Cosma Empire

Chapter 1297

Jonathan is not clear, and at this point more than 100 million people throughout the world are watching his performance in a variety of ways, and if he knows, he may be frightened.

There’s no applause and cheer on this particular game, which is not like those sports, and people scream for every good athlete and the level of functioning he shows.

There’s nothing here, no applause, no cheers, only quiet, boring waiting.

Maybe a few minutes, a few hours, maybe two days, but everyone’s rapidly familiar with these and enjoying them.

It’s a real killing and fighting, and that’s all for everyone.

After more than three hours of stalemate, people’s attention has been focused on others, Durin is still watching Jonathan’s picture.

There are

more cameras in the finals area and more comprehensive images of capture, and if not before anyone finds out, no one will see a man hidden in that little mud, or even tell those who do not know, that they will not be able to find them.

Durin was very impressed by this man named Jonathan, who was not the best person to speak or silence in many competitors who sought to find himself just two words, but left a very impressive impression on to Durin.

This impression stems from his desire for a change in life, his desire for a miracle, so that he can drag home to a stranger place, that kind of desire or desire, the simplest, most honest, no cover.

He has not excused himself for coming to the contest, not for responsibility, nor for curiosity, not for the darkness of the dawn, for money, for the sake of honour.

And he went that way, whether or not he was able to get first, and he had succeeded.

No new team has asked Jonathan’s personal information from the Organizational Committee, and some brokers have begun to turn around his wife and child, who, of course, left after they were beaten by security guards, but they will not die.

A large number of brokers from the back of Ritz Street and Irian are all over the west, and they do not know how to treat this big fugitive race as a visual circle, as fashion models, but this does not prevent them from seeking to find prey to start bleeding.

This, of course, is not a pure devaluation, and the survival of brokering companies is based solely on their performance.

A large medal broker can bring more opportunities and income to the contractor, so they themselves can earn more and have better slogans and better opportunities, and vice versa.

So, some of those who were not so special, phased participants, through these brokers, found their troops willing to receive them, and the main reason for the current turmoil in Western broker is whether they were wearing or benefiting.

Jonathan is such a person who can walk to the top 100 out of three thousand, even if it is possible to go to the top 50 or more, and as long as he comes out of it, his annual salary will not be less than $20,000, which is already the minimum annual salary that is being paid to the finalists.

Maybe he can get more, far more income than the prize he received from the competition.

Hope, change a man, change a family and the fate of their descendants.

More than three hours later, the middle age person who tried to visit the area came back, and the three-hour gap confrontation allowed him to believe that the other party might have left the area, and he was very careful to circumvent a distance, but not leave.

These legacy marks are very valuable, and their value is that he can find the man, and perhaps the mystery put a trap in front of him, but maybe he didn’t even think that there was a hunter chasing himself.

Slowly, without exposing too many voices, he stepped in the mud, watched the footprints go far away from the mud moved towards the ground, and his attention was completely focused on the surrounding environment until a gunpipe stretched out of the mud.

A light sound, Miage Man’s head looked at a red gray in his chest, and then the body’s four limbs were tightened up on the two sides of the body, and one of the helmet’s rings opened up a curtain to the crown structure, and then he turned around the ground and couldn’t move.

red’s smoke rises from his chest, passes through a thick, dense tree crown, far away from a fast-hunting move towards this side.

Yes, the hunting style, the previous cabinet had some “cooperation” with the Ministry of Defence and the Bondika Military Engineering Group, and Bondika had put forward a proposal, for example, for an empty order to compensate them for the loss of the goods they could not sell.


original plan was almost about to blow, and then Durin’s wild escape started, and then he and Barr talked to him for a second, giving Bondika 20 orders to help the Cabinet share some pressure.


Army took one hundred and fifty, the Navy took 70, Durin had 20, and five were used to prevent the outbreak of Imperial Capital, just like 250.

This figure is very satisfactory to the Bondika Military Engineering Group, and in fact the Ministry of Defence considers it necessary to allow the soldiers first to contact the concept of “organized war” proposed by Bondika Intelligence.

The Department of General Staff of the Imperial Army believes that this kind of artificial war proposed by Bondika is not a logical bullshit theory that sells hard-work packs, is very accurate and forward-looking, and that the Military Intelligence Service has received some information from outside the country, and some countries have begun clandestine research and development of the aircraft.


order to ensure that Bondika does not eliminate the follow-up research and development of flight type warfare weapons because of empty dumping, such orders are in place in order to make the imperial soldiers more aware of how to fight a single war.

All hunting empty number one belongs to coaching and testing machines, not to conventional armoured war machines.

As for why it almost blew, it was just an official business act.

Only Durin is directly used for “real war”, but it must also be said that the air speculation of such short-range aircraft is too convenient, and that the changing terrain of Ambilo is no longer difficult under the cover of the aircraft, whether sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, or deep mountains, can quickly invest human or material in the right place.

About a few minutes later, all the items on your body have been searched for the green age man’s eyes lying on the floor, looking at the tree crown, and a group of official people coming down from the tree crown, and the embarrassing face has passed away.

