Cosma Empire

Chapter 292

Durin’s words gave the young people in the church a big shock, and he didn’t lie.

People are always telling themselves that father, relatives, neighbors, friends, they all say the same thing, don’t do stupid things, they will get better. Can you live well? Look around, even the street lights will be closed at night, they don鈥檛 have the courage to go out, because if they are still swaying at 10 o鈥檆lock in the street, they may be treated as homeless by the patrol. Han, violently stopped to send to the sixth or seventh district to engage in hard work, this life is estimated to have no hope of returning.

Educational resources, medical resources, and employment resources, these seem to be very good words and they have no relationship, because they live in the fifth district because they are poor. They did not do stupid things as everyone hoped, and they worked honestly, but did life get better?

Durin’s words are not as exciting as Carter said. What he said is like a loud bell. It echoes in everyone’s heart. Those who want to sleep are shocked. They have to lift their eyes and open their eyes to face this cruelty. World.

Changing life is not a simple matter. It takes a lot of courage, even bloodshed, and death. Is it because of these possibilities that you give up hope of changing your life?

Durin took out another smoke point, behind the smog, and he said in a tone like talking to himself: “You don’t fight, how do you know what will happen after spelling?”

Three days later, a freighter slowly departed from the port, and most of the ships had a full container of wine, and there were dozens of pistols and rifles that Durin had brought from various sources. The ship not only has members of the fellowship, but also Dufo and Durin himself.

In his words, the first time you need to take the goods is not just to put things in the hands of others, then tell them how to use weapons to compete for the site, but also to establish a direct relationship. If you complete this relationship with Carter, or someone else instead of him, you may be able to be overhead in the future. Durin never simply guesses people’s hearts in good faith. He always labels everyone with the most malicious, and then tears the label a little bit… and maybe someone can’t tear it.

Dufo’s face was a bit green. When he was on the sea boat to Irian, he almost didn’t lie down. Sailing in the sea gave him an inexplicable fear and fear. He clung to the arm of the ship and kept smoking cigarettes. The farther Irian is, the harder he is holding the hand of the hand, and even the tight blue veins can be seen.

Durin patted his shoulder, the hull was constantly bumping, and some of the waves flew up and covered the face, giving the whole world a new look.

“I know there is a way to avoid seasickness, but I don’t know if it’s true.” Durin remembered the dream of World of one li’s treatment of seasickness. He picked a thing that could be done here. 鈥淚 heard that the orange peel is smashed into the belly button and then taped, which can effectively reduce the dizziness caused by seasickness.鈥?/p>

In the next second, Dufo slammed into the cabin, although it was not the era of technology behind more than a hundred years ago, but most of the sea boats will retain some fresh fruit trees, such as orange trees. On the one hand, it is to meet the needs of different classes for food diversification, and it is not worthwhile to use an ice bank for some fruits.

Durin shrugged, looked at the beach that had completely disappeared on the sea level, and turned and walked back to the cabin. He needed a good rest for a while. Three days later they would be in the first place, one called Wesley. Seaside city. All the cities close to the sea will not be too backward. Although there are some small villages and the seaside still live a poor life, there is absolutely no poor and backward city.

Whether it is shipping or marine resources, it is enough for the seaside city to have enough economic pillars to support the development of the city. Wesley is such a seaside city.

There are more than three million permanent residents in Wesley. The city is dominated by fishing and light industry. They mainly sell canned fish from the sea to other cities. Although the taste of cans may not be as good as it should be, many middle and lower class citizens in society still like these things very cheaply, but also meat.

They don’t know what amino acids are, and they don’t understand why humans need to supplement amino acids, but they know that they don’t have the strength to work without eating meat. Compared to those dozens of pounds of beef, this kind of money can buy six cans is their favorite thing.

The city has the same Guartian. After the empire’s demise of Guart Kingdom, they stayed together in order to prevent Guartian who brought them great casualties. They distributed all Guartians to cities. In Willis, Guartian is mainly engaged in canning work with high labor repetition, heavy work, and sailors on some fishing boats.

