Cosma Empire

Chapter 261

Luke put a small gift in his hand on the table, which is a gold ore mine with two fist sizes, which has been specially decorated to be particularly charming.

Juan just glanced back and regained his gaze, but at least the tight muscles on his face relaxed. This little thing is not a good thing for him at all, but the gift is focused on love and style. He fiddled with the coffee cup on the table and chuckled twice. “Mr. Luke, it seems that the purpose of your trip is not ordinary!”

Luke was too lazy to open the topic and say something meaningless nonsense. He directly said the meaning of the trip. “Mr. Juan, I was deceived by Durin! When I was most helpless, my first thought was you. I hope that you can give me some help and help me beat Durin’s bastard!” He said that the name Durin was in gnashing teeth. It seems that he had forgotten it. Just before today, he also thought that Durin was a good person.

Juan was surprised and thought it was normal. He shook his head with a smile. “To tell you the truth, I was not surprised when you said that you were deceived by Durin. He is such a person. I spent the time. When I bought East Coast Entertainment for a million, I encountered a similar problem. Eric lost a million. I am not sure if Durin did it because I have no clear evidence to point to Durin, but I I think the disappearance of Durin and Eric can’t get rid of it!”

“So I am not surprised at your experience. He is such a person, always deceiving friends who frame his side!”

Luke heard about this for the first time. Juan himself didn’t have the scandal of propagating himself to be cheated. He even had to take the initiative to suppress those insiders who don’t want to talk around. Luke as it should be by rights. If he knows, there is such a slight possibility that things will not become what they are today. To blame him, he is from the west, and it is not his home.

Then he told Juan about what happened to him, hoping to get help from Juan. After thinking for a moment, Juan took a sip of coffee and tasted it with bitterness. He went to drink coffee at this age. When I don’t add milk and sugar to it, “I can understand your pain now. Whether you are a failure or a success, Durin is the cheaper person, but it is not so easy to solve. !”

Juan has more things to know than Luke. As for the education, they are almost the same. But one is in the developed eastern coastal areas, and the other is that there is no wilderness in the west, and the experience gap completely crushes Luke. After listening to Luke, he knew what Durin was doing, because the partnership with the George family was brought up by Durin and his Juan, so Luke gave him protection and he played for Juan. Durin is already ready to sit and enjoy it.

To say that I hate Durin, Juan and Luke hate Durin as much, and it takes only a short day to reverse his concept of Durin. When he knew that Durin had personally contacted Ms. Chris, she began to hate this insatiable villain, so what happened to Luke made Juan feel a little bit. Sometimes when one person’s dislike of another person reaches a certain level, it will make people lose some reason.

“He wants to get something, we shouldn’t let him get it, it depends on whether you have enough courage!”, Juan looked at Luke calmly, Luke also stared at him, for a while Luke was dignified nodded Instruct Juan to continue. “He wants to get the most benefit if he wants to do nothing, then we don’t want to kick him out of this game as he wishes!”

Luke frowned and asked: “But he is now a shareholder of Southern Film Company and has an 50% stake. I can’t kick him out for any reason or reason!”

Juan laughed and said: “You can take the initiative to breach the contract and tell him that you will not build 60 theaters and take the initiative to initiate the contents of the breach clause.”

“But I have to pay 6 million for this!” Luke thought it was a stupid thing to come to Juan. If it was so simple, he would be able to kick Durin out. He still wants to come here?

Juan laughed, “He can evaluate his company. Why can’t you?” This time, Juan did not say half of it, but continued to say it. “There is no moving funds in the accounts of the South. In addition, there are only more than 30 cinemas that belong to the Oriental Star Entertainment Company. The underestimation of the cost of these cinemas is as low as possible. The assets of the entire southern viewing are controlled within 10 million. You can use five million. Durin drives away.”

Luke felt that this was indeed a solution, but the five million chips drove Durin out and he didn’t have much money in his hands. At the same time, he also realized that if he did this, he would definitely be a marginal person, not a leader in the next negotiation. He understood Juan’s thoughts, drove Durin, and restricted himself, and he finally benefited himself.

