Cosma Empire

Chapter 1299

Durin was also suspended for less than four hours and woke up, and steward here told him that a lot of people wished to see Mr. Durin as soon as possible and Ophelia and their children together.

steward used the word “goodbye” and added Toy to it, which was not a mistake.

In most people’s perceptions, there are only three people who can represent a family, the first being founders.


founders, through their own efforts, have won the medal or have been given the opportunity to move forward to a higher stage by honouring them, regardless of their assessment of him at a time of life, and in the days to come he can represent the family, whether it is strong or declining.

The second is the contemporary Patriarch, for example Marcus of the Timamont family, and Barr, who can represent a family that is not very famous, very terrifying.

In fact, Marcus now includes what others have achieved, so that after their death, as much as they have left an evaluation of “amazing people” in history, people will soon forget them, and he will not be able to represent the Timamont family after his resignation.

He was able to represent the Timamont family, not his medal and achievements, but as Patriarch.

The third is the first successor.


first successive heirs of a family are often able to make representations on behalf of the family behind him after adulthood, and his commitment is as good as Patriarch’s expression and commitment to the nobility and the family.

Even if it was a wrong gesture or a wrong commitment, the family behind him would recognize it and pay the price.

Because the first successor, without a scandal similar to that of some successors, can say that the first successor is destined to be Patriarch for the next generation.

His commitment was only to spend a few decades earlier on his authority, but it was also a part.

These three groups can represent a family, and if Durin represents a new and emerging family Cosma family from the south-west on the rise path, Toi represents a new, emerging and a new hegemonic family after the merger of old brand forces.

To some extent, in the noble social system, the value, importance and future access of Toi Cosma have exceeded Durin, although the child was born less than 24 hours ago.

So people are very serious about using more serious words like “goodbye” as language, and they’re not wrong, it’s just a rule.

Durin threw his eyes off the bed and had to say that sometimes a different bed sleep was a very difficult experience.

Hospital beds are not soft and very hard to sleep, but there is a sense of security that cannot be described in the language, so Durin is lying on top of it and is sleeping without thinking about something.

His spirit is very vibrant, pats cheeks go into the bathroom, he goes out soon after a brief combustion, changes his clothes and walks outside, commands steward to put them together, and he’ll take care of the most important guests at night.

“Sir, there are Orientals…”

Durin’s footsteps stopped, some surprised to see steward, “Oriental?”

steward stopped a little bit behind Durin’s side, highlighting Durin’s dominant position between the two sides, with his low head saying, “Oriental, sir, one of whom claims to be the” uplifting of the sun Trading Company “administration, and he personally comes down to the prayer, hoping to see you.”

If Durin had thought, the rising sun should be a rise or a rise in the east, the name was somewhat inappropriate in a society that was clearly sealed in the east, with Durin’s knowledge of the ancient emperors in another world, and the names were likely to be taboo anytime.

After a moment of thought, he asked steward to arrange for a minute, and he was going to see this in the afternoon, and he was curious, the East people would say something.

Ophelia was really tired yesterday, and still asleep, and the nurse said that the girls were up and feeding children once, and the mothers and children were sleeping until now.

Durin looked around the window and then left, around Ophelia’s production and Toi’s birth, and he had a lot to do.

At the afternoon, he saw guests from the East in Henry’s garden, which had been renovated as a fairy tale castle, with visible colours and exaggerated artistic styles not well suited to the place of reception.

Just as Henry sent a garden, and Durin did not resign immediately, he felt that it might be Mr. Nate’s intentional arrangement to call the wind and summon the rain business leader, each and everyone, who lived a lifetime without old death.

About 2: 00 p.m., shopkeeper from Trading Company appeared in Durin’s new plantation, with only two men, one woman and one woman with no age.

They are wearing clothes that are of an Eastern character and are very easy to identify, and as the exchange between the East and the East is closer, the social curiosity of the East enters the outbreak period, with some products of an Eastern character being sold everywhere, and some women with good shape are willing to go out in clothes with Eastern styles, and in the last two years it seems that anything related to the East has become a tide.

This shopkeeper – and then Durin knew at the time he introduced himself that the shopkeeper’s name was Dupen, and Durin didn’t know his real name or translator’s name.

He did not reveal his ability to understand and speak Oriental language, but it was good for Dupen shopkeeper to have a popular tone of fluctuation, and he said that he was always laughing, tongues were gentle, every word was very accurate, it was not fast enough to give him a good initial impression.

“Mr. Durin, the first thing I need to do is to congratulate you, and I heard that you and your wife’s child have been born in peace, and that’s great. I brought you some gifts, your wife and your child.” At the time of his presentation, he had some different expressions of expression, although this could not be said wrong, it would always make people feel funny or curious.

He took a red paint from the boy around him, handled the axis of the note, handled his back, grabbed the hand of the scroll.

