Cosma Empire

Chapter 233

Durin’s way back was to ponder over the mayor’s words. There was a message in his words. Some people were dissatisfied with Durin’s recruitment methods and seemed to be mulling a campaign like demonstrations. As a tourist city, if such news is not a good thing, people will question Irian’s stability and security. Some tourists who plan to travel will temporarily put down their plans and choose to wait and see.

Either Durin handles this matter well, or the City Hall handles it. There is no doubt that if the City Hall is to deal with it, it is very likely that both sides will criticize the stop and then give a solution to the mud. But this is not what Durin wants. He doesn’t want his workers to have a group of provincial people or other ethnic groups. He doesn’t have a high degree of education. He has always been a bystander in another World, but he remembers that someone said such a sentence.

Only a pure team can have combat effectiveness.

After returning to the manor, Durin immediately arranged a job for Ellis. He took Savi to the fifth district and tried to find out who was trying to drag his hind legs. Find those who plan this action, list their lists, and don’t miss any of them as much as possible.

Ellis quickly left Savi and his friends. Dufo sat down and asked, “Is it a little too important to pay attention to this?” but a group of people who want to work. It’s enough to teach them that stopping should be enough!”

Durin shook his head. “Oh, this is the biggest difference between the Guartian and the provincial sage.” Guartian doesn’t rush, but accepts it. The war and the environment have left many Guartians with courage. But look at those provinces. Yaren, no matter how badly they are treated and the environment they live in, they are constantly fighting and constantly robbing. So now the social status of the provincial sage is much higher than that of Guartian.”

“They still retain the animal-like wildness. What they did made the empire feel pain, so the empire gave them better treatment and a better environment.”

“This may be just a small thing that is not wrong, but it may not be possible to evolve into a major event. The collapse of many forces begins with small things, if this time they make a big news, let the eyes of the entire empire focus on When Irian, do you think it was a small thing, or a major event? So the mayor said it was right, and he had to press these thorns anyway.”

“On my site, I have to listen to me!”

Totti came very quickly, and he also carried a canvas bag. The canvas bag at the beach is particularly popular, mainly because it is more waterproof than other materials. The moisture on the beach is very heavy. The material such as cotton has a wet feeling when it is backed up. The things inside it will also have a degree of moisture. The canvas bag has no such problem.

He took out six books from his bag, each of which was packed with two hundred names, their home address, family information, etc. These were the workers that Totti hired for Durin. Old Totti was obviously very attentive and his work was very hard. After he introduced some of them to Durin, Durin raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

“Mr. Totti, I think I understand it, thank you for your help, but I have a little bit of something to ask.” Totti snorted and he sat back and waited for Durin’s inquiry, Durin tried as much as possible. Slow down your speech rate and let Totti not hear it clearly. “Mr. Totti, during this time, there are no provincial people or other people to come to work. After you refused them, did anyone say something? Not very good words? Or threatened you?”

Totti expression became dignified, and he nodded. “There is indeed, Mr. Durin’s conditions are really too good. Even my old fogey can’t help but want to work, let alone those. Young people? There have been provincial people to ask about recruitment, and there are a few north-westers who have been here. I have rejected them. There is a provincial sage named Micchi who said something rude, I heard that they seem to I want to use any means to contact you directly. Why, are they…”

Durin waved his hand and stood up. He reached out and held Totti’s grip. “Thank you for your hard work during this time. I have given you a position of a supervisor at the construction site. If your children want to, You can also go to work on the construction site, thank you very much!”

Totti and Durin shook hands and left with a confused face. He didn’t understand why Durin was so interested in this problem, even driving people to pick him up and send him back. He wondered if the provincial people had contacted Durin. If it didn’t work, it would not be impossible to give up three or five hundred places. In this way, Totti with doubts returned to the fifth district, he may not know, a storm is brewing.

In fact, the provincial sages in the fifth district are very dissatisfied with Durin’s recruitment plan. They think that the provincial sages have far more social status and work ability than the half-dead Guartian. If only one or two people are dissatisfied with this, there may be no problem, but when many provincial people know Durin’s recruitment standards and are told that only Guartian can apply, the group of people who jumped up and down were angry.

“Why can only Guartian be able to go there to work, why can’t we do it?” Mickey looked at the compatriots around the campfire and waved their fists. “Beyond the basic salary required by the workers’ union, two meals a full lunch. There is even a day to rest every week, so that the quality of the job quota should be open to all good people, not just to Guartian!”

Mickey, who worked at the dock for a long time, was familiar with this. He reflected to the workers’ union that Durin had racial discrimination in recruiting, and he called on some compatriots who also hated it and planned to get a demonstration. Protesting Durin’s discrimination against the provincial sage.

He told everyone that his request was not high, giving himself a management job and giving himself two thousand places, he could calm down the demonstrations he launched. Mickey’s purpose from the beginning was for his own interests, but also hoped that through this matter, he would raise his position in the province of the fifth district and make himself a person like “Abigail.”

Some people think that Abigail is shameful, but some people think that Abigail is worth learning. Although he may have taken a lot of money, he has done a lot for everyone. Everything is divided into two sides. Abigail is wrong. He got the financial benefits and greedily wanted fame and status, so it caused people to be disappointed with him, so that he was cast aside.

If you don’t think about the reputation, maybe Abigail is still the Abigail that everyone praises, but everyone won’t like him.

Mickey was slightly lost for a moment and came back to his senses. The bonfire printed his face red. His face was somewhat distorted. “If you are not willing to be discriminated against, on the last day of the week, we will go to Mr. 350,000. Demonstration outside the manor!”

A relatively old provincial monk sitting on one side scratched his head. “What if the 350,000 yuan does not compromise?”

“Don’t compromise? Then we will make trouble every day, and make him compromise!” Mickey’s muscles relaxed on his face. He clap his hands. “Don’t worry about this problem, those who have money are more likely to face than you can imagine. They will definitely compromise and will compromise in the first place. I hope that everyone will be able to go together this weekend. After I have found him to be in our job, everyone who goes with me has a share! ”

Perhaps under the temptation of a three-year, well-being job, some hesitant people blindly nodded consent under group consciousness, and they never seemed to think about things that might not be possible. Mickey thinks things too simple, and there are some things that people can do, not just a shot.

After the meeting, Mickey and a few people with good relations left directly. They have other things to say, small circles, so no one else here is allowed to participate, and they are not eligible to participate. When there was no one, Mickey checked around and made sure that there was no one around him, he lowered his voice. “Brothers, want to make big money?”

These friends of Mickey have been playing together since childhood, because they have no culture, and they are not good at learning. They left the school early and mixed around. Now they can only be regarded as the lowest level of society. Some of them have mixed gangs, and some have done robbery. When they were young, Mickey did not do much. After leaving the dock some time ago, he realized that if there is no other way to quickly accumulate the first funds, he may always be a bottom of society in the life, the garbage of those rich people.

So he thought of a plan, a plan that was risky, but would definitely be rich after success – kidnapping.

His purpose is to be Mr. 350,000. The reason why he set the target to 350,000 is mainly because Durin is Guartian. In this Ogdinian-led empire, Guartian is the Guartian, always under and the others. Even if Mr. 350,000 has an accident, people may pay attention to it for a while, but they will not pay attention after a while. The intensity of the arrest of the empire will not be too great. Although Mr. 350,000 has money, many Ogdinians can see him unhappy!

His idea was to use the demonstrations to get negotiating power, and then they would be able to enter the estate of Mr. 350,000.

As long as Durin is subdued, the rest is waiting to get rich.

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