Cosma Empire

Chapter 263

“Ms., although we are friends, but you have been suspected of this behavior!” Durin smacked his eyes and honestly said that he had already believed in three points, because no woman would lie on such things, especially Alisa. Knowing that you are the robber of the gold robbery, it is very dangerous and full of bloody characters! What’s more, once Durin’s work was discovered one day, even Alisa and her family were subject to criticism and interrogation. Her own accomplice was absolutely unable to run.

When Alisa looked down at the table, Durin immediately took the coffee cup up, watched her vigilantly and then sipped all the coffee in the cup. The former tickles on the table with both hands, slightly bent. The waist whispered, “What good is it that I lie to me? Do you think I am willing? Do you know that every minute of my pregnancy seems to be suffering!”

Durin turned his head and looked at Dave. The moment he looked at Dave with a look of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, but now it becomes a bit of a taste that doesn’t make sense. “Do you think so?” He suddenly moved towards Dave and reached out. “I haven’t asked you yet?”

From the shocked camera back to his senses, Dave shook hands with Durin and then reported his name. “Dave, call me Dave… you are really Alisa’s friend? “Friends, these two words that should have been full of emotions suddenly became bitter. Dave now only wants to find a place to stop himself.” He intended to bring Alisa to distract, but the ghost knew that he would meet the “irresponsible man” here.

And this man’s clothing is very elegant, absolutely not someone like him can offend. He doesn’t know what to do. If he leaves him, he will regret it, but if he doesn’t leave, he feels too much, and it is too embarrassing.

Durin smiled and nodded, took a ten-dollar bill from his pocket, and pointed to the intersection of Dawn Avenue and the beach. “There is a shop over there, and you can help me buy a pack of cigarettes.” Thank you!”

Dave was overwhelmed by Durin’s money. He opened his mouth and didn’t know if he wanted to refuse or if he had other questions to question Durin, but these words were swallowed back in his stomach and turned around. At that moment, he paused and said a word, “The smoke generated during smoking is not good for children…”, then turned and ran away.

This guy, Durin regained his gaze and looked at Alisa. He raised his hand and pressed a few times. “There is something to sit down and say that not only the smoke produced by tobacco is bad for children, but also the anger can affect the development of children. You have heard of it. Child? In the mother’s stomach, she can actually receive emotional infections from her mother. If you are always angry, child may also be a bad-tempered child. This is not good!”

Alisa shook her head a little blankly. “I don’t know this… hell, we are talking about you now!”, although she finally found out that Durin’s premeditated discussion of the topic was timely, but she still sat. go back.

Durin shrugged, “So what’s the matter with me?”, he glanced at Alisa’s belly and rolled his eyes. He is not married yet, but he will have a child, an unexpected child. The gods made a joke with him, which made him very headache. He doesn’t know how to deal with this child. If you stay with me, it’s obvious that Alisa will stay. There is nothing left. The key is that Durin will enter the eyes of the big guys, and there are certain risks, maybe Someone came to assassinate him.

He can ignore the lives of other people, but this child after all is his first child in this world, he does not want this child to have an accident.

But what if they let their mother and child go back? So, will those people use Alisa and this child to marry him?

Durin fell into meditation, and even Eliza said nothing, and for a moment his eyes began to condense, very solemnly asked, “Who else knows that I am the child’s father?”

Alisa is ignoring him, “Do you feel embarrassed? Is there an illegitimate child that will affect your social assessment?” She has no good face, and her grievances are not Durin’s. Surprise. She has fantasized many times that if she suddenly appears in front of Durin and holds a child’s hand and tells him that this is his child, how will he react.

It may be more suspicion to question the authenticity of his relationship with the child father and son, or may be indifferent, but Alisa thinks that the biggest possibility is that he will be very surprised. However, the facts tell her not to believe what I guess, because that is simply not reliable.