It is not a pencil, it has been replaced by Western generic words, and it has to be said that it is a very expensive gift, with 99 nuts made out of a pound of gold alone, not some other precious stuff.

Durin, on the other side of Nodded, said thank you, he’s not welcome, it’s not the habit of the West, but he’s curious and delivers such a precious gift, what do they want?

It is strange for the East to know almost how many people in the East know that they refuse to open their land on a large scale, but they are very enthusiastic about the exchange of cultures between the two sides.

It was said that they had purchased a number of patent authorizations to return to the East and that, given the stranger to the East and the lack of adequate monitoring channels to monitor whether the use of these patent authorizations in the east was in accordance with the law, the price of each authorization was high, but it did not prevent the East from buying the footsteps.

They switched all kinds of gold products for everything they needed, and most civilian and industrial technologies had been bought back, except for some of the sophisticated technologies that had not been sold.


they want to start the industrial revolution?

Durin does not believe that the shape of a society, if it is to change, cannot be accomplished by a huge change in the short term, requires a long cumulative process that will not allow it to enter the industrial revolution without delay and even more likely to shake the rule of the kingdom, which is the best thing Durin wants to do.

After that, come back to his senses, Dupeng’s hand was loose, the scroll was picked up slowly, and he put it back in the box and pushed it to Durin’s side.

Durin gave steward the medal, and steward would arrange for someone to take the medal to check if the gifts were consistent with the entries on the list.

“I don’t know how much it’s worth, but I’ve seen your good faith, what I can do to help you?”, Durin says very frankly that Durin can’t know how much he knows about the culture in the east, so the “stupid” West and their “stupid” whites can sometimes be very good.

Dupeng laughed at his mouth, and this guy was charming, and he looked more than thirty years old, his country face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, giving people a very reliable feeling, and there was a feeling that he couldn’t say that he was just and positive.

He slight his head down, and then looked to Durin again, and asked the question, “Mr. Durin, we are human beings, but only because of some changes in the external context, we have been confronted with very unjust treatment, do you think it is reasonable?”

Durin was shattered by the opening words of Durin, because he sniffed the smell of “premeditated” from here, and he said that the skills of speech, the manner in which it was spoken and the content of that phrase were clearly carefully designed.

It’s in direct life to say the most central part of Durin – he’s not the mainstream of society, Ogdinian, but Guartian.

It would make Durin naturally and naturally feel good about Dupen’s heart, and whether or not he feels right, it would be difficult to stop the proximity from the same fate.

Minorities will never be able to achieve real equity in society, not that fake fairness, real fairness!

Durin looked at Dupen, and Dupen looked at Durin with no fear in order to smile.

In fact, Queen Great Qin Empire was behind the East Upgrading Trading Company, a problem found by Dupen, who was sent to West continent as the chief of director, and the West’s barbarians were not as silent as had been documented in previous instruments, Rumao drinking blood and barbarbarism.

Their societies have different forms and, more importantly, the scientific and technological civilization of the West is clearly far more than the technological development of the East, so the royal mission to Dupen is to revive some of the technologies to the east as far as possible and to develop a group of “scientists” in the east.

The problem is, however, that those general patent technologies are well purchased, and once they involve some core patent technologies, these people die biting their teeth and refuse to relax, and they are reluctant to sell more money.

This has left Durin’s child sick, and this time he heard that Durin’s child was born, taking this opportunity to visit Durin, and it might be much easier to communicate with those businessmen through Durin.

Whether in the East or the West, the form of power may vary, but it will always be the same, the only and exclusive.

Dupen chose the upper line very right, but he underestimated two things.

The first thing is that high-precision patents mean an enterprise, a group that wins the profits of the next five to twenty years, and they only get mad and they’re going to take these things cheap.

The second thing is that there is a constant flow of wisdom in this land, such as “if our hair is different, color is different, color is different, color is different, even if we’re bleeding red, we can’t prove that we are homosexuals”, and the defense of foreigners has never stopped.

Those things he can buy are actually patents that are about to be phased out.

Durin did not have a clear answer to Dupen, which was in conflict with his own interests, and Dupen could not give him what he wanted, but would block his way forward, unless the other side could take out something that left Durin’s heart, it would also be their first and last meeting.

Durin called the Social Services Bureau after taking Dupen and asked them about patent registration, where he soon communicated with Durin on the issue to ensure that important technologies were not immune.

Durin can see, Oriental, ambitious!

From the beginning of taking Durin, the successive visitors from Durin’s side began to show up, they were all in the same process, and Durin said something nice, and then sat down and talked about recent weather problems, there were fish in the nearest river, and who recently lost his dog.

Then throw down a bunch of gifts and say no more substantive things, which, after all, is a ceremony process.

And more ceremony things will be put in Durin as Toyibaptism, which is the most critical thing in the whole thing.

Since Imperial Capital came, we had to go to Marcus, Durin had to have a car after dinner at night, without informing Barr, to go to the Institute where Marcus was being treated alone.

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