stripped alive and then hanged in the sun for three days. If the first king and the gods think that the sentenced person is not guilty, he will let him go and let him live. If the person who feels the victim is guilty, he will take the life of the victim in three days. Among the many rumors and real people, many of the prisoners who were tried have died in three days. Until now, only one person has survived, and this person is still only living in the story. No one knows whether he is Who.

As soon as he thought of himself being tortured and treated, Sebray’s brains were blown up. He squatted and pushed the table to chase Durin. He asked Durin for forgiveness. At this time, he seemed to finally remember to use Durin. Language, but this step has been used, no help, no one can save him!

Seeing that Sebray was about to catch up with Durin, Dufo rushed over and slammed the table, and Sai Bray again made a fierce cry.

Durin walked to the door and watched the three compatriots who were pointed at by Ellis and did not dare to take any action. They stopped.

“Remember, the first king and the gods are eternal, as long as there is any descendant of the first king bloodline in this world, they will never be shattered!”, after he laughed, “The rest of the road, you choose I don’t like to help people make decisions. It’s a very cruel thing.” He said that he had pushed the door out, and there were already several hotel managers outside the door. The screams of Sebray had already alarmed them. But they dare not go in.

Monte is a very “free” city, and freedom also represents danger. When Durin came out, they glanced at Sebble sighed in relief on the floor and hugged the table, as long as there were no dead people.

Durin took out a few twenty-dollar bills and randomly smoked about a hundred dollars and stuffed them into the hotel staff wearing formal attire with a brand name. “Sorry, some unpleasant things happened during the meal.” Things, this money is used as compensation, sorry!”

He touched the brim, and the hotel’s management staff bent over with a friendly smile and personally sent him out behind Durin and even called a car.

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