Cosma Empire

Chapter 262

“I am Durin,” Durin grabbed the phone and put it on his shoulders. He turned over and looked at the clock on the bedside table, only six o’clock in the morning. He usually gets up at this time, and this is the first time he has been called up by the phone during this time. He blinked and took the phone to the desk next to the window, and the voice was answered in the phone.

This voice has not been heard by Durin, because it is a stranger, did you make a mistake in the early morning? However, the next sentence from the microphone told Durin that the other party did not make a mistake.

“Hello, Mr. Durin, very pretentious to disturb your rest at such a time, because things are more sudden, so I think I should inform you at the first time.”

“I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr. Luke’s legal counsel. I am now officially informing you that because of Mr. Luke’s personal reasons, he decided to give up the business of ‘Southern Cinema Company’ and go back to the west, so he could not follow the day before yesterday. The agreement signed by both of you continues to perform its duties and expresses great apologies and regrets to you. In accordance with the requirements of the default section in the supplementary terms of the agreement, Mr. Luke decided to follow the actual market value of the ‘Southern Cinema’ company. Pay the default.”

“If you have any comments, you can communicate directly with me or make a final decision by the court through judicial procedures. If you have no other opinions, I hope that you can provide all the accounts of the original ‘Oriental Star Entertainment Company’ and The construction list of related facilities allows us to make a new assessment of the actual market value of ‘Southern Cinema Company’. After the evaluation is completed, it will pay you according to the actual market value of the company and repurchase the equity of 50% in your hands.”

“Have you heard clearly?”

Durin sat in the chair for a while and then stunned his face soled solemnly: “I understand, I will contact Mr. Luke first, this is really a bad news!”

“I am very sorry, bother you!”

After hanging up the phone, Durin pulled all the curtains away, and the sun in the summer time jumped out of the sea level, spilling the golden light onto the world. He was bathed in the sun, watching the golden sun and the ocean that was dyed golden, as if the mind was as comfortable as a baptism. He held up a lazy waist and never made him feel comfortable like today. It is absolutely very unexpected to hear such a good news early in the morning. There was a smile on his face, and it may not be long before his plan can be implemented.

Simply groomed, changed a suit, and pushed away the door to move towards Dawn Avenue. This is something he has to do every morning. It is said that regular life can help a person to establish a good personality and lifestyle. It seems that every successful person has a good working time and a regular life, which may be one of the necessary factors for successful people. He remembers that there is such a big sorrow in the dream, he will get up at four o’clock every morning, then after an hour of exercise, he will wash and have breakfast, then let the driver drive to follow himself, and he walks away from the company. Get on the train one kilometer away.

So, am I a successful person now?

Maybe it won’t take long!

It’s just that today’s morning is not the same as the previous morning, and there are already two people on the table that belongs to him. It is reasonable to say that Durin should be angry. Isn’t that buddy not knowing that he has to sit in that chair every day for a wonderful morning? Perhaps it was because Luke’s lawyer called him to make him very happy this morning, so he was not angry, but chose an adjacent location.

“I didn’t expect it to be the same as the rumor. The first sun shines on the face of the statue in the park when it rises from sea level. It’s really amazing!”, young sitting on the table of Durin Young man couldn’t help but praise, the sunrise on Dawn Avenue is indeed a very special view of Irian. At the moment when the dawn tears the night, the sun can be seen to spread along the head of the statue at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, until the entire statue.

But from the position of the statue moved towards the sea, but not necessarily at a glance, the sun can just rise, because this street is still somewhat curved, and it is too long!

The girl sitting next to the young man didn’t seem to have any interest. There was nothing to say. It was always the young man who said that Irian had come to see and hear this time. This kind of tourists is actually very much. If you don’t go out and look around, you will never find the greatness and magic of this world.

The waiter brought Durin a breakfast that he had to order every day, and apologized to Durin apologetically. He just closed his eyes for a few minutes, and the young “couple” was already sitting in Durin’s position. He couldn’t get rid of the guests, and it was difficult for the guests to change positions, so he had to apologize to Durin for this.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a small thing!”, Durin laughed, the waiter sighed in relief, he was really scared.

