Cosma Empire

Chapter 235

“Do you want to do it now?” Dufo played the pistol in his hand. The sound of the pistol was not very loud. If the sound was smaller in the room, it would be hard to find it was a gunshot if you didn’t listen carefully. At night, there may be exposures, because the evening environment is more peaceful, and the sound will be very abrupt. But doing things at night also has the benefit of doing things at night, such as easy evacuation.

Night is always the best protection for barbarism. It is not unreasonable for many murders to happen at night. At least the murderers will like this time period, both romantic and easy to leave.

Durin thought about the decision to start later, but it is not impossible to do it now, but the deterrence is not enough to make those provincial people honest in matters related to his Durin. Even those people are dead, and other provincial sages don’t necessarily know why they died, why they are today, and they don’t know what they are angering. So the best way is to start by the night before their action and sweep all the backbones away. When they find them the next day, they will feel a thick cloud over Irian, shrouded in them. On the head.

Although it won’t be done tonight, it’s not without it. List these people who have told the gray dog, let Savi recognize the door, and it is convenient when you act.

In such a seemingly stable and prosperous city, the night turned to the daytime. When the first golden sunshine sprinkled on the earth, the whole city finally fell into a quiet place. Durin got up early, today is the first day of the Verona crew’s official filming. As an investor, he definitely has to go to the scene to give everyone a boost. The film is not important for Durin for the first time. What is important is that this film is also a bargaining chip with the George family, and it is a bridge between him and the city hall.

There is no love for no reason, no hate for no reason. I want the lords in the town hall to close one eye at a time, then feed them. The old party’s city managers are very direct, they just tell everyone directly, hurry to bribe them, as long as the money is enough, they will never take care of those shit.

The new party is different. These are ideals. In order to be able to display their political ideas, they need not money. Money can embellish their lives, and political value is what they need. Give them enough political resources to make them look good, they don’t care what you have done.

This film has played such a very important role, and it is also the first formal cooperation between Durin and the City Hall.

In the early morning, the film crew has already laid the camera track for shooting in the port. The new colored camera equipment is much heavier than the black and white camera equipment. It will not only be trembled by one person, but also people can’t eat it, so they used the method of orbital shooting as soon as they came up.

The importance of this film is not repeated here. Scott appeared in the port early in the morning to coordinate the dispatching work. Perhaps because of Irian’s special urban atmosphere, many people are willing to cooperate with the film crew to shoot. Originally, I also thought about asking a little extra actor for that’s all. Even after a night of sailing, Irian’s cruise arrived in the morning and worked very well to take the initiative to undertake the huge background work.

However, they have a small condition, that is, they must take the ship number, and the captain and the chief officer must also appear in the film.

These are all small things. The scriptwriter has just modified it to solve the requirements of the captain and the chief officer. The two little old men are excited to put on the new clothes. The captain also spent two dollars to take care of his beard. Before the camera appeared in front of the camera. He had two lines, and the first officer had a sentence, and Verona followed the suitcase and appeared on the side of the ship. It was a very simple play, but it took more than ten times to complete. Some visitors were unconsciously looking towards the camera, or smirking at the camera.

The director was surprised when he found Durin coming. He just wanted to stand up and say hello to Durin, and Durin’s hand was pressed on his shoulder. The action here was a bit bigger, and it immediately caught the attention of Scott, and he also came over.

“How do you think you want to come over? I thought you didn’t have time.” Scott took out a cigarette case and gave a cigarette to Durin. He also ordered one. “Everyone values ​​this movie, you may not I know that before the filming is over, I need to spend half a day here, you really find a good job for me.”

Durin shrugged, looking at Verona rushing down the ramp, said with a smile: “You are not complaining that you have been too busy some time ago? Are you still satisfied with the leisure work?”

Scott laughed Didn’t talk, as a staff member of the City Hall, leisure is not a good thing. Fortunately, this matter is indeed very important. The mayor is also staring at it, otherwise he can really be active. He suddenly thought of one thing and said it casually. “Isn’t Alexander talking to the city hall about the food festival? The mayor passed there, and Alexander also started to promote the event. He hopes to use the platform of the film. , pushing the food festival to the entire empire.”

