Cosma Empire

Chapter 291

“This is a private place, there is no permission to go in!”

Carter frowned, who is receiving the member, smiled and said a sorry to a member, then walked outside the church.

Every Saturday, members will gather here to exchange what happened in the last week, and perhaps discuss topics of interest to everyone. Time seems to never be late, no doubt, Saturday is coming again.

Some people were very curious when the chapel was built. Some church people thought that it was the church of God. They even wanted to come and pray and repent.

The early empire did not recognize other sects other than the church under the influence of the church. Later, in order to downplay the power and strength of the church in the empire, during the seventh emperor’s time, the old fogey announced a new imperial law— – Promote religious freedom, so the church of the gods of the provincials, the witches of the barbarians, and the gods of the Irians began to spread. In addition to the remote areas, there are always churches in the bustling cities that are called “pagan” by the church.

After a lot of misunderstandings were sent to the residents, there was a lot of cleanliness here, and no one thought about praying again. In fact, don’t talk about the statues of the first kings and the gods. There are no paintings here. Even if people come in to estimate that they are also confused, they can’t tell what the church is.

Hearing the sound outside, Carter realized that there might be some “bugs” who wanted to break in. When he came out of the church door, he saw a few drunkards outside the yard holding bottles and fellow villagers. The members pushed forward. Perhaps when I saw Carter, the members’ actions were a big one. One of them was pushing a drunkard to the ground, and the other drunken people started to attack under the influence of alcohol.

When a bottle of wine is about to pass, everyone seems to be frozen. Their eyes were locked on the body of the Grand Lu Wei, which was slowly parked on the side of the road. The silver light paint is like a small moon in the dark, reflecting the silver white moon. This kind of car doesn’t say they can’t afford it. It’s just a car, they probably can’t afford it.

Dufo, wearing a formal draped hat, glanced at the drunkards and opened the door for Durin from the co-pilot. Durin and Dufo’s dresses were similar, both formal and a hat. He was a little disgusted and glanced at the drunks in the light that were ready to fight, and moved directly toward the church. Those drunken people suddenly woke up a lot, and there was a hint of sorrow in the eyes of Durin’s back.

Dufo smoked the cigarette, and when he got under the light, he put the smoke on his mouth, and looked at the drunkards, his eyes swept over each of them, and then directly from the drunkard who raised the bottle high. The bottle was taken away, and the cockroach was on the head of the man. Broken glass slag, blood, wine, in an instant is like a sudden blooming flower. Whether it is those members who are guarded outside the church, or those who are drunk with a lot of money to make a lot of money, they are all stupid.

Dufo looked at the soft guy who fell to the ground, took a circle of money from his pocket, and counted five and two pieces to drop on the drunkard who seemed to be in a coma. He didn’t even bother to look at it even more, and he followed Durin again. Just as he was about to enter the church yard, he showed a cold expression to the members of the fellowship who guarded the iron gate. “Remember, Guartian has no coward. Either fight or die!”

Those drunkards look at me, I see you, it seems that the energy is gone. They silently dragged the two arms of the companions on the ground, picked up the ten dollars, and left silently. They can play in the fifth district and the same residents who live here, and they can face the role of being able to afford such a luxury car, even if one hundred together are not enough.

“You are here!”, Carter bent down very respectfully. In fact, from the day he first saw Durin, he was not an ordinary Guartian. According to the custom of the past Guart Kingdom, Carter is already Durin. The vassal, he is Durin’s private “item”, and Durin can decide his life and death in one fell switer. So he was very respectful of Durin, not only because of his relationship with Durin, but also because Durin gave him the opportunity to enemies.

If it wasn’t for Durin, he wouldn’t say that he had revenged to kill the old bastard, and even he was likely to be slaughtered by the old bastard.

Durin slightly nodded, stepped into the church, and some of the noisy churches became silent in a moment, leaving only a kick made when the sole touched the floor. Under the “high-profile”, Durin walked to the support desk. He looked up at the rudimentary church and quickly regained his gaze. He took the hat off and placed it on the stage. He had a smile on his face and said his name with a very clear bite.

