Cosma Empire

Chapter 1326

On the last day of August, the fever in the summer was still hidden in a silver fall, and the edge of the green leaves in the eye had already appeared, and the walkers on the road were in a rush, and not all found in the summer, and the autumn had actually arrived.

Sometimes people are tired, or most of them are tired, because human wisdom and morality have left humankind behind many things that have been imposed on humanity by ancestors.

Everyone is not living for himself, but for others.

There are some coughing men on the way down the front, and there’s some sweaty water on his side, and there’s no friction, which makes him feel a little weak.

He doesn’t have a special name, a very common name, just like most people have parents, wives, and two children.

In fact, when he walked from a real childhood to a society, he was dead, and now he’s not before, not really him.

He was his wife’s barely qualified husband, and he was the father of omnipotent in his child’s eyes, and he was a child in his parents’ eyes, but he was not the only one who was real.

He lived as someone needed him to live, and in the eyes of his colleagues, he was very hard, very reliable in the eyes of his boss, and in the eyes of his friends around him, he was a responsible man, and in the eyes of those who had more relations, he was just a symbol in the life of the people.

But he’s the only one he wants himself.

He hasn’t laughed at impudent for a long time, and he hasn’t forgotten everything but what he really wants to do, and he has spent too much time and energy on the needs of others, neglecting that he is actually the real owner of himself.

Perhaps, after the wife’s deeper exchange of the excess hormones of the body’s endocrine, the lights were closed, and in the darkness the pillow of his wife was on some loose pillow, looking at the dark night sky outside the window, he would sigh and say a word of silence “so tired”.

Maybe in a sudden of unintentional memory of your own happiness, the unintended appearance of a real smile at the corner of your mouth, and then put a fake mask back on as soon as possible.

I became the hope of people, and the cost was the real self…


“I declare…”

Some familiar voices and the crowded doors at the nearby mall made him aware of what must have happened, and he didn’t go to the excitement, but accelerated the pace, some of them back home earlier, and opened the TV.

Many channels are discussing this, and he opened a radio channel that doesn’t seem to have started yet, and seriously looks.

There’s a lot of reporters in the picture, there’s nothing else on the empty podium, except in the light of the woods, until he stared at wide-eyed, opened his mouth, like a fish with oxygen on the deck.

Time went back a little bit, 10: 30 a.m., Durin held a personal press conference at the starlight Theatre, and the media invited earlier took all seats, and no one knew what Durin wanted to say, and why so many media had been convened.

But what he said must have been shocked, or he would not have shaken the matter alone.

Prior to the conference, journalists on the ground had a private exchange, and everyone had their own different ideas, but most of those ideas could be broadly grouped, that is, linked to the “provocation” of Holmes last night.

In the show, Holmes claimed that even Durin, the opponent, would not be in his heart and would quickly defeat Durin, thereby causing Durin’s dissatisfaction, and that Durin’s publication might be a declaration declaring him compete with Holmes as an important position.

There are a lot of people who have such an idea, and after all Durin is a man who never wants to lose, and he cannot see Holmes stepping on him to get more social attention and brief remark.

Time means that Durin opened the door to the lounge at 10: 45, and journalists immediately started to clean up the machine, broadcast and recording simultaneously.


‘s not surprising that Durin has no speeches in his hand, and whoever knows that Durin is a person who likes an imminent speech, and that’s why many people like him, because he’s not hypocritical enough, although it’s the most false place for some people to look at.

He was faced with a camera, faced with journalists, mouths, eyebrows, slight wrinkles, and he seemed nervous from his body, which never happened in the past.

Durin first apologized to you for inviting everyone at this busy time, delaying time for him to feel ashamed and sorry – gold will always be a gathering in the journalist industry in March, and they have enough news and scandals to please the public.

It was not a matter of concern to journalists that Durin’s press conference had never been sick, and Durin had not only invented the “car horse fee” rule, but also one of the largest Boss.

Everyone wants to be able to come to Durin’s press conference, even without invitations to do it himself.

“There is only one thing I want to announce today, and there is only one word.” He watches those journalists in the theatre, then retreats two steps and bows deep.

This move scares some journalists to stand up and not wait for them to ask, Durin, straight back to the podium, micro, “From now on, I’m out of the new party!” Say paused, add another word, “Sorry.”

Suddenly as the same huge bomb exploded in the opera theatre, exploded in front of every viewer who watched the broadcast, exploded in the ear of Holmes, which fell under the stars’ archs, and everyone lost their ability to speak and think at once.

As Marcus’s successor, a new generation of Forces Nouvelles, who are now considered to be able to resolve the intra-Party crisis, and a well-deserved first generation of young people, declared their withdrawal from the new party?

The bomb exploded and Durin didn’t explode, and he said thank you very quickly for leaving the door, and when he left the press for almost two or thirty seconds, moved towards the side door.

This message is too much of a horse explosion to count as the first international news this month, and everyone wants to know what’s going on so that Durin can withdraw from the new party.

From the south to the north, from the east to the west, Marcus, Barr, Odka, Holmes… hundreds of politicians who shocked the empire almost at the same time tried to figure out what Durin was going to do!

