Cosma Empire

Chapter 234

“How do you know that there is no defensive power in the manor? These rich people are very afraid of death. They will use the full bodyguards to protect their safety. Maybe we will face a group of bodyguards with guns when we go in. At this time, this fun can be big!”, talking to Mickey’s neighbor, nicknamed the Greyhound, had two robberies at the end of the case, and now there is no serious thing to do, every day by selling some anesthetics to live.

Let the gray dog 鈥嬧€媕oin is for the gray dog 鈥嬧€媡o have some pistols in the channel, all black market goods, no one can trace the kind. And Mickey also needs the experience of the Greyhound, at least he is still walking outside, and the specific steps for some crimes are better than Mickey or others.

Mickey was not worried about this question raised by the Greyhound. He chuckled and smiled on his face. “If there are hordes of bodyguards inside, then we are going to negotiate.” If you have the chance, you can hold the gualt rich. If there are no bodyguards inside, we can clean up the irrelevant people and wait for the ransom.”

Greyhound eyes shined, this is a good way, no matter how you put yourself in danger. He nodded. “This thing can be done, what else are we going to prepare?”

Mickey made a pistol gesture. “At least four of them are needed, but we don’t have money now. Is there any way to get it first? Give them or pay more for it later.”

This makes the Greyhound somewhat unaware of how to answer. These people who smuggle arms are doing business with their own freedom. They are willing to do business without paying for it. Hesitated a moment, the gray dog 鈥嬧€媠hook his head and said: “The credit is impossible, I don’t have such a big face, but I can introduce a guy to you, he has money in his hand.”

鈥淕reedy?鈥?Mickey agreed without any hesitation. 鈥淣o problem, take me to get the goods tomorrow!鈥? saying that he looked toward the surrounding companions and asked: 鈥淚f someone wants to quit now, I I won’t stop. If no one wants to quit, I will listen to my command in these few days. Believe me, each of us is a millionaire!”

Perhaps under the temptation of a millionaire, everyone鈥檚 inner greed and longing for money have overcome sensibility. These people are gasping, and it鈥檚 hard to suppress the in the body when they think they might become a millionaire. the power of. That is a millionaire, a squandering a hundred years a day to squander 36,000 … five hundred, want to spend all the money to spend at least … thirty years!

Got it!

Mickey read their eyes and extended their hands, stacking their palms one after another, and quietly reached agreement.

There is an emotion that rushes in their chests. This kind of emotion is called struggle!

Soon the little gang spread out and they all needed to prepare for the next “work.”

The Greyhound has been considering Mickey鈥檚 plan on the way back, and he thinks that the plan is unlikely to be implemented. I have never heard of the richest man in the city being kidnapped until now, and I have never heard of anyone who has been blackmailed. These rich people have a lot of wealth to support them in hiring a professional bodyguard team to protect their safety, plus their status and influence, if you don’t want to be right with the whole city, it is best not to move them.

The reason why he promised Mickey was not that he wanted to participate. He just made Mickey fool the past, then hid it and waited for the event to come out. He even thought about how to avoid this situation without hurting each other’s feelings, that is, surrender. Trafficking in narcotic drugs may face a very serious sentence, but the glass of the family is only a few days in detention. Just as he was going to surrender, suddenly there was a hard poke on his back from his back.

He didn’t quite know what the thing was, but it was definitely a dangerous thing.

“Don’t move, keep moving forward, there is a car at the street. If you don’t want to have your photo on the front page of Irian Daily, you’d better match it.” After the guy behind him, the greyhound heard it. A strange sound, he knows that voice, the sound of charging after the pistol insurance is opened.

He slowly took First Step and walked cautiously, not letting himself make any action that might make the other party misunderstand. “Man, hey, I didn’t bring the goods when I came out today, and I was just a street delivery. Little person, I don’t have money!”

The goods in the gray dog’s mouth are purple Angel – an anesthetic preparation. The main component of the anesthetic is Ginkgo biloba. It is an easily illusory substance that can cut off the signal transmission between pain neurons. Therefore, after years of research by Imperial Medical College, a standard of use has been developed. Under the premise of cutting off the transmission of painful nerve signals, the birth of hallucinations is reduced as much as possible.