Durin frowned, and later realized that this is the built-in advertising? The eyes of the capitalists have always been keen, especially those things that are good for themselves. They can always find business opportunities first. “He wants to promote the food festival without problems. Ask him how much he plans to pay. I can’t let me spend Did the money make a movie but gave him a food festival?”

“Fifty thousand!”

The offer was sincere, and Durin turned his head and waved and left, and he hasn’t thought about how to deal with Verona. If you send her to heaven, it is not impossible, but I always feel that it is irresponsible for myself. According to this idea, everyone in Tenel City should be killed because they may expose something hidden by themselves.

Thinking of Durin here is a very headache. The most important thing now is to find a “legal” way to explain that you have so much money.

Verona on the set saw Durin and saw Durin’s departure. She had recently strolled with Durin early in the morning, but she also had something to do with Durin. As the producer and heroine of this film, Verona’s pressure is actually very heavy. If nothing is seen in the film, Durin’s investment of five hundred thousand is equal to playing. On the one hand, she is saving the expenses of the crew, and on the other hand, she wants to discuss with Durin the next shooting problem.

To put it bluntly, she has no bottom in her heart.

In the previous film, she was not a heroine. Success or failure, as long as she played her role, was a success for her. Now, not only must she play her own role, but also ensure that there will be great repercussions and successes after the film is released. She has not even slept well in these two days.

At this time, Mickey Anxie in the fifth district looked around for the trail of the gray dog. He said that today he will take his own money to buy a gun. The person in the early morning will disappear. After looking for a few gray dogs who often did not find the guy in the alleys that sold the anesthetics, Mickey had a bad feeling. Just when he considered whether to give up the plan, another person found him.

“The Greyhound was taken away.” When this sentence came out, Mickey even gave birth to the idea of ​​running away immediately, but the second sentence made him become don’t know whether to cry or laugh, “He last reminded When the account was taken, the family’s glass was smashed. The family reported the police. On the way back yesterday, he was hit by a policeman who was patrolling at night. Now he is in the detention room of the branch.”

Mickey had a silent silence, and she was still discussing the big things last night. How did so many things happen in a blink of an eye? He was a little annoyed twice, thinking a little bit and plunging into a finance company he knew.

Residents in the fifth district often borrow money from usury because they are not well-off. Especially during the winter break, many families face insufficient money in the last one or two months. They rarely talk to neighbors. Friends, or relatives borrow money because everyone doesn’t have much money. The rich have gone to the fourth district early, who will stay in the fifth district bitter? So most of them will borrow some money from the usury to spend the winter break.

Like Mr. Morris, the leather pants that Durin once knew, the usury here may be just a name. At Durin, they are more like welfare companies. Fifty pieces of borrowing for three months only need to pay eighty-seven dollars, and the monthly profit of 20% is simply heaven and earth conscience. However, for these financial companies, such income is still OK, plus the fifth district is poor, if the interest is too high, everyone can not afford it, maybe the last account will be rotten.

I took four hundred dollars from the usury. This is because Mickey knew them and had their own house. Otherwise, no one dared to lend him the money. Four hundred and three months, close to seven hundred pieces of principal and interest, Mickey also signed several documents to ensure that these loan sharks can receive the value of 800 yuan from his home without the Mickey. If he doesn’t have that many things in his family, they will auction Mickey’s house.

With these four hundred Mickeys, they found the home of the Greyhound, and the Level 3 was demolished.

“You mean that you took three pistols from me with not enough money, and then gave me the pistol over time, and will give me three hundred more?”, the head of the province is like a madman. His face was awkward. “So why don’t you just give me the rest of the money?” He waved his hand. “Well, give you two. I just ask you what to do if you are caught. If you live, don’t say that these things are taken from me, or even if you go to jail, I have a way to let you die.”

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