Cosma Empire

Chapter 1298

In Guartian’s myth history, the gods who control everything, the gods and the first angels who were born after them, he hid the sun in his eyes, and the moon in his eyes.

From the moment he landed in gu gu, day and day, the world without distinction had the sun and the moon, and the day and the night had changed.

The emperor and the Queen of God took control of the sun and moon, and eldest son, who was replaced by black and white, was named 鈥滳laytoy”, which was interpreted as “bearing the stars in hand”.

In Guartian’s history of myth, the gods have experienced many wars and stories, many of them constantly changing, dying or resurrecting, only the king, the queen and eldest son Claratoy have not died, and Claytui has also been interpreted as war God in Guartian’s myth.

Indeed, there are others in the real war God, but many have been used to treating Chloratoy as war God, which is what he described in some scripts and handkers – “His birth is accompanied by the first sunlight in the world, and his eyes open, and the night screen will come. He wore golden’s armor, handled sharp weapons, never feared death, and gave the king the head of the enemy.”


level of love for Chloratoi is much higher than for other gods, and perhaps in the general sense Chloratoy will finally become the second king of the gods, and the return rate of the earlier “investment鈥?king will clearly be much higher.

It was also said that it was because of changes in the day-to-day and night of Chloratoy, when he opened an eye and closed another eye at night, and that the sun and moonlight were seen in his eyes, so people were closer to him.

Durin thought of these things for a while, and smiled at the low looking for Ophelia, and the girl just asked him a question, what their child should be called?

He walked to the bed, stretched out his hand, touched the baby’s little face with his back, and it seemed like his old skin was too hard to poke, or a child’s soft muscle with a headache, and child shrunk his head, and it seemed like he wanted to avoid his touch.

Interesting little thing, Durin recovered his hand, looking at the girl, said with a smile, 鈥淭oy, representing the brightest star in Gualte.” He did not ask Ophelia if it felt that it was a good name, but it was a very direct name for the child.

Ophelia eyes shined, 鈥淭he brightest star鈥?do you mean the sun?”, Durin nodded, the girl seems to be sighed in relief, “I feel good, and it doesn’t look so good.”


‘s what’s done with the name of the child, and Durin thought of Gods Son at the time he named Toy, and picked up the second half of the famous Clayto.

It seems that his attitude towards this child is much more important than the two children of Alisa.

This is not really Durin’s preference for who, he just shows a very simple fact that meets social needs, and people will pay more attention to this child!

So Durin is going to give him a very interesting name to feel that Durin’s focus on this child is as much as they need, as they think it is, so that even names can be used in the name of some of the classic or myth.

That emphasis would be satisfactory to everyone, as it should be by rights, and I knew Durin attached great importance to the child, because he was special.

His special point is that he will inherit everything from the Durin and Timamont families, whose starting point has exceeded the end of 99 per cent of the population in this society and is much larger.

Durin’s emphasis on him should be justified, and only if it is logical to meet the 鈥渏ust needs” of people.

If Durin behaves very, very randomly starts thinking about what he’s doing so well.

Does he want to convey a message through his name, for example, that he and Timamont have created irreversible tornadoes or that he wants to tell someone that he prefers his illegitimate child more?

Whatever he explains, others think, they will eventually bring the other two children to disaster and unsustainable disaster.

Those vested interests, in order to ensure and secure the current and future benefits, are willing to harm the two children with the result of the guilt Durin.

Because Durin cannot die forever, and as long as he dies, this child is in power, how much they lose today, and tomorrow this child will compensate them even for their loss and interest.

So it’s not just born, it’s all that simple!

Before Reverend didn’t go to work the following day, the whole Imperial Capital was well known, and the first one in front of Durin was Connie Archbishop.

He almost brought the clergy of the Imperial Capital Church with many followers gathered outside the hospital.

When he met, Connie, who had a pure gold crucifix in his hand, had taken a few steps and Durin’s very polite hug, and he saw Ophelia and children in the bedroom, and the smile on his face was about to be put down.

鈥淟isten, I can’t wait for child baptism to do it myself, and of course you don’t have to doubt that I’m just trying to throw him in the water, and I’m going to squeeze him up鈥?It’s just a joke, don’t you think I’m funny?鈥?/p>

鈥淭hat’s cute, I mean, really cute, and I can’t wait to send Father’s blessing to him, when are we baptism?鈥?He looked at Durin, 鈥淣ow, or afternoon? I think next Monday is really good, and I’ll be in front of everyone, in the church, in the eyes of the Father, for a man, baptism, which is my honor and his honor.”

He made a joke about the child, and he smiled like a 320-kilogram fatty, “Right, what’s his name? It’s very powerful, or is it very good with art?鈥?/p>

Durin blinks his eyes, he has nodded pain, and this guy never stops his mouth like a permanent motive, “His name is Toy, Claratoy’s Toy, do you know that name?”

He thought Connie would have said no, because it was not the content of the Church, that in the past there had been mutual hatred and even killing among religions because of their only sexual hatred, and that wars between different faiths were often worse than wars for rights.