However, if the injection is excessive, it will still produce long-term hallucinations. Many people like this tone, so there has been a market for anesthetics. Earnst, who is currently serving his sentence in Ordo State Prison, also smuggled narcotic drugs in addition to selling private liquor.

The Greyhound is such a guy who sells anesthetic drugs on the street. He can’t make much money. He can only take a dollar for a small bottle of fifteen dollars. The other ones must be turned over to his family, plus him. It鈥檚 still a person now, and occasionally I need to solve the loneliness, so it鈥檚 hard to save any money.

It was because of this experience that he saw too many things on the street, so he concluded that Mickey鈥檚 plan would not work.

The things on the back of the waist topped, and he was shivered, and it was not a problem to have a small gangster selling narcotics in a city with millions of people. The police even didn鈥檛 even bother to investigate the investigation. I walked slowly and painfully. At the intersection, he saw a gray, very worn car. This kind of car is basically flooded in the third district. People who can’t afford a new car are loyal to spending a little money to buy an old vehicle that may be three or more hands to support the face. Like the pistols circulating on the black market, it is difficult to find out who is in the final hand.

He got in the car, sat in the co-pilot, and behind the head was the hard poke. He didn’t have the power to choose and resist. He could only let the two take him to a place he didn’t want to go.

The car quickly crossed the highway intersection into the fourth district, and turned to stop at a factory warehouse. He was pushed into the empty warehouse by two people. At this moment, several lights were suddenly lit in front of him, and some tears appeared in his eyes. Raising his hand to cover the strong light, he saw a guy in a suit with a dome felt sitting on a chair in the middle of the warehouse.

Because of the strong backlighting, he couldn’t see what the man looked like and could only see a silhouette.

“I don’t think Mr. Greyhound would mind repeating what you saw and saw at night?” The guy sitting was open, his voice was male, very young, and somewhat magnetic. He was so delayed for about a dozen seconds, and a sharp pain in his head, a hard thing squatted on his head. He also had a force in his leg. He lost his center of gravity and slammed into the ground. There was a heat flow in his nose. He touched it and was transparent.

“Don’t, don’t hit me, I said, I will cooperate!”, the Greyhound is very clear about the style of these people, he is not the only insider, it means that if the other party runs out of patience, he will not say the other side. Interested things, he may close his eyes forever, “Mickey suddenly contacted me at night…”

He began to narrate, in order to avoid beating again, he endured a strong dizzy feeling and recapitulated everything that happened at night, including his inner activity after he left. The dark shadow of the warehouse that can only see the outline is very patient, without interrupting his complicated narrative until he finishes everything he knows. At this time, his heart suddenly flashed in the light, these people will not be … the people of Mr. 350,000? !

He stunned, and he knew that Mickey, who was raised by this bitch, couldn鈥檛 do anything good except bad things. Are these rich people so easily offended? Hey, his perfect and without blemish plan has not yet executed the other party, already knowing it, not even talking to the door, it is really killed by the goods!

The gray dog 鈥嬧€媎idn’t dare to look back when he looked down. He knew that the less he “discovered” at this time, the more likely he was to survive. He still doesn’t want to die, although his life is rotten like a pile of shit, but he loves this pile of shit, he still doesn’t want to leave this world. The muscles on his face began to tremble uncontrollably, with more and more transparent noses, and even tears flowed out.

Slowly, there was a small sob in the warehouse. The voice was suppressing the intense emotions. He didn鈥檛 dare to cry loudly. He was afraid that his voice would be arguing that the person sitting was solved by them, but he I can’t help but want to cry, crying sadly.

The rhythmic tapping of the soles of the shoes on the ground covered the crying of the gray dog. He saw an elongated shadow covering his own. He didn’t dare to look up because he was “too much to see” and was killed. Really not too small, he does not know what fate to face next, but at least he does not want to be done because he saw the other person’s appearance.

A handkerchief suddenly appeared in front of him, and the kicking sound came from him, and a voice came from his ear.

“People like you, still honestly find a job!”

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