Except for this, Durin left the theater directly from the back of the theatre, and he loosed his collar and took off his sleeves, and the heat of the fever made the decorations less comfortable.

He was still very pleased with what everyone had just shown, and he was very pleased with his plans.

You leave a line for someone?

There may be such an opportunity in society to leave the last face of the enemy, not only to upgrade its own mercy, but also to obtain an opportunity in the same situation.

But politically, leaving someone with a back path is tantamount to climbing up the hill and then breaking his legs.

This was a war between very common internal candidates, and if Holmes did not take the lead, Durin wouldn’t mind having a fair vote with his children, although Holmes would certainly lose.

But when Holmes decided to use a number of exotic recruits to determine the outcome of this competition, Durin could let go of it.

Durin is father!

The car he took quickly disappeared in the city’s car flow, but the impact of the incident would continue to grow and eventually result in a storm of public opinion.

Marcus, who was lying in the hospital on several occasions, had not yet moved, and he believed that in the empire, among the politicians he knew, just, openness and honorable, Durin would not have been able to win steadily, but in those terrible things, Durin would never lose.

Marcus trusted Durin, Barr didn’t have to. He took the phone to Durin at about a little more afternoon.


first time the phone rings Durin’s voice across the phone, he rips up his neck, “Do you know what you’re doing?”


that sentence, he used the introduction to greet each other’s parents to express his own strong emotions and to reflect his dissatisfaction by adding the verb, although for some reasons the glossary of the less civilized would not appear in writing.

Durin was always very shocked, “I know, sir, I’m an adult, I know what I did.”

Barr’s breathing, okay? He just calm his head down for a while, “You quit the new party, but you didn’t say hello to me, you ruined the most important thing between me and Marcus!”

He tried to calm his tongue, and the new party and the old party were a system of stable social and imperial political environment proposed by Marcus in his stomach and, in any event, must have reliable control over both parties within the bipartisan system.

The old party, Barr, has been elected, and the new party is basically Durin, but the decision of Durin suddenly changes a lot of things, affecting many people and interests, which makes Barr frightened and angry.

Durin laughed at hehe comforted, “Yes, trust me, sir, and I’ll be Vice-Presidents of the new party without a week, which is just a small plan.”

Barr was silent after a while, and after a while, he said, “You better not lie to me!”

“Of course, sir.”

The phone bell rings again after hanging out the phone, and he sees, and he doesn’t pick up and leave, and he will temporarily disappear in the eyes of the population, waiting for things to continue.

His bombs had come into effect in order to retreat into this practice, which, in many cases, was very useful, and they could not be solved as long as society had a bottom line and each other had a bottom line.

Holmes may not be a “gentleman”, but he will never be a “little man”, and eventually he will personally invite Durin back to the new party and personally take him to the position of Vice-Chairman unless he wants to be abandoned by the entire empire!

Durin’s gone very easy, and he’s getting bigger, but it’s sad that a lot of people want to know what happened and so on, including Holmes.

Holmes is completely ignorant of Durin’s operation, and, precisely, there are few tactics of retreat in Western values, and people prefer to show their strengths and then crush their opponents.

So Durin was surprised by everyone, and even Marcus was scared to jump.

Holmes can’t guess what Durin wants to do. He has no bottom in his heart, often when he doesn’t have the bottom, and the only thing he can do at this point is contact more people as soon as possible and determine his position as Vice-Chairperson.

Only then will Durin be able to cope with this proposition, regardless of what he did, and as long as his ass is seated, even if he does something even more amazing, it will not change the end.

Political seriousness goes far beyond other things, and sometimes even everyone knows it’s wrong, but in order to maintain the image, to maintain the authority, to maintain certain consistent accuracy, to be correct, even the wrong will follow it until a while later.

Even when Marcus started to suspect for three days, there was suddenly a little news that Holmes had the power or evidence of Durin’s death in order to force Durin out of the competition, to withdraw from the new party and to gain the opportunity to move within the next new party.

This information, although inspired by the spread of people, is not a particular belief, and Holmes is also a successful governor, a qualified public figure, where dirty water is not much marketplace.

And Durin’s press conference has no brain, and it says that the results have not been said, and the speculation of chaos does not attract close social attention, but this message has received the attention of a number of politicians.

There is no doubt that Durin’s bidding is just… that a lot of people think that if it’s just these numbers, it’s not enough, it’s too risky, it’s too expensive!

On that night, however, both the Journal of the Empire and Channel I of the Empire received information that triggered the bombing of society as a whole.

That’s a recording, with very familiar voices in the recording, and this guy was on TV a few days ago, and that man and an important woman, barely shameless talk about how to wreck Durin and intend to act.


wonder Durin will quit the competition and withdraw from the new party, but it’s also confusing, if it’s just that there’s no need to get out of the new party?

How could Durin always be so decisively and decisively recognizing surrender and failure?

There must also be something that some people don’t know, and that confusion lasted until the next night’s gold file, when Durin personally appeared before the camera.

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