Cosma Empire

Chapter 284

When Durin came home, Carter was sitting in a simple church. There were many people gathered in the church. If you were careful, you would find that there are only a handful of women among them, others are men and… dog.

“Are people coming?” Carter stood up from the bench in the first row. No one answered his words, but the silent division told him that the people were there. Whether it is really true or not, people are all there. He looked at the two people who were at the door and told him to “close the door, don’t let people come in again” and then walked to the stage. He looked at the silent members and gave birth to a kind of turbulent emotion.

He tried to make his tone seem calm, but he couldn’t do it completely. He closed his eyes and opened it after a while. “Everyone… my brother sisters! I will gather you today. Here, because there is one thing I need to explain to you. The president of the fellowship is not me…”, the church suddenly remembered a humming sound, and he raised his hand and pressed, these people gradually calmed down.

The main reason for sitting here is that they are not willing to continue to live in poverty. They are not willing to continue to live like this. They can identify these people from many Guartians, thanks to the help of Totti. He has a good prestige in Guartian. He knows whose children are not “honest”. They always love to fantasize about something they should not think about. They also know who ever wanted to make some changes, but they were actually hit by reality. Got a bloody flow.

When Carter proposed to form a fellowship for Durin in the fifth district, and to absorb the people, they had a judgment and awareness. Carter’s example is there, and he always has some special thoughts or actions when he goes through such things. The people sitting here all share the same idea. Guartian is too united compared to the more united northern barbarians than the united provincial sage.

Perhaps the fellowship is an opportunity for unity. They all have their own opinions. Everyone who wants to change and change their lives is not an idiot that can be fooled by people. They want to listen and see what Carter and Totti’s oldest propaganda have. They are sitting here and expecting a change.

When Carter said that he was not the president and the president was 350,000, they did not have much disappointment, and some were surprised and happy. No one knows more about the changes that the rich can bring to them, and the opportunities, and they are quiet again.

Carter patted his cheek and glanced again at the closed church door, and several people were patrolling outside the door to keep others from approaching. He laughed at laughter and then talked about what he was hiding.

“Actually, my wife didn’t go as far as I said, because she left me here because of grief.” In the first sentence, the church was once again faintly boiling, and people’s anger continued for a while. Silence. Instead of giving up their anger, they chose to put the anger in a small bottle. “I almost died, but in the end he saved me. Then you know the next thing, he is me. I found it fair. I used to be confused. Even the fair things that hang on the mouths of those politicians do not belong to us. So freedom, enthusiasm, wealth, happiness and more beautiful words belong to us?”

“No!”, this is not very powerful. He is like a wooden cymbal knocking on a huge drumhead. The shocking people are shaking. He shakes his head and says, “No, no, those. It is not something that belongs to our people. The empire has canceled the rank of the untouchables. They no longer use the people to call us. Does this mean that we are not the people? Of course not, we are still the people, but now it is not only the untouchables, but also one more. The new vocabulary used to describe us is called the poor.”

“I don’t know anything about this person. I only know one thing. When you use your humility to change your dignity, why don’t you try to use your fists to let those who humiliate you and humiliate you look down? I still Living, not because I have any value, maybe because I don’t even have the value of death. But now, I have goals and pursuits, and I have realized something.”

“If life can’t change you, then you can change your life!”

“This time the president asked me to find me and told me a lot of things. I feel that I have learned a lot from his body, precious things. We can bow our heads in the face of power and unfair treatment. But we also have another choice, that is, resistance. If you lose your dignity and you are not enough to get what you deserve, let us choose to break the bones, at least we have won.”

“The president has got some liquor licenses and liquor licenses. He plans to do a very special business. This business is called smuggling in the official saying, but I think this business is called Rise!”

Carter’s words gradually attracted the attention of more and more members, they tried to slow down their breathing as much as possible, for fear that the heavy breathing sound would disturb other people and disturb the talking Carter. They feel that there is a wonderful power that is taking root in their bodies and growing rapidly. This wonderful power allows their blood to rush in the blood vessels more quickly, leaving their bodies full of unbelievable power!

Some people clenched their fists and looked at Carter with a gaze, as if they wanted to find the truth of this world from what he said!

Carter shook his head and continued. “This is not business, it is a rise, it is our rise, it is the rise of Guartian in all suffering, the rise of the whole nation!”, he waved his fist, his neck earned red, blue veins Rolling, almost screaming out of this sentence. The unwavering conviction and tenacious determination in the voice made the young people, who were easily fluctuating, stand up. They clasped their fists at Carter and quickly noticed their rash movements and sat down again.

“Maybe some people will say that this is not a business, but this is not a business, it is a road to the rise full of ups and downs and thorns! A bottle of wine with a wholesale price of less than ten dollars, sold out to thirty-two The bottle will be even more expensive. The first batch of wine will provide a compatriot who suffers from poverty and injustice in the empire. The president will put the future in their hands and will also give them a sword to protect their happiness. “”

“If a nation does not experience cruel battles, does not experience the blooding of blood, and does not go through the baptism of death, it cannot stand behind this world. Our acknowledgment allegiance, we compromised, we bowed to fate, we kneel down to the empire But what did we exchange? This road is no longer working, why not try another way?”

“Those people, those who fear that we will once again cast the glory of the first king and the gods to shine on this world, will do everything possible to stop our rise. They will use despicable means, disgusting power, and even death to threaten us and force us to Acknowledge allegiance Under their threat, we must resist, use blood and death to water the funeral flowers, only if we have the courage to stand up, we are qualified to compete for fairness and justice, and then we can get back to belong to us. But we have lost our dignity!”

“A person is not terrifying, terrifying is that even his soul and ambition are also poor. Ten years ago they were still calling us a slave, and ten years later they regarded us as the other, I hate the word, I want I am throwing this word, even if I will pay the price of my life for this, I will never bow again. Don’t let fear to dominate your body, find the courage hidden in our body, I want the king and the gods The radiance shines on my face, even if I will die, I will also receive the blessings of my ancestors.”

“Go to the fucking heaven, I want to return to the arms of the gods!”

“Go to fucking fairness and justice, I want to take back my power!”

The roar is like a torrent, young people are standing up, they are excited to control their emotions, do not know who is the first to sing a song that is almost forgotten by people, that is the victory of Guart Kingdom song!

“When the king’s flag floats, the heroic warrior, pick up your weapon, put on your armor, destroy all obstacles that block the king’s progress, and eliminate all enemies, even the enemy gods. Can’t stop our sharp long sword…”

The song was not very loud at first, but it was soon sung by people like a landslide and tsunami. The stirring emotions boiled in the church. Even those who stayed outside the church felt that the heart was full of all the power before them. They were loud. Attached, they burst into tears, they yearn for the glory of the ancestors, yearning for the glory of the first king and the gods!

When people no longer fear death, even eager to die, there is nothing in this world to stop them!

Carter walked down the stage and shook hands and hugged each member, and he remembered every face firmly. When he left the last person and walked back to the stage, the song gradually stopped.

He closed his eyes took a deep breath, and the slightly trembling voice rang again. “I will ask the president to come here to meet with you, very soon… very quickly. Before that I need to arrange some tasks, we may have been better than others. People move towards ideals and goals one step ahead, but we have reason to help those compatriots who still live in pain. Next, I will tell you about our plans.”

No one knows what happened in this little church. Maybe history will expose it all day, but definitely not now.

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