Cosma Empire

Chapter 1325

After a long communication, Holmes thought that she had convinced Paula, and she also expressed her willingness to seriously consider the Holmes proposal to tell the truth in the heart, for example… Durin pushed Bower down the stairs.

This is not actually what Holmes wants to say, because he thinks it’s impossible at all, unless Durin’s crazy, he’ll push Bower off the stairs at the office building of the new party.

You know, when Bower fell, anyone who stayed in the lobby would be able to see what Durin did with his own eyes, as long as his head had risen, even slightly higher, and focused his attention on the top of the eyewitness, so Holmes did not think that it was a real process.

Durin is unlikely to do these things at such a great risk, and he might play a little less friendly role here, but he would never personally push Bower down.

His triumph and the power that he already has does not require him to take too much risk to do so, and he can fully express his claims in a more peaceful manner and complete the compromise.

As long as someone sees him as he does, even if Marcus gets better and worse in front of people, it’s too terrifying.

Holmes did not believe Durin would do so, but he believed that Paula’s assertion was good, and he did not need people to think that that was what really happened, but that it could only create enough shocks in society.

He did not intend to fight Durin’s long-standing power, so he only needed a brief public opinion to let Durin lose his position and advantage, and then it didn’t matter if three or five days had been settled.

Paula has not yet fully answered, and she needs to think about it, and Holmes is not very anxious, and he has a week to deal with it.

He personally sent Paula back to his room and visited a girl next door, and the eyes of the girl cried red, and she was very vigilant with the child in her arms and died staring at Holmes.

It’s like defending his child from the wolves, absolute, decisive, but more desperate.

“I have no malicion, ma’am …”, Holmes has opened their hands, opened up their clothes, where most of his weapons can be hidden, without weapons, which is enough to be reassuring in a strange environment.

Holmes moved towards the girl, two of his bodyguards wanted to keep up, was stopped by him, and he had not been weak enough to deal with a girl without a mission weapon.

He stood by Melissa, watched the child in her arms, touched the little girl who cared about the child, and praised him wholeheartedly, and said, “Her eyes are like Durin, deep and bright.”

Melissa was tight with the thin side of his arms, escaped from Holmes, and she heard Holmes say that when the child was like Durin, she was aware of where the disaster started.

It’s all about Durin.

Holmes don’t at all get embarrassed by the girls’ little moves, and he’s naturally walking to the window, looking at the landscape outside the window — it’s on the tower of the park, at least 20 meters from the ground, and he’s not worried that someone will consider escaping from the garden.

Just looking at it, he recovered his vision, which should have been replaced by a planned road and construction site, and the construction of new areas was much faster than one thought, but much more.

The expansion of the Imperial Capital Circle not only means that Imperial Capital can accommodate more people, highlighting the importance of this city for the empire, but also for those landlords, a rare feast.

It is said that there have been several beatings during this period about the relocation of the cemetery, not only the remains of the ancestors, but also the money!


price of the size is enough to allow many people to act recklessly, together with some who have done little good work here, and the social contradictions on the side of the new zone are more concentrated and visible than elsewhere.

From outside, Holmes turned his back and looked at Melissa, sitting next to the bed, and said, “We all know, that’s Durin’s child, a child that will never be blessed.”

“Have you ever thought that most of what you now bear is that man’s responsibility, and that he has not taken on his own responsibility to leave you in a corner, when you don’t exist, and then join another innocent girl in front of people, to accept the praise and blessing of people, all of which is none of your business.”

“You can’t appear, like a transparent man, in a lot of places, and you can’t talk about a lot of things, and your relatives, your friends, will wonder who your child’s father is, and you won’t be able to tell the truth, not even to mention his name.”

“You should hate him because of the impulse, because hormone, because of his sexual needs, he left casually after all this, and you will bear serious consequences and pay for the humiliation of life.”

“I can give you an opportunity to say his name in front of everyone, to give you the most fair judgment, and as long as you cooperate with me, you’ll get a lot of stuff.”

Holmes thinks he’s enough to incite the girl’s heart, and he’s afraid that the girl can’t understand, and more extreme results say, “At least one quarter of Durin’s property belongs to you and your child, which will be a fortune you can’t imagine. In addition, I’ll give you a large amount of money and protect you and your children, as well as your family.”

If Melissa is still scared before Holmes says his purpose, then now she’s not scared, because she realizes that she is the person who is qualified to decide on certain key issues.

Girls are not stupid, or they can’t be mixed in places like royal Academy, and she looks at the child in her arms, thinking about it for a while, and shook the head.

This move left Holmes wrinking his eyebrows, and he was very reluctant to do so, and earlier, Paula, too, now Melissa, is rejecting himself, let him feel less comfortable that his demands on both women are linked to Durin.

It gave him a sense of frustration that he had lost half of his face and Durin’s face, and he had some anxiety, but his upbringing had kept him alive, not at least as loud as those who had not been in school and had been at the lowest level of duplicative physical workers.