This evening, this city with few tourists has fallen into a deep sleep. The dogs on the pier, except for occasionally awakening from the middle of the night, will only sound two sounds. At this time, on the edge of the most remote berth, more than a dozen people stood in the cold wind smoking. They wore some of the whitewashes that had been washed, even the repaired seals, with an old round cap, shivering slightly.

The sea breeze at night was not so comfortable, and the first person walked anxiously back and forth. It was only when someone guessed that the compatriots who contacted them would make a mistake, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the sea.

The middle-aged male, who was called “Buddy” by this group of Guartians, took off his cigarette butt and threw it on the pallet and stepped on it. He picked up an oil lamp from the ground and lighted the signal of “three long and two short” according to the agreed content. Soon the shadow of the opposite side also responded with a signal of “three short and two long”, which is his own.

In the tidal wave, the boat quickly approached the dock. A guy wearing a luxurious wool windbreaker with a very beautiful hat stepped on the pallet in the moonlight. He shook hands with Buddy. Some young, “It’s nice to meet you, I am Durin!”

Buddi shook hands with Durin and took it back. He worried that the old man in his hand would hurt the young people. After spending the rest of his life in the city, his palms have been covered with wounds and calluses by the sea fish and work. The wounds and the edges of the old man are as sharp as a knife. He glanced at the contents of the ship and said “help them”. The people behind him immediately began to help others to put what they put on the pallet.

Neither of them spoke. Soon someone pushed the cart and ran over. They packed things up and then opened them together.

It must be said that although Buddy is the most prestigious person living in Willis’s Guartian, he is not rich. He was only 40, and the wrinkles on his face were deeply trapped like an axe. The whole person was very old and very embarrassed. They came to a basement not far from the dock, here is Buddy’s home, a wet basement. Fortunately, the size of this basement is not small, perhaps the only one that can prove Budi鈥檚 identity is the size of this basement.

“The conditions are simple, my heart is awkward!” He brought two glasses of water on the table and his face was a bit shy.

Durin didn’t care, he laughed. “Oh, this is the purpose of my visit here, two hundred boxes of wine, ten pistols and enough bullets. I believe that if you can sell these two hundred and four hundred bottles of wine, Go, next time I come, I might live in a villa on the hill.”

Buddy thought of a future full of prospects, and he was vigorously nodded. “I thank you all of Willis’s Guartian. Thank you for your help. I can’t use words to describe my mood at this time. In addition to saying thank you, I don’t know what words to use to reflect my excitement.”

Durin patted his arm and said something, “I hope that in the next few days, you won’t be able to slap me before going to bed at night. These things can help you, but they will hurt you.” I am very eager to ask, are you ready to go to war?”

The city of Willis has a much more demand for alcoholic beverages than anywhere else, because it is close to the sea, and even in winter there are fishing boats going out to sea. At this time, the biggest hope of every sailor and seafarer is that they have a little more than a bottle of wine, which can help them to get rid of the cold during fishing operations, and also enable them to sleep well.

Buddy’s eyes are a bit complicated. He smiles and nodded. “Isn’t that what you want?”

“I will leave three people to help you with the initial things. I will take them away next month, so I hope that you will be able to learn how to fight and how to get business in a month.” When Durin spoke, those people had already put the wine code representing the wealth neatly, they all worked at the dock, and this work was not enough to warm up.

“I will give you the price of 15 yuan per bottle. You can sell it for more than 25 yuan locally. The retail price can be higher, but the risk is even greater. Remember, try not to let those The bar owes money, and the purpose of their owing is to take advantage of it. If someone asks for it, then don’t cooperate with them. As long as you have the goods in hand, you won’t be a buyer.”

“Once the sales of these things are opened, it will inevitably attract the attention of local private wine merchants. They will definitely find you trouble, don’t be afraid, and fight back! Retreat, bowing will not let them share the market share to you half. It will only give them the idea of 鈥嬧€媣iciousness. Only by hurting them, scaring them, even slaughter them, our things can be thoroughly spread out here.”

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