Cosma Empire

Chapter 1282

Durin’s words are paranoid, and it’s kind of surprised to make Pete feel that Durin should be a very clichful person in his opinion, and that he will pretend to be a saint in order to fulfil his greatest ambitions and aspirations.

It’s like the two powers in history, the power is in control, and even the change in the throne is up to them, not the royal.

The latter, in particular, overthrow the royal Emperor with one hand, created a new era and a new society.

There are some similarly similar places where they rarely have negative news before success, both of whom have been honored as “model of nobility”, and the best words have been used to applaud both individuals until they have done what they want to do.


history, things like this are actually a lot, Pete, like others, he’s reading, and he knows a lot of things that he really doesn’t have to know.

Those who have ambitions and abilities to achieve ambitions will maintain their own very positive side before they do not achieve their plans.

It was like he had the impression of Durin before that, a realist of the Empire’s dream, a man who walked into the city from the countryside, went to the fortunate place of power, and a young man who opened an era with his hands and wisdom.


few representatives, he was full of unconscious self-confidence, and many people, acknowledge allegiance, were beneath his glorious personal charm.

In front of the media and public opinion, he was like a saint who couldn’t find anything wrong, and he was even more like saints, because his success represented the greatest miracle of this age – a miracle from the bottom!

This is also one of the main reasons for enabling many people to accept him, not as noble as capitalists, but as the bottom of society, the former attribute gave him the love of ordinary people.

But he should not be such a paranoid man, which is incompatible with his image.


smile on Pete’s face was seen by Durin in his eyes, and he shaved his head, “You haven’t understood me yet, Mr. Pete. You think you can make a valuable asset in your hands, and in my opinion he’s not worth that price, and I’m only interested in people behind you, and why you’re assassinating me, including Marcus.”

In fact, Durin had already had a guess before, and he had concealed why Earth God Religion had organized the assassination of him and Marcus, but he still wanted to hear it from Peter’s mouth, more precisely determining whether his guess was correct or incorrect.

Peter looked at Durin, Durin looked at Pete, stalled for two or three seconds, Peter curl one’s lip, and he looked at the handcuffs on his hands.

He didn’t clearly tell Durin that opening his handcuffs would make the scene more cohesive, but his actions meant this, opening the handcuffs, and then he might say that that’s what he wanted to say – to give him some respect and dignity.

Durin slighted his eyebrows and looked at Dufo behind the couch, “He’s been stressing to open his handcuffs and search them.”

Peter’s face makes Durin think there’s a problem here, and many of them will not send a second request after the first request has been rejected, and the first refusal means that the second is likely to be rejected equally.

Continuing to insist on his request, knowing that there is a great risk of being rejected, would only leave himself behind, and if Peter wanted to uncuffs for the first time on his own self-respect as Earth God Religion Shenshi, he would again be able to make him even more lost after being rejected.

He shouldn’t have done that if he was a true lover, then there must be a problem here.

Earth God Religion, these gods have never been pleased with Durin. They’re not like a faith, much more like some who do business and who commit a criminal business.

That would inevitably give them a sense of tension and anxiety at all times in crisis, which would also lead them to prepare something to save themselves, and he introduced the problem twice into his handcuffs, so that, in Durin’s view, he might have something that was counterproductive and could even reverse the current situation.

Pete didn’t struggle, Dufo would soon have searched his whole thoroughly, including his belt, anything that was a little harder was taken out, and the clothes were ripped off a few accents.

Everything is on tea, a fine pen, a card with a card, a good lighter, and three keys, in addition to the decorations on some clothes, such as precious stones, etc.

It doesn’t look like it’s dangerous on the surface alone, and Durin pointed to the trash barrels next to the tea, which were swept into the trash barrel in the course of a slight rigidity in the skin’s face.

Durin is not as proud as he imagined, so that he would be stupid to make mistakes, nor, as he imagined, to comply with certain less meaningful rules in order to maintain his own dignity, to give certain tolerance and dignity to the losers in the powerhouse gesture.

After all this, the two people returned to this subject, just this time Durin’s patience is clearly not as good as before, “You can tell me the answers, or you can take them to hell for the purpose of preserving others’ secrets, and I don’t have much time to play with you here with some words and musical games, and you only have one minute to consider, say, or not.”

“By the way, I need to remind you that the dialogue between us is not your personal life, and your family, you’re not a good man, but your son is cute.”

The first second Pete was still at his discretion, and the second he stood up, but he didn’t say anything, and he was hit again after his head, and the whole man sat back on the couch.

Pete has family, his parents, his brother sister, more relatives, and he even has a son!

No one ever knew Pete had a son, which he had before he came to the west, and he came to the west for his own ideals, but before that, he broke up with his girlfriend.

Two months after he left his girlfriend to the west, his girlfriend found himself pregnant.

The girl had become aware of the fact that the doctor had told her that the method of using drug abortion was no longer possible and that the operation had to be carried out in order to be able to abort, but that would require a significant amount of money.

Nothing related to surgery is ever cheap, girls can’t afford it, they don’t want to die with children, and eventually she chose to marry an honest man who gave birth to this child.

It’s a boy, a beautiful boy, and it’s a beautiful girl when she’s young, maybe that’s why someone knows she’s pregnant and is willing to marry her.

Apart from Peter and that girl, no one else knew that eldest son of the girl was Pete, and her husband just knew that the child was her ex-boyfriend, but he didn’t know who that was.

Until he was captured a few days ago, then Durin’s men began to investigate him, and that precisely reflected the advantages of power in society.

It’s hard for a ordinary man to find out about these things, but Durin wants to be clear but very simple.


police have not been able to obtain more information from Peter, whose parents have died normally in the records of the local police station, who is the only child in the home, has no brother sister, has not been married and has no future generations.

But investigating a person’s social information does not necessarily depend solely on institutions such as the police, so long as he still lives in this society, he cannot escape much surveillance, and information related to life has been embedded around us, such as banks.

From the bank drain of Peter’s identity, a little bit of a check has been made, and for this reason, the local central bank branch and Imperial Capital have mobilized a large amount of human resources to retrieve the information and have found the fourth transfer of the Bank’s registered account, from an anonymous account.

This anonymous account, which should not have been subject to management oversight, was then directly opened up and two accounts were locked in up in up to a dozen sources of funding and whereabouts.

After many times, and with the cooperation of Mr. Jack, a very special account number, an overseas account number, has finally been traced.

Every other time Pete deposits his money in this overseas account number, and then this overseas account number calls four different imperial central bank accounts, two anonymous accounts, and two registