Cosma Empire

Chapter 1324

Melissa was watching TV, and she didn’t at all noticed that there were some unpredictable visitors in the villa.

The Community Services Corporation in the Bay of Oak has been tested over the years and enjoys the confidence of all households, even though some households sometimes forgot to lock the door when they left.

Melissa has the same relentlessness, and she lived here for two years without any accident, and Durin, while not questioning them, has come a little bit over the cost of living every month.


not much money, it’s for Durin himself, but it’s enough for them to live a good life, and even if they do it on time, they won’t make the next day harder.

Sometimes… no, it should be said most of the time that she felt she had done something stupid, even more stupid when she was pregnant, and she should listen to Mother and take this child off.

She was not yet mature, however, and always thought that parents would always be the starting point for themselves in themselves, neglecting their feelings as parties, so that she might oppose the mother’s proposal only to oppose it and eventually bring the child to life.

Now, she regrets, short passion and impulse, and then she starts to realize that there are things that can last, but there are things that can’t last long.

Unilateral emotional outbreaks between Durin and Durin stem from the increased sense of security given to her by Durin, where a woman writes in her book that women’s demand for security is higher than other needs.

Even girls like Sully, their worship of money comes in fact from a lack of security and demand, but they are only more aware of the security they need, and they understand that money can be given to them, so they pay for it.

Now, when everything is calm, comfortable living and growing deposits in banks, Melissa is completely free from financial freedom and the resulting sense of security for most of her age.

There’s nothing more than money in this world that can be reassuring than money, regardless of the personality of a person, what has been done in the past, is now as troubling as he has given him money, a large amount of money that he has spent his whole life, and he’s filled with a sense of security.

Indeed, the lack of security often stems from ignorance and incapacity to their own destiny, large capitalists, noble people, such as those at the top of society, who have never been safe, because they have the greatest control of their own destiny, but it is impossible at the bottom of society.

We’ve always heard of people depressing themselves for such reasons, but who else has ever heard of those who really have power, big capitalists depressed?

They won’t be happy. Where’s the many troubles?

What can reassure ordinary people is that, apart from the power they cannot afford, only money is left.

Playing your hair on television is criticized by some social famine as a lack of content and as a continuous drama with no joy, and Melissa, who sometimes smiles, puts all attention on television.

and child sleeps in her baby bed, and child looks very cute, and a black hair makes her feel more mysterious.

Just as the owner of the television series fell down and made Melissa laugh on shit, what suddenly fell on the floor in the living room.

She looked at half the dark corridor outside the door, and she didn’t know how much it was, a piece of cold wind blowing her up and she hit a cold war.

That simple landing sound has been wandering around her ear, and she slowly stood up, and then walked towards the bedroom door.

There is only one resident in this villa, and not all the subordinates and maids will live here at night, but two servants with child experience will help Melissa take care of her and Durin’s children in the day.

She also needed to go further and learn more about it, which Nadia had given her advice, no matter what now, at least after she had better academic and knowledge reserves, it would be easier to build in society in the future.

The Royal Academy was unable to go, switched a school, and Melissa replaced a full-time financial course at the University of Empire under some legal operations.

At this point, she did not at all realize that the danger was coming, because the Bay of rubber was really safe, and there had been no malicious case, including indoor theft and ordinary theft, from project development to the present decade.

There are few households that feel able to break through heavy security and get into the room to hurt themselves.

She walked out of the room, looked at the dark downstairs of the eye, stretched her hand to the wall, and at the moment the lights shined, a towel was spilled with a ghost mushroom extraction, and tightly pressed on her nose.

The power to struggle lasted for less than ten seconds, and Melissa sitting on the corridor was like being unloaded from his bones, like dirty muds, with a strange smile on his face.

At 12: 00 p.m., the electric repair car left the rubber Bay villa, no one complained, no one called the police, everything was as secure as usual.

The following morning, two of the servants who came to take care of the child had called the superior management company because they had not waited for Melissa for a long time.

Neither a servant who is able to enter the rubber Bay villa area into Hang Family’s administration is a cheap temporary servant of three fifty minutes and an hour. They have strict auditing standards and a clean home, have the most formal training and have a standard response programme and process in any event.

The management company then called the emergency contact person, and the phone drive turned to Durin’s hand, and he listened calmly to Nadia and comforted this big steward in the West after a few words.

He’s not anxious, or even a little too much to say… it’s not good to describe that feeling, it’s like doing something very good, but it’s tough to show it.

Before Nadia’s call, those responsible for surveillance of Paula, i.e. Bower’s working secretary, transmitted new messages, and Paula had been taken away by two individuals who claimed to be senior agents of the Bureau of Investigation.

Of course, Durin’s people have been following these people, and Paula was eventually taken to a new town park.

The new urban area is a new area for this expansion of Imperial Capital, as the new area is actually close to the outskirts of Imperial Capital in the past, with a very large number of private parks and villagers, and the new area is in fact much larger than one thought.