Before he didn’t know Durin’s identity, he didn’t feel that Durin had anything special. He had a fear of Durin since he knew that Durin was three Mr. Five hundred thousand and had countless assets. As an unprofessional migrant worker, he knows too much about how terrible the rich can do. In the unlikely event that Durin is not happy, just saying a trivial sentence is enough to make him unemployed.

After three more apologies, the waiter left, and then the newsboy jumped to the side of Durin. He looked at the other adjacent table with a strange look and did not express his doubts. He took off the cap and then tore a piece of newspaper from the backpack and opened it on Durin’s desk. Durin took a piece of paper money as many times as before, and stuffed it into the newsboy’s hat.

“If you have nothing else to do, I will go to work!”, the newsboy buckled the cap back to his head, straightened his position, and asked a little.

Durin shook his head with a smile, and the newsboy also showed a white tooth with a mouth and a smile that was as bright as the sun. “So goodbye, Mr. Durin!”

Behind Durin, the woman who was facing away from him was shaking, and the young man immediately asked about it. “What happened to you, is there anything uncomfortable?”

The girl seemed to have not seen or heard the companion’s inquiry. She slowly turned her side and turned her head back. Looking at the politely cocked legs behind her, she was browsing the newspaper… bastard!

The word bastard blurted out, gnashing teeth, and the body was tight.

Young man is somewhat inexplicable, “Who is a bastard? Am I?”

Durin, who was browsing the newspaper, slowly put the newspaper back on the table, and then slowly sideways, looking at the girl sitting behind him against the light. He just stunned, then smiled and pinched the edge of the hat with his fingers, said with a smile: “Good morning, Alisa!”

Alisa felt like she was going crazy. She hadn’t forgoing Durin for a long time, because the ever-increasing belly reminded her that a bastard had planted a small life in her belly. She knew that Durin was the “golden robber” who robbed the bank. She thought that she would never see Durin again in this life, but what she didn’t think was that when her life was moving toward the normal track, the bastard appeared!

“Bastard!”, the two syllables of a word are almost forcibly squeezed out of Alisa’s tooth gap, and she can’t wait to bite a piece of meat on Durin. That day, I had somehow explained my first time. I also magically let this guy hit the bullseye and let her suffer from rumors for a long time. Now this guy actually said a good morning in the sunshine. Doesn’t he know how to spell this word?

Alisa stood up straight and sat down on the chair opposite Durin, staring at him “evilly”. Durin also looked at Alisa funny, and he never worried that Alisa would sell himself, because if she confessed herself, Alisa would also be arrested for conspiracy. She had a lot of news between the clouds that night, and the news helped Durin solve a lot of trouble. It is necessary to know the imperialist central bank that has never been reasonable, but they do not care whether you are passive or active. In short, everyone involved in the case must be bad luck!

So when Amber interrogated Alisa, she said nothing!

The two looked at each other for a while, Alisa asked. “You have nothing to say to me?”

Durin’s gaze shifted from her eyes to her belly, and the chin was still the smile. “Congratulations!”

No one knows how awkward Alisa is at this moment, she feels like a cat, trying to grind her paws somewhere.

At this time, Dave also sat down. He looked at Durin with some incomprehensible circumstances and looked at Alisa again. He tried to ask, “Is this your friend?”

“He’s not my friend, he’s just a bastard!” Alisa whispered, her arms on the table and a tight fist. “How can I meet you at this place?”

Durin smiled and didn’t answer her question. Instead, she looked forward to Dave. “I have read a book. Pregnant women will always have some manic symptoms during pregnancy. It seems that you have to work hard for a while.”

Dave smiled awkwardly. Apparently this Alisa friend regarded him as Alisa’s husband. Although he was very embarrassed, he was very happy. His sighed sighed, it seems to be deeply touched.

However, at this moment, Alisa could no longer restrain her heart and couldn’t say what was the strong emotion that broke out. She slammed her hands on the table and stood up. “Bastard, the child in my stomach is yours!”

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