Luke guessed Juan’s mind, and Juan didn’t mean to hide. “You may have lost money, but there are only a few hundred thousand losses! With such a loss, you can kick Durin out. Do you think it is not worth it? You Think about it, he can make a profit of more than one million, but he lost a huge opportunity. The person who really wants to be sad should be him, not you and me.”

“Furthermore, the movie theaters that he gave you can sell to me if you don’t want it. I can definitely make a price that makes you satisfied. Maybe you can still make a profit from it.” Juan now dares The opening money was saved, and the farmer’s couple provided him with a lot of cash, enough for him to eat the thirty-three cinemas in Luke’s hands.

When Juan said that Luke was suddenly alert, he realized that Juan’s goal was to build the cinemas that Durin had built before, with a total of thirty-four. According to Juan, eight million of cash came out of five million to send Durin out of the way, he can still leave three million and thirty-four cinemas. These cinemas were sold to Juan again. He did not lose anything and even earned tens of thousands.

But he will be kicked out of this game, what is it for now to eat such a big loss? What is it for crossing thousands of kilometers from the west to the east? Is it to create profits and opportunities for Irian people? Obviously not, he came to make money, he seems to have forgotten his original purpose. But if you keep these cinemas…, he looked up at Juan, who was in the presence of God, and asked, “Why don’t we partner? Four people share certain interests, and no three people come here!”

Luke remembered the lesson and gained some experience. “We have become the closest partners by cross-shareholding, so that no one can sell anyone, everyone’s interests are also the same. I have you, you have me, only In this way, you can rest assured of each other and use your strength to the same place! And Mr. Juan, there is not much time left for us.”

Luke’s idea made Juan also stunned. He held his chin and wondered if there was room for operation. He didn’t want to make a fortune with this Western cricket, but the current problem is like Luke’s retelling what Durin said, leaving little time left.

Once the George family’s delegation arrived at Irian, they must look at the resources in their hands. If they found that they had only a hundred cinemas in their hands, I am afraid they would leave Irian immediately. When the number is not enough for the George family to feel that the monopoly of the industry will encounter difficult problems, they do not have the cost of cooperation. Compared with the George family, they are far from this qualification!

This is destined to be a quantitative competition. If you can cross-share, it will be extremely powerful for both parties. Juan now has 70 cinemas in his hands, and he can get more than a hundred in the last half of the month, but he will need to spend more. If Luke uses his own relationships and forces to acquire the fifty-sixty home in the West, there will be one third and more theaters in the entire empire. At that time, even if the opponent is the George family, they have enough strength!

The two have already made a decision, convinced the idea of ​​kicking Durin out, and more importantly, they have chosen to cooperate cautiously. Of course, the two people can’t count the numbers. This kind of thing must be on the paper to form a legally effective text. Luke immediately asked his lawyer to rush to Juan to discuss the specific details. Luke, who had suffered a loss, had no confidence that he could do it well.

After talking about the general content, the two people waiting for the drafting of the lawyer completely relaxed. Juan also accidentally ordered a cigarette. He sat on the chair with his legs crossed and used the hand with the cigarette to face the 350,000. The sea cliff where Mr. lived waved. “I can’t wait to see Durin’s surprised and distorted face!”

Luke also laughed and laughed. “He may not have thought about the day he had found the opportunity. He laid the foundation and finally kicked out at the crucial moment!”

The two smiled and smiled happily.

In just one night, Luke discussed all the agreements with Juan. For this reason, Juan will lend Luke 1.5 million to the local cinema, but Luke holds shares in Juan. Five points. Luke also had no opinion on this. Without 1.5 million, he had only three million in his hands after he kicked Durin. It is hard to say whether he can buy 40 movies.

With a professional lawyer, the two signed and exchanged the agreement that night.

Early the next morning, when Durin was still asleep, the phone rang.

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