Cosma Empire

Chapter 282

The next night, Durin appeared on time in the restaurant. The restaurant was not a famous restaurant, but the style was elegant and the environment was quiet. Although the place is not big, it can only be placed under ten tables, but it is always full of queues. But this time, Durin didn’t need to line up, and they couldn’t see other people in the restaurant. He packed a three-hour period.

It wasn’t that Durin was not willing to pack the whole night, but the restaurant’s Boss disagreed. He moved some of the individual’s appointments to 8:30, and the previous three hours were Durin, for which he had to pay. Each hour a thousand pieces of the package fee.

Durin was thinking about things, and Garfield’s laughter suddenly sounded outside the door. He immediately put away the scattered thoughts and stood up and greeted him.

After Luke was arrested, Garfield faintly realized that perhaps this was Durin’s game, because Durin had some abnormalities during his peace talks with Luke that day. He was too simple to take out some of the meat in his mouth. Luke. At the beginning, Garfield thought it might be that Durin was a little afraid of Luke, including Luke himself. It wasn’t until Luke was arrested that he found it all a trap and Luke jumped on his own initiative.

Now that he can recognize this, Garfield made up his mind to try not to sin Durin, if it wasn’t necessary, and it would not be a pleasant thing if he was pitted or hated by him one day. It happened that Durin had the ability to complete his work. When he helped Durin, he also found a business for his friends. What are you doing?

As for whether they can talk about it, in the end, they will not be recorded in the book of the heart. If it is talked about, this is human condition.

He can still do the business like this package.

“This is Mr. Thomas!” Garfield introduced Durin to a middle-aged man in his casual wear on his left. He has a golden hair, a very tall figure and a slightly higher shoulder than the average person. Although he is laughing, he can’t hide the unique atmosphere of the soldier under the surface of the impetuous. Garfield introduced Mr. Thomas to Mr. Durin. “This is the 350,000 Mr. Irian great and famous. He can help me a lot.”

The land of Garfield has long been in the hands, but I have never thought of what to build. Irian’s coastline is like a north-south crescent, embracing a part of the sea, the land in his hand, the estate where Durin now lives on the tip of the crescent in the north. His original idea was to build an intensive business cluster that was a little far from the real commercial core of Irian’s plan.

If you build a landscape, you can really make money, you can invest in it, it will not be small, and it will take a little longer to return to the profit. In the end, he thought about deciding to build a luxury manor. The overall cost was between 180,000 and 200,000, plus the land sold for 370,000. After selling for half a year, they have not sold. First, the local rich have already had more than one villa. There are also manors outside the city. There is no need to spend 350,000 to buy a manor.

Secondly, everyone is familiar with this price, and the price will definitely not be discussed. It will be dragged down at a time, until Durin’s appearance, a cash withdrawal, let Garfield sighed in relief.

Durin and Mr. Thomas shook hands and said two scenes, and they led the two to sit on the best table in the restaurant – a building that protruded from the building’s body, using ten centimeters thick glass. As the ground, the whole person is like sitting in the air!

Below are the cliffs and the sea. Occasionally, the waves are soaring and some waves are shot on the low-end glass, which makes people feel scared. But once you get used to it, you don’t have a taste.

“This time, I invite Mr. Garfield to invite you to come. There is a business that wants to interview you. Please forgive me. I have to transport a lot of things and go there. I don’t know if you have enough transportation capacity and There are enough boats.” Durin took out three metal cylinders and sent one to them. He kindly suggested: “The top collection of hyphae from the provincial capital, taste the taste?”

The provincial king is the political core of the past Yawang Dynasty. After the demise of the Star Empire, the empire flattened all the buildings that are related to the provincial imperial royal family. The bustling city immediately became a ruin, and the provincial royal family was also Beheaded here. I don’t know if it is because of the wonderful things about the blood of these royal families. Soon, there are hyphae in the ruins. Now it has become the mainstay of the local economy. Every April, a collection is organized to collect these wild hyphae. , made a happy sale.

This top class is about 120 yuan, which is the top quality!