For the content of other religious beliefs, they are treated as flood beasts and toxins, and don’t understand, even if they hear them, the only thing that can be solved is to burn them down and purify them so that they can be comfortable.

Over the past period, the Catholic Church, which has a dominant status, has also done Peak in terms of exclusivity and only sex, as others have done to them before, and they have begun to do it to others.

The books that burn other religions say that killing believers in other religions, all non-Catholic churches and faith-related things will be put on evil coats and then burned.

No one will go to know what other religious doctrines and content are, and they only care if everyone kills, and there are no other sins.

But what is unexpected is that Connie closed his mouth almost nothing – for only one second, he was up to some kind of embarrassing apologies for what he just said, “Sorry, Durin, I forgot you were Guartian, Claytoi… Gods Son, Star Ruler, very good name.”

This is some cultural differences, and Claytui in Guartian’s record is “Gods Son of the Sky Moon and Star Star鈥? and then Connie became Ruler of Star Ruler, even though it’s more cool to say, he’s gone away from it.

Durin had no intention of correcting the problem, but he was also aware that 鈥渂aptism鈥?was necessary, not as Connie’s cardiovascular move, but as a tradition.

In fact, sometimes societies are very realistic and contradictory, and people are advocating to simplify as much as possible some complex ceremony, or even abandon some traditions, but at the top towers of society, in families or organizations that really control this society, they are the oldest.

On the other hand, they let those social underpinnings stop doing this, don’t be traditional, but they have to strictly abide by it, which is strange.

Whether or not the people at the bottom still admire the faith of the child baptism, or even those families, 鈥渂aptism鈥?is necessary for the nobles, and it can be baptism of the Catholic Church or other forms of baptism, the situation is not important, and it is important that the child be watched and blessed by God.

Sometimes it makes sense that nobility may be both retarded and stupid, but this is the tradition of nobility and insists on a tradition that has not changed so far.

If anyone has not accepted baptism, he will already be taken hostage to being welcomed by the elders of his family and not blessed by God, and only through baptism will he be able to grow healthy, intelligent, strong and overcome all the difficulties.

Ophelia is also looking at him, and he laughed, 鈥淚t’s okay, I’m going to do baptism for this child”, and Ophelia is somewhat unclear that the education she receives allows her to choose the latter in the event that she may harm her face and remain silent.

Connie has some understanding of this, and he’s twisted his mouth, “Okay, Messiah.”

He then stayed here for more than 10 minutes, left him with a pure gold crucifix before leaving, and pledged to prepare a child for baptism soon and to demand a ceremony.


second person who came after he left made Durin very unexpected, because he thought of a lot of people, and only he didn’t think about this guy – Henry.

Durin told Henry about it yesterday when he left Ambilo, and he commissioned Henry to preside over the award ceremony without him being able to get back.

He doesn’t seem to have any spiritual connection to the night trailer, and that’s not much oil light on his head, and that’s what this guy looks like when he’s doing good is touching oil, and now grey T煤 T煤.

His little girlfriend followed him, and it became clear that the girl was still nervous, Henry. After all, the beautiful girl Empire had that many, but there was a very rare number of people who had the right to have a status and spend money.

Henry said a compliment, and then looked at the child, and asked the same questions as Connie, and he pulled out a very old copper key from his pocket, and put it next to the child.

鈥淚 came in a hurry, and there was no proper gift on the road.” And Henry was acting very lightly, and if not his little girlfriend strangled his legs from time to time, it might be lost.

Durin looked at it and said a word of thanks, and then pushed Henry to rest, and went back to replace him.

He knows this key, which is the key of the Nate family’s park in Imperial Capital. It’s not far from Durin’s fairy tale castle, and it’s a dozen minutes away.

According to the current price of the Imperial Capital City Park, Henry sent it at least 400, 500, 100, 100,000!

And here it is not just the price of the skin and the house, but it itself has historical value, and any ancient building is a treasure left by the prophets and bears the inheritance of history and civilization.

Of course, it was not the 鈥渇amily industry鈥?of the Nate family, which Mr. Nate bought earlier in years, and when he knew Durin and Ophelia’s child were born, he called Henry to get him out of Imperial Capital, and then sent it over.

Durin’s behavior is very good, and it’s good that almost most people have determined this morning, as long as he doesn’t have a hot head to do something wrong, a Prime Minister must have his share.

A future Prime Minister, with his strength and strength, will certainly be re-elected, so not now, but until when?

Even when Connie was crying in the temple of the gods, it was not surprising that the gold cross in the statue of the Father, who was said to have been blessed by the Pope himself, had come here and Henry sent a house.

And there’s a lot of people coming up with more things, more expensive things!

Ophelia was asleep when he left Henry, and then Connie came, and now she can’t stand resistance to sleep, and Durin didn’t disturb her.

Let someone stop those who are coming outside, Durin rubbed his head, found an empty room, and now he needs to rest.

Next time, he won’t take much rest.

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