Cosma Empire

Chapter 283

Garfield dismissed and got up and left. He just took a reason to go straight away. The next two people talked about things that he was not comfortable with. Every wise man will have self-control and will not listen to the secrets of others. The secret knows too much about this thing, and maybe one day it will shoot a bullet from an unexpected place.

After he left, the atmosphere was more harmonious, and both of them were relaxed and there was not much strangeness.

If it is the wine that allows strangers to become brothers at the fastest speed in this world, then it is the interests and common interests that can make strangers become friends at the fastest speed.

“I haven’t asked you yet…” Durin rubbed his shoulders and Thomas reacted and he reported his rank. It was only at this time that he realized that his superiors had the advantage of upgrading him. If he is still a lieutenant colonel, maybe Durin will cross his direct and more advanced generals, not with him. Durin smiled even more. “Colomnator Thomas, starting from the 1st of next month, our business will begin to fulfill. Before we cooperate, there are some things to say in advance, get on the table, right?”

Colonel Thomas is nodded. He is still a soldier in his bones. He is not as hypocritical as a businessman to say something else to test each other. He directly tells what Durin wants to ask. “I can give you a guarantee, every bottle of wine.” The transportation cost, the maximum will not exceed sixty-five points!”, Colonel Thomas still has the power to make a decision, because the price of this thing is to talk about it, to talk about it, to talk about it, to talk about it, you must be on the spot. There is a result.

Once there is a similar “research”, the next time you talk about the price, the other party will have to press the price.

Sixty-five points?

Durin touched his chin. The price was acceptable, but it was unacceptable. “Colomnator Thomas, very eager to ask, whether the price is the same regardless of the distance, or different prices according to the itinerary?”

Colonel Thomas stunned. “Of course not. This is just the cost of going to the farthest port, including factors such as the return trip may be short. If the distance is a little closer, the 30% to 40 score is almost the same.”

The nodded of the Durin indifferent expression raises a new requirement, “Can I look at those ships if I can?”

“Of course, when do you want to see the boat?”

“After dinner!”

The two quickly ate the stopped dinner in this special location, and for an hour without sharing, Durin still paid 3,000. When they arrived at the beach, there was already a speedboat waiting for Matos. A short-haired young people stood straight in the driver’s seat and looked at Colonel Thomas without squinting, as if they didn’t see Durin at all.

Colonel Thomas and Durin got on the boat, and he told me that the speedboat immediately left the port and moved quickly along the Irian coastline moving towards the south. It took about less than ten minutes to see another port, a military port. There are many warships anchored in the inner harbor. Some of the weapons are covered by canvas. Four white freighters are heard outside the port, and five “old ships” are obviously the same as the inner harbor warships.

The patrolling navies turned a blind eye to Colonel Thomas, just as the young people driving the speedboat couldn’t see Durin, and they couldn’t see the speedboat. The two men boarded a modified ship with one of the warships. The entire cabin was almost empty, and the maintenance was very good. Some parts also had some butter that was not cleaned. Where is this retired warship, it is simply a new warship!

He had a new understanding of the guts of these navies. He initially thought that the Navy’s own operation of shipping was only a hidden rule, but it seems that this is not as simple as the unspoken rules. This is simply the illegal activity of the red fruit. .

In fact, this can’t be blamed for Durin’s rare and strange situation. The situation of the Navy is a bit special.

During the Great Patriotic War, attacks from Confederation basically occurred on land. The attacks on the sea were not without, but they were reserved compared to the crazy power on the ground. The two navies tentatively opened a few shots and then returned. The family is resting. After the war, the New Party ruled. The first serious and blame was the attitude of the navy, and believed that the Navy did not shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending the empire and fighting the aggressors.

In fact, this can’t blame the navy. In fact, regardless of the empire or the Confederation, in addition to those places that cannot be landed, there are a large number of shore guns in the deep water port and the throat. If you are not ready to sacrifice at any time, you will not May score in. Instead of wasting shells and crystals, and letting a large number of naval veterans die, it is better to turn around at home.

Marcus then decided to cut the military’s military expenses and spend this part of the military on the improvement and development of new weapons and equipment. In addition to losing a large amount of military expenses each year, the navy’s top management was also “removed” by some generals. These generals left the army, but their influence is still there. Many people even think that these generals are black pots for the entire navy. So under the high-level discussions of the Navy, they came up with an interesting plan – self-sufficiency.