If the expansion is small, it will simply add value to the real estate of the wealthy people in the outskirts, and people will have an opinion, so the groundwork of this expansion has been large and much larger.

At present, the new zone is more empty and is not so difficult to trace, together with the fact that the people on the Imperial Capital side are local and easily find the nest of each other.

But not now, Durin does not intend to save these two women, and in this world, however evil it is in the heart of one person, as long as he wishes to be accepted by this society, there must be a need to confront this society, and must demonstrate his compassion, compassion and resentment to women, children and the weak, who commit violence in any sense.

This is not a position, it is a manifestation of the overall will of society.

Making yourself weak is the way Durin has always been doing, and many people or implied criticism of him, but this is what works, especially at the bottom of society.

His manners and personal attribute are too well suited to play the game of “victimization”, which has forced him to do it again and again.

Politics are not an entertainment circle, and there is no need to keep taking out those fresh, unverified things to the eyes and concerns of the population.

The film failed and could come again, whether the investor or the stars were just a failure in their lives, a new day across the past.

But once in the political struggle, it means it’s hard to turn around, and the jungle law of extreme fruit never gets mercy on those who fail, even if they eventually swallow powerhouse into a shit, and plants don’t let the losers lose their last meal to feed themselves.

Durin arranged everything and began to wait for the time to come.

On the other hand, Paula sat in a room where it was obvious that she was waiting for something, and she was more calm than the girl next door losones heads out of fear to cry, which might be related to her daily work.

She has always been exposed to important politicians, as well as to the brains of some conspirators, and, of course, more likely to know how to deal with them.

More than nine o’clock in the morning, the door opens, and honestly this is not a normal room, whether luxury or a luxury bed that can only appear within the framework of a large timber structure in museums and noble castles, or an artistic thing that hangs around the walls, which makes it difficult to feel that it is soft and more like experience and experience the life of nobility.

She left the room with someone who could be said to be a huge building, and finally went around a little bit of a room, and she saw someone sitting on the couch, and she knew it was Holmes.

Holmes looked back, pointing to the couch next door, “I’m very sorry I invited you in this way, and I just hope that our conversation will not be interfered with by more people, and I need to talk to you, Paula Young Lady.”

Paula picked up a little bit of a spoiled hair with a low head down to what Holmes meant. Sit down, brief remark.

Holmes doesn’t care about her silence, “Coffee, juice, flower tea, or some alcohol?”, his voice is very gentle, he doesn’t feel like a knife, and it makes people feel better, “Maybe alcohol is better, it’ll relax, it’s not nervous.”

Paula finally wants juice, she’s afraid she won’t drink, and she’s afraid she’ll talk too much wrong.

When the juice came, Paula had two drinks with the glass, Holmes asked a question, “Paula Young Lady, you may not know that there was another message from the office building during the two days that clearly did not benefit you”.

Paula’s a little surprised to rise up, with confusion in his eyes, like, “What’s with me” and “Why me”.

Holmes kept his mouth laughed, “It was pointed out that Mr. Bower’s age, although he was old, had not yet seen obstacles to action, and that it was unlikely that he would have been pushed down because of his failure to fall down, or that he might have been pushed on one or another”, and that Holmes like a smile yet a smile watched Paula when he said, “Somebody pushed him”, Paula’s heartbeat stopped shooting.

When looking at Paula’s little bit of a color, Holmes kept talking, “or because Paula Young Lady, your relationship led to Mr. Bower falling.”

“We cannot be sure what causes the tragedy, unless Mr. Bower is awake, but in the current circumstances you are the eyewitness and the most suspect.”

“There has been a proposal to conduct a case investigation against you, as you know, at this important time this has shaken society as a whole, whether it is a new party or a cabinet, hoping to be able to calm the wave of the matter as soon as possible.”

“There is no longer a better way than to find a suitable ‘suspect’ to be socially emotional, and one would like to see someone confess to guilt and then be tried in a fair manner.”

“Unless you can tell me what happened at that time, for example, someone did something we didn’t know…”

This is a clear temptation that no evidence in court that contravenes the requirement to collect evidence cannot be used as effective evidence and that such evidence, even if found to be authentic in the subsequent collection process, cannot influence the final judgement and sentence in court as evidence of legal effectiveness.

Many people know this, including those lawyers, but lawyers still prefer to use these illegal evidence as an explosion point, why?

Because these evidence cannot be effective evidence, they can guide public opinion in society.

Now that competition in the party is about to reveal the final curtain, Holmes does not need a stick to kill Durin, to the extent that he can’t turn around, and only a light push.

To promote the suspicion and dissatisfaction of social opinion with Durin and the mistrust of the New Party Commission with Durin, naturally, they will vote for others.

Durin’s suspicion was removed even one second after the end of the ballot period, and Durin lost, not just this, but for a lifetime.

Just a few days, uncertain suspicions, enough!

Some of these methods are not clean, and Holmes did not intend to use them before, but in the face of absolute power, there is no room for cruelty and barbarism in the bones.

Man as an animal is never a civilization, and civilization is simply to hide in the cruelty of the bones.

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