He was removed from the restrictions and left behind his head, and he thought it was the end of his wonderful journey, but he didn’t expect a large group of people to come up after returning to the camp…

Durin watched Jonathan continue to jump in the woods, where he had not been able to find the kind that had just been liberated from his office a month ago, and with the courage of a teachings, he became more confident and more stable.

“Your Honourable Governor, with your phone, from Saint Nunfantiers…”, the waiter beneath Durin whispered to his ear, Durin, and that’s what came back to his senses, he put his head on, and then pleaded guilty to his friends, swept up and went to a lounge room.

There was no one in the lounge, and when he entered, the waiter closed the door with great care, sitting on the couch and calling, pushing up the wire, and following the radio noise in the flashlight, he said, “It’s me, Durin.”


other one is a young girl, and her voice is kindness, “Hello, Mr. Durin, your wife Ophelia has entered the maternity room, and I’m here to inform you that your wife is about to be born, and you better come.”

Durin left Ambilo immediately after he ordered Henry to come back and let Henry take his place for the ceremony.


counted on the road, from Ophelia’s pregnancy to the present birth, and it’s already eight-nine months, and it’s probably premature.

On his way to Imperial Capital, the news that Ophelia was about to produce has spread across the empire and noble circles, as the most successful marriage in today’s society, and Durin and Ophelia’s children are involved not only in people’s hearts, emotions, but also in interests that do not reckon with the dilemma!

This must be a “chosen son”, and from the moment he/she came to the world, he/she stepped on the head of the 99% of the world’s people, and as long as he/she was not a fool, he/she could have lived better than anyone in his/her life.

There have been a number of people wandering outside the hospital for a while, and some noble people are warmly connected, and members of the Timamont family are beginning to receive some degree of follow-up, as well as attention.

Because these people will have a Junior, a Junior they need to look forward to.

Durin arrived at Imperial Capital in the middle of the night, leaving the station, waiting for a long time and arriving quickly at the hospital.

Ophelia had not produced yet, but had entered the maternity room, and childbirth was not a simple thing, and many people who had not experienced had always felt that childbirth was simple and simple to three steps.

The first step, it’s almost born.

The second step, born.

The third step, home.

But that is not the case, from a sign to a real production to a long waiting period, sometimes three or five hours, sometimes waiting for more than ten hours.

Once admitted to the hospital, there were specialist doctors accompanying Durin to the seventh floor of the hospital, where it was the operating hall, which was not the maternity room.

Taking into account the specificity of the child in Ophelia and her stomach, the hospital is afraid not to take out their best operating rooms directly as a maternity room, even if some outside specialists are ready for emergency surgery at any time.


whole group walked upstairs, and the doctor who hosted Durin told Durin about the current situation, “Mrs. Ophelia’s body is very healthy, but it’s her first birth, and she hasn’t been through these things, so it’s not going to be easy.”

“In fact, this is not a dangerous situation in the production we have touched upon, and we have now played the catalyst, and if Mrs. Ophelia is unable to deliver naturally before 3: 30, we will consider making the child die through surgery.”

The doctor has some kind of funny laughed, “Mr. Durin, did you and your wife refuse to practise childbirth or something?”

The Church had been struggling about the compatibility of surgery delivery and had burned down several doctors who advocated delivery and purified them with flames on the cross.

Although surgery is not prohibited in modern churches, there are still some who maintain old traditions that it is the greatest blasphemy to the Lord.

The birth and death of human beings should be decided by the Lord that surgery deliveries are tantamount to jumping through this link, and that children are not only blessed by God, but also cursed, without God’s permission.

Most of the people who have retained this idea are now in the north, and some noble families are still doing this misleading thing, Ophelia is a noble daughter, Durin’s status is not simple, and he is Guartian, who believes in the king and the gods, so the doctor asks.

If there were some accidents that had to be solved through surgery, that would have been the first to pass.

Durin said nothing, and the whole group stepped up the road, and many had taken the initiative to move, especially after the seventh floor, there seemed to be no one else on the floor.

Stand at the door of the operating room, Durin switched his clothes and walked in, and did not prohibit family members from entering, and he saw Ophelia’s face lying white on a delivery chair, and he walked to the girl’s side, cleaned her up a sweaty sweaty hair, and then he kissed a little bit, “You’re hard.”

Girls laugh barely, but that’s laughing, laughing from inside, she’s enduring hard pain, and even talking becomes powerless, “I’m actually happy, I’m going to be a mother, and this is my child for you.”

Durin, with her hand, was with her, so that God finally woke up and realized that a son of choice would be born, and that, more than a little more at night, children would deliver naturally.

After the birth of the child, Ophelia was about to be lost, and everyone’s eyes were concentrated on this child, and it was amazing that something had happened.

The doctor shot the child’s ass and wanted him to cry to boost his lungs’ own breath and activate his heart’s lung function, and the child didn’t cry, but laugh, and laugh.

Never heard of children laughing once they were born, but this time they realized.

The doctor took care of the tape and stuff after two seconds, and then packed the child, and sent it to Ophelia, while comforting, “Congratulations, it’s a boy!”

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