Perhaps they did run the maritime transport for this purpose at first, but soon the money became corrupted and the navy became a weapon for them to collect money. They have the funds that the Navy lacks in their hands, and the two sides quickly distinguish between the master and the slave from the peers. In addition, the active navy executives joined the feast of money, and the navy has basically been smashed.

The cabinet of the new party is also very clear about this matter, but when they are clear, there is no way to deal with the navy. Either take the vast majority of naval generals and face the most likely overall change. This is not impossible. Even if it is not possible, the naval generals who are in danger will also create this atmosphere. The navy was forced to go to the opposite side with the empire, and those generals could protect themselves by this means.

Either indulge the navy, as long as they do not affect the empire’s policy implementation and political direction, as long as they do not vote for treason, then let them be self-sufficient!

Repeating the reduction of the navy’s military expenses allowed the Navy to pay more for its unscrupulous money. So there was such a picture, blatantly using the Imperial warships to transport supplies for the rich.

“How are you satisfied with these boats?” Colonel Thomas patted a metal wall next to him, and the dull percussion sounded with a hint of tremor, which made people feel strong.

Durin was of course very satisfied. He shook hands with Colonel Thomas. “I don’t think I have to keep watching. After you have the exact list of fees, we can sign the agreement!”

Colonel Thomas clenched his heart and shook his right arm of Durin’s palm. “I will send you back. We will meet again at the latest two days!”

After leaving the contact information, Durin left the military port with a speedboat. He thought of something far more important than transporting those private wines. Obviously, the navy is a force that can be wooed. He will not naively think that as long as he spends money, the Navy can help him to do anything. If he spends money, he can always buy some naval “retirement” and “elimination”, and does not involve military. Secret thing.

For example… weapons? !

The difference between non-military weapons and military weapons is too great. Military weapons are more powerful, more lethal, and have a longer range than the “toy guns” in his hands. He has no weapons to carry the platform, and there is no latest war weapon, but he can change it himself.

The tank in the dream was originally the “farm tractor”, not to mention the fact that it was not difficult to convert a truck into an armed vehicle under the tremendous kinetic energy provided by the twin drive.

Of course, this requires first establishing appropriate cooperation with the Navy, and then step by step to implement it concretely.

After Durin left the military port, Colonel Thomas immediately went to the headquarters of the military port to meet the commander-in-chief of the navy stationed on Irian, an imperial major. It is not unconditional for the Imperial Army to pay no hesitation to the Navy. That is, the Navy must remain loyal to the Empire and obey the empire’s fighting orders and orders.

Since the Irian military port was abandoned, a small formation was stationed there, with a total of six warships ready to fight and eight training ships for training.

The warships that Durin saw outside the military port were actually training ships. They transformed seven, leaving only one for training.

“General, I am back.” Thomas slammed the door straight and stood outside the door. With a “coming in”, he pushed in, like the young people driving the speedboat, staring at his front without squinting. “I have met Mr. Durin of Irian, he talked to me. A big business, starting next month, there will be several hundred thousand bottles of wine shipped to the Empire every month.”

The Major General is an old guy in his fifties. He doesn’t look like a big man like the Major General. He is not tall, a little thin, his hair is white and he is somewhat bald. His face is like a wrinkle with a knife and axe, and the wrinkles on the top of his forehead can catch the mosquitoes.

“Oh?”, his voice was very loud, and there was a hint of accident in his voice. “Are you sure you count a hundred thousand bottles instead of tens of thousands?”

Colonel Thomas answered a “yes” loudly. The generals suddenly smiled and said, “Okay, very good.” He couldn’t help but stand up and walked back and forth. “How much do you give him? If it is too high, it will scare me.” To people!”

“No more than sixty-five points, one bottle!”

The general took a sip of cold, and he snorted in a whisper. “Account for half, thirty, ten bottles are three, hundred thousand bottles are 30,000, several hundred thousand bottles…”, his eyes glimpse, “a dozen 200,000…”

“You talked about this matter, the talk became a credit, and the talk collapsed…” The Major General laughed. “You will find another sale that will earn so much money!”

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