Cosma Empire

Chapter 290

鈥淗ow many wines did you brew in a month?鈥?Durin pointed out that outside the factory, he moved toward the outside and went out. He now has a wine smell, alcohol in the air, and he can feel his cheeks hot. It is. He is not particularly able to drink alcohol, so he is not very interested in drinking. He does not like things that cannot control his behavior.

Rodr铆guez drank the puree from the cup and placed the cup on the side of the barrel. These barrels were made by Dragon Blood Wood, and the puree would be poured into the barrels. According to the required degree, after the stage is taken out, it can be bottled. The barrels made by Dragon Blood Wood can absorb impurities and moisture. Generally, the fruit wine will last for about three days, and the higher one will have a week. After more than a week, the effect is extremely limited, so the high-alcohol brewing method is to make Dragon Blood Wood into wood residue, and put it into the container together with the raw material to ferment, directly absorb impurities and moisture in the process.

He followed a few steps behind Durin and whispered: “At that time we could have up to 20,000 bottles per month, and we supplied about 70% to 80% of local demand.”

So I鈥檓 just a place for Irian, who consumes a thousand bottles of wine every day, so what about the entire empire? Of course, there is no such thing as Irian has so many other places here, but one hundred bottles a day can always be sold. There are 16 states and regions in the entire empire, more than 200 cities. If calculated according to this data, the empire consumes at least 20,000 bottles of wine every day.

But this number is far lower than the real number. In some prosperous cities, there may be more alcohol-containing beverages consumed per day than Irian, and then those regions that are relatively underdeveloped in economically underdeveloped regions will occupy a quarter of market share. One, about 10,000 to 20,000 bottles a day, which is a very low conservative number. The exact number needs to wait until the next batch of orders arrives, but Durin knows very well that this number is very low.

鈥淐ontinue to expand the plant and strive to get five hundred thousand bottles of wine every month.鈥?Durin took out a cigarette and handed it to Rodr铆guez. Rodr铆guez even forgot to pick up the cigarette in Durin’s hand!

One-month five hundred bottles of wine? They used to produce more than 100,000 bottles of wine in the past year. Now the amount in a month is three or four times that of the previous year. Rodr铆guez has a doubt. Can you really sell these wines every month? It is important to know that this wine is not the same as other businesses. Once the specific figures have been determined, it will be purchased in the market. This is a contract.

Once there is a backlog of wine in a month, it means that there will be a backlog of funds soon. Because of the contract, the Chamber of Commerce supplies the raw materials for the five hundred thousand bottles of wine on time and in volume. The food is very difficult to preserve, and Irian is still at the beach, the air is humid and cannot be stored for long periods of time. This means that even if their wine can’t be sold, they have to continue to produce wine unless they pay compensation.

When he saw his eyes, he realized that Durin had handed him a cigarette. He immediately bent down and said a thank you. He put the cigarette on his mouth and took out a box of matches for Durin. Then he gave it to himself. on. After rubbing his arm, throwing the match and throwing it to the ground and stepping on it, Rodr铆guez asked carefully, “Mr. Durin, this amount… wouldn’t it be too much?”

He then said: “And if you want to expand the factory, you need more land, at least four times now. We need warehouses to pile up raw materials and various things. If the place is small, it will not work. It is necessary to recruit more people…”

Durin understood the meaning of Rodr铆guez. First, he was afraid that the wine could not be sold into a vicious circle. Second, it was said that it took money.

Looking back at the little land around the winery, Durin frowned. Whether it is the first district or the fifth district, or the middle of the district, the vacant land is already very tight. With the opening of Irian’s eighth district, and more and more people who are optimistic about the city, many vacant land has built houses, and it is basically impossible to buy a large piece of open space.

If you can build a factory in several places, it can be done, but it does a lot of trouble. Durin thinks about it, let Rodr铆guez go back and prepare, he will go to the town hall to see if there is a better place.

He didn’t say hello when he went to the town hall, Scott wasn’t here, and the guy is staring at the eighth district every day. One is to supervise the construction progress, and the other is to coordinate some contradictions. In the eighth district, many projects will start at the same time, there will be some contradictions or conflicts. For example, your family’s garbage falls on my side. His family’s project blocks the sewage pipeline. In short, many things need him to do.