“Can you tell me why? I think this is the best option for you, the man who upsets you and makes you cry for him in the middle of the night, and you can choose to forgive him or hurt him, and this opportunity is not available to everyone.” And Holmes is really convincing this girl that he’s twisted his neck, “I don’t want to hurt anyone, you can listen to me, and maybe I’ll have a solution.”

The girl looked at him and said, “You can’t guarantee my safety, and Durin’s going to kill anyone who never survived.”

Holmes first got cold, and then laughed, and he laughed at his fingers, “No, ma’am, you don’t know very well about the lives of these people, so let’s say that our lives and dignity come from power in hand when we lose power.” He blows a cliff, “We’ll be worse than ordinary humans, including Durin, who you think is strong.”

And the girl didn’t move, “You said you could protect us, so you should prove it to me, not lie to me.”

Holmes pointed out a girl and said, “It’s reasonable, so how do you want me to prove it to you?”

The girl raised an unexpected request for Holmes, “You have to let Durin know you’re dealing with him, but he doesn’t have any way to believe you can protect me and the child’s safety, or I don’t have to talk to you.”

Holmes wrinkled his eyebrows again, and he came back a few steps, and looked to Melissa, “You gave me a problem, ma’am, and I doubt your purpose…”, and he conceded that Melissa’s request was not as pure as she intended to make Durin aware of the problems that had arisen and that she intended to remind Durin through her own hands.

But he can’t be completely sure that no one can determine where a wheel is going, and Holmes can’t, but he doesn’t mind gambling.

Because he believed that so many things had happened during that period, Durin could not know what was going on, sometimes reminding the enemy that it would not fail its plans, but would allow the enemy to reveal more weakness spot loopholes because lose ones head out of fear.

He thought about it for a while, with caution, and “Wait for me, I’ll let you see it, but you better remember what’s said, Durin terrifying, and sometimes I’m not that gentleman.”

After Holmes left, Melissa looked at the closed-door door, and the girl in her arms swept her eyes, and she didn’t even seem to be interested in what would happen before and after.

At night, dinner should have been sent late at 7: 30, and when both girls suspected what had happened, they were brought to the lobby.

There’s a table in the lobby, a few chairs, and a big TV.

It is

clear that the television cabinet under large television is less matched by the installation of surroundings, which appears to have been moved from elsewhere.

Holmes sat earlier on the table, and his very gentleman stood up and moved the chair for three ladies, asked them to sit down and then started to introduce them to each other.

After a brief presentation, Holmes laughed and made cooks start eating, while opening up television.

Paula didn’t know what had happened in the process, and she had some strange look at Melissa and the little girl around, and guess what they had to do with Durin.

Well, Holmes is going to talk about these things, eight o’clock is gold time, and Holmes took advantage of his relationship to participate provisionally in a political de-alerting show, when he started broadcasting.

He described for Paula the reasons for his participation in the exam show, as well as the statement to Melissa that he would provoke Durin by means of a live broadcast and assure himself that there would be no uncertainty.

This is a fresh approach, and as the feeding process continues and the television programme process moves forward, the moderator finally asked about the fact that the new party would not re-elect its leader, and Holmes confirmed it and indicated that it would also vote and replace the position of Vice-Chairperson.

He made it clear in the programme that no one was afraid of the challenges, that Durin’s opponent was specially named, and that he no longer took into account his considerations, and that there was a slight sense of provocation outside his words.

After dinner, he sent Melissa to the room, and he had the opportunity to re-emphasize the agreement between them, and when he returned to the lobby, the attitude of Paula seemed to have turned back on him, which made him very conscious.

“I’ve considered your previous proposal, which is not a brilliant practice, but Melissa’s encounter makes me feel…”, she’s ironic laughed, “You know, I’m also a woman.”

What do I know?

He quickly came to the head, a face felt like a shh, “Yes, I understand.”

Paula didn’t at all say too much meaningless on this point, and soon she pulled the subject back, “Mr. Holmes, you let me say some false words about Mr. Durin, and I agree with your request.”

“It’s not a slander, it’s just a less responsible guess, and after all, you just said what you should say.” Holmes corrected her.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s a lie or a speculation, and I’ll tell the people and journalists, as you ask, of what had not happened, but you will also abide by our agreement that, in addition to money, you will provide sufficient protection to ensure my safety.”

“I have the same concerns as Melissa, and security is more important than money, and you have to understand that.”

Holmes’ face has shown a victory smile, “Of course! I promise, Paula, I promise to ensure your safety and that you don’t need to think about money for the rest of your life, believe me, I promise!”

The two also discussed some details of Durin’s “falsification”, including how he pushed Bower down and what action he had done.

Holmes continues to praise Paula, to praise the lies she made, just like she saw.

After the two discussions, they left the bias hall, while at the same time two monitors stopped listening and closed the line.

They brought audio equipment and recordings to Durin’s garden at the fastest speed, sitting in the bookshop, and Durin listened to the conversation in the tape and laughed satisfactorily.

There are no lights in the bookshop, and the blurred light from outside the corridor lights the Durin halfway cheeks, and the dark split his face into two and a half, giving him a little less real illusion.

The smoke in the darkness suddenly shines, accompanied by a whisper, Xu Xu Tsui spit out.

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