Durin smiled twice. He knew that the girl must be full of resentment qi, so she didn’t pay attention to her complaints and complaints. “It’s related to our safety. Alisa, you know that I did it, if you let them I know that I still have a child. Who do you think is more dangerous? Is it a robber with an automatic weapon? Or an unarmed mother and child? You must tell me the truth, if there is any future because of what you want to hide The danger and the loss, then you can only bear it.”

As soon as he talked about the safety of the child, Alisa took it seriously. She carefully recalled the past and finally breathed a sigh of relief. “I have never said that child has a father like everyone. They all think that I am a sway. Woman, I don’t want to explain to them. Until that moment, it was the first time I said about your relationship with child in my stomach.”

Durin nodded, “That means only you, me, Dave know, and the guy at this tea restaurant might know, is that the case?”

Alisa was suddenly alert, and some of the guards sat back and took the handbag in front of her stomach. “What do you want?”

Durin’s eyes became sensational. He raised his neck and sorted out his neckline and bow tie. “Of course it was patching holes.” He said that he made a snap and asked the buddy to have a phone call. As he turned around, Alisa squatted on the table and tried to move forward and said, “You can’t do this, they don’t know anything!”

“When they know what, we may have already died. You can’t think about it for yourself, but please consider your family and your child. Right, I forgot to ask, that Dave is you. Husband?”

Alisa rolled her eyes and said: “He is pursuing me.” There are four very clear positions in men and women, friends, pursuers and pursuers, couples, unmarried couples and couples.

Durin showed a very regrettable expression. “Sorry, he may be the only one who is pursuing you…”, he closed his mouth and asked the buddy to put the phone on the table and watch the buddy leave. Durin didn’t say anything more. He called the number on the phone and after the operator stopped busy, someone finally answered the call.

Durin just said a word, hung up the phone – let Dufo come to me.

No matter who is in the family, including Dove, it is known that Durin goes back to drink a cup of coffee every morning and eat half a burrito. This is his habit. In addition to the bad weather and his things, this time is only to Dawn Avenue. Can find him.

Alisa’s unbelievable expression, she couldn’t figure out why she had a bad luck every time she met this man. “Hey, you won’t come true?”

Durin tilted his head slightly and smiled and asked: “Do you think I am joking?” Durin’s expression was very serious, which made Alisa completely unaware of what to do.

She knew that what Durin said was significantly different from what other people said. Durin said that to kill someone, this sentence may indeed be a joke, but it may not be a joke. As for other people, it is a kind of vent to say who is going to kill someone, and they can’t do it, but Durin can do it.

“I will return to Ordo with Dave tomorrow, let him go!”

Durin’s playful laugh, “You are in front of the child’s father in your stomach, begging me to let go of another man. Do you think that your thoughts and behaviors are asking me to let him go, or forcing me to make up my mind? Durin took a sigh of nucleus and took a sigh of relief. The gangs bulged and chewed and said, “I think the latter is more likely. What do you say?”

When Alisa just wanted to say something, Dave happened to be back. He gasped slightly. He used it all the way. He was a little worried that Alisa was there alone, but he also knew that two people would definitely have some inconvenience. hear. He ran back in time and squatted and placed a pack of cigarettes on the table near Durin. “Your cigarette!”

“Thank you!”, Durin nodded took the cigarette case and opened it, took out one and then clicked on it. He took a bit of a surprise, looked at the trademark on the cigarette butt, and then asked some strangely, “This is twelve. A box of money.”

Dave grinned. “Yes, we usually smoke this smoke…”

Alisa, who was sitting opposite Durin, was almost picked up by her own saliva. A box of 12 dollars was the most expensive of the tobacco in Ordo. The value of this tobacco is not that it is inhaled into the lungs after ignition, but is used for gift giving.

She quickly kicked and kicked Dave. “We will go back in the morning. Go and see if there is a ticket for the morning. If not, the train can be.” She looked at Dave, who was not sure, so she couldn’t understand. I took a hard shot on the table, “Go!”

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