These things seem to be very small things that can be handled badly and easily become a big problem. Plus the workers’ unions are all around the site, there must always be a talkative, and people with certain strength sit on the site to coordinate this. The mayor is unlikely to go, and only his confidant Scott has gone.

When he arrived at the town hall, Durin reported his name and the mayor immediately met him. As he considered, now Durin has become the biggest gold lord of the Irian City Hall, silently, without one.

Whether it’s his jewelry store or the 20 million project under construction, or his winery, he can provide a lot of money for the management of Irian to support his own governance philosophy, while Durin can also Providing tens of thousands of jobs, it has made outstanding contributions to the security and stability of the Irian region.

The mayors of many places are obscured. They are not incapable of their ability, nor are they unwilling to do anything, but they have no money. For example, to build a road, it seems very simple to build a road. A phrase or a dozen letters can write this phrase on paper, which can be implemented and requires a lot of money.

Rich people like Irian, the mayor wants to build a road to build a road, and want to repair a park to repair a park, then what about those poor, economically underdeveloped cities?

Big eyes staring at small eyes 鍛?

So when I heard that Durin came in person, the mayor also personally greeted him. Last time, Durin didn’t have such a good treatment. With his industrial layout more and more, his status is also rapidly improving.

“I know that you are busy, I will make a long story short.” Durin didn’t have any further chills and said the purpose of his trip. “I want to buy a little land to expand the winery.”

The mayor asked some doubts: “I didn’t hear that you bought a large area of 鈥嬧€媗and?” Durin said that he was not enough. The mayor was even more surprised. “How many bottles of wine do you plan to produce each month?” And barreled wine?”

Durin held out a hand. He didn’t let the mayor to guess. It was a fool’s move. “five hundred thousand bottled wine, barreled wine, there is no plan yet.”

The mayor’s eyebrow raised, and his face suddenly smiled. Five hundred thousand bottles of wine, according to the current special tax payment principle implemented in the Irian area, he can do a little less tax, which is calculated by 50%, a bottle of wine earns ten dollars, and Durin must pay a tax of five dollars. . Five hundred thousand bottles that are two hundred five hundred thousand a month, Durin alone has paid more than 50% of the total tax revenue of the Irian area. How could he be unhappy?

He immediately stood up and walked over to the sofa group for the meeting, opened a curtain on the wall, revealing the planning map of the entire Irian area. He pointed to Durin and pointed to the map on the wall, said with a smile: “Come, where you want to draw it.”

Durin was also not polite, stood up and walked over. He carefully looked at the plan. There was no open space in the first district. The second district had a little bit, but it was very scattered. In the case of the third district and the second district, it seems that there is still a lot of idle land, but the east is a piece of west and cannot be effectively connected and utilized. There are some land in the fourth district, and there are three open spaces in the fifth district that seem to meet his requirements.

Just as Durin was ready to point to the fifth zone, he suddenly saw the second half of the map, there was an unexpected open space, and he was curiously asked: “Is this also the Irian area?”

The mayor鈥檚 adults affirmed Durin鈥檚 question, and Durin immediately changed his mind and pointed to the empty piece, 鈥淚 am going to do this!鈥?/p>

The mayor immediately gave the land use authority management office a visit, signed an agreement with Durin, stamped the chapter, and then taught the document to Durin. “From today, this land is yours. Private property, to be honest I have not thought that you will choose this place, what is the saying?”, he smiled and let the people in the land rights management office leave, curious to ask this question.

Because Durin chose not to land on Irian’s land, he chose an island about three kilometers from the Irian coastline. The size of the island is too small for development tourism or other projects, and it is a little far from Irian’s coastline, and there is no landscape on the island. It is an ordinary island full of vegetation, so it has been Not included in the Irian tourism development agenda.

If it wasn’t for Durin who discovered the place, the mayor had almost forgotten that he had a small island in his hand.

For the curiosity of the mayor, Durin laughed and said: “Because it is at sea!”

鈥淓very month, I have a large amount of wine to be shipped out. If it is not only troublesome to transport from the city to the port, I need to rent a port warehouse. It is better to solve the problem once and the ship can come and go at any time, and it will not be loaded at any time. I need to worry about having a thief and solve my troubles.”

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