“Others like to call me Mr. 350,000, you can call me Durin!”

Throughout the church absolute silence, Durin didn’t feel any embarrassment. He understood the mentality and emotions of these people at this time. It was like the is legend story suddenly became true one day. Not everyone can be in the first place. Accepted in time. He shrugged his bladder and continued, “Carter wants me to come once, and I think so. Don’t think that I am different from you, we are no different!”

“I am a Guartian. I was not much different from the ones here a year ago. I am from a small city. The first money I get is the errands. The first money I earn is for those. Rich people wash their cars, they give me a car wash.” Durin said that these things and the life that Guartian lives in the fifth district did not seem to be much different, and his special angle suddenly caught. The heart of these young people.

A year ago, he was just a car wash, but a year later, he was already sitting on a manor house worth 350,000, driving a luxury car and holding a large sum of money in his hand. The members who can appear in the church today are not “honest” children. They also want to hear the 350,000-person Mr. Durin, how to complete from poverty to wealth in a very short time.

“I once thought that I can open a regular car wash by the money I earned by car wash. By the way, I can repair or decorate the car. I will fill my store with the entire empire. When people see me, they will The people around them said, ‘Hey, that’s the car wash tycoon of the empire!'”, he couldn’t help but laugh when he said it here, and some members showed a smile on his face. He shook his head. “The ideal is only after all. Ideal is beautiful, but not realistic.”

“My thoughts were quickly filled with blood that was plagued by malicious reality. I asked myself why, when you found a road that seemed to lead to light, you never walked the last step? I thought For a long time, I suddenly understood it because I didn’t argue or grab it because I didn’t learn to resist. I didn’t do anything but bow down. I asked myself, how should I choose if I go back to the countryside to be a farmer? Maybe I won’t encounter any tricky things in my life, and those crops won’t hit me…”

His self-deprecating and ironic words resonated with many members, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm, and others laughed.

“But!”, he pointed a finger at the sky, and the smile on his face gradually turned into seriousness. “I will be willing? Will I be willing to use the most precious things in my life to change mediocrity?” “This sentence is asking himself, and he is also interrogating the hearts of every member present.” He shook his head slowly and spit out a heavy syllable, “No!”

“I can not be reconciled!”

“Then I did something that was not very glorious, but it was illegal, but I didn’t get the “responsible consequences” that people told me. Instead, I got status, prestige, wealth, and power. This society, this country is the end. What happened? Did they deceive me, weaved a lie and lied to me for more than ten years, or did I lie to myself?”

“I feel that I have lied to myself. I told myself that if you do a good social ethics, life will be better!”

“I told myself that I must abide by the law and not do things that the law does not allow, so that I will have a perfect life!”

“I told myself that being honest and alive, there may be things that don’t go well in this life, but there will be no regrets!”

He nodded his head and looked at the eyes of those people. “Yes, I lied to myself! There has never been any Karmic Retribution, that many people who have done bad things are still at large, that many people who violate the conscience and morality Still in the middle of the paper, the people who are not willing to live an ordinary life are making a feast!”

“Who is cheating?”

“Today, you can choose to bow, but you have to remember, if you have hope in your heart, and the future, you can’t see when you bow your head. There is a sentence I want to tell you, it is very simple to be a coward, bow your head. If you look at the road under your feet, you will never fall, but if you want to run and want to embrace the bright future and hope, look up.”

“Nothing is more terrifying than mediocrity, living in mediocrity and boring, I am willing to die in the fire, at least I announced to the world that I tried.”

“After five days, our first batch of wine will leave Irian and send it to some places to send hope to the compatriots who still live in the dark. In fact, I hesitated before making this decision. I put I hope to bring them, but I also bring them to destruction. They will shed blood and die. Because of one of my decisions, many compatriots will be on the road to the future. Is it worth it? Is it appropriate?”

Durin’s face showed a smile, his chop nails and sever Iron said: “Worth!”

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