Garfield laughed, cut and tasted a bite, smiled and nodded, and the mood was inexplicably pleasant. After a while, his eyes recovered and he was clear. “It is indeed a good thing, and it costs.”

Compared to Garfield’s casual, Thomas’s movements seemed to be eye-catching. He also took a sip, the muscles on the gang trembled, and the tight facial muscles gradually relaxed and revealed some smiles.

He blinked and put a hand under the table. Durin guessed if he was twisting the muscles of his thigh. “Let’s say…” His words paused, as if he was pondering, “I There are about seven 10,000-ton freighters in hand and five freightship-modified freighters. I am the most near here…” He suddenly realized what he was saying, but he said that he did not continue to say that he was obviously not sincere and could only continue to say: “The biggest shipping contractor.” He quietly put the paradise into the metal cylinder and suffocated him. He said what he should not say.

Durin has been keenly aware of this. According to the latest military law, after all the weapons are dismantled after the warships are decommissioned, they must be dissolved. This involves secrets on some warships, such as how many standard weapons can be carried and how many ammunition can be stored. How many soldiers can be accommodated, how many speeds are loaded, and what is the maximum speed at no load? These seemingly no big deal data, once the war breaks out will become fatal information. But he said that he has a ship modified by a warship. There is no doubt that he must be a military man.

The Navy’s business is not news in a certain circle. Garfield and Durin have said that Durin not only has no worries, but has put all his concerns down.

Although the military’s style of work is a bit too good, it is quite unreasonable, but with these people, as long as they are not greedy, then they are the best partners.

“Mr. Thomas, you are a very refreshing person. I think I have learned your strength. Now let me talk about my request. Every month I will ship at least five hundred thousand bottles of wine to the various terminals of the Empire. In the future, this number will be more and more, and the price is good. As long as we can guarantee the safety of these things, I can make concessions as appropriate.”

Thomas’s eyes narrowed and he almost blurted out and asked, “Smuggling wine?”

Durin shook his head and looked serious and upright. “No, no, Mr. Thomas, I am a legal and legally protected businessman. How can I violate the laws of the Empire? I have a license for winemaking and a liquor license at Irian. It’s just that my customers buy a little more each time, so I need to provide some transportation services. As for their behavior is not illegal, then it has nothing to do with me!”

Thomas chuckled, and Durin’s sophistry made him feel interesting and confident in the sale. As Durin considered, he also began to consider the benefits. A just and honorable private drinker used the potential power of the Navy to smuggle him privately. He got the safety of the goods on the sea, and the navy could get a long-term source of income.

This is almost a matter of no need to think. As long as Durin can come up with what he said, then the Navy has the absolute ability to send it to each dock area according to his requirements. Once this transportation network is formed, no matter how the terminal changes, it will not change. Affecting their cooperation, it is even more impossible to undermine this cooperation.

Because both parties are “legitimate businessmen,” Durin himself does not leave Irian, and the drinks and funds are also delivered at Irian, which is legal.

The goods are on the Navy’s ship. Whether the goods are clean or not clean, as long as they float on the sea, the Navy says it is legal, it is legal!

As for the rest, it has nothing to do with them.

This is definitely a big business. If a bottle of wine draws 50 yuan of transportation costs, there will be at least 250,000 pieces of income every month, which is almost the top half of last year’s income. I think that Mr. Thomas’s breathing is a little bit rushing. Once the business is reached, his position within the Navy will be even stronger, so that he has the opportunity to touch the position that is known as the “red line that cannot be crossed” – Major General!

Between the Empire and Confederation after the Great Patriotic War, it has been realized that in the short term, if there is no major military breakthrough, the war will basically not break out. After both sides of the Civil War, the two sides have already figured out each other’s sin and reality, and then rushing to launch a war is meaningless except for the loss of money. In a peaceful era that does not know how long it will last, it is basically impossible to promote the generals from the colonel.

Not to mention that there is no strong help behind Mr. Thomas. It is also because of the colonel because the Navy feels that the colonel can make those businessmen feel satisfied and safe, otherwise he is only a lieutenant colonel.

His face is full of sincere smiles. “I think we can talk about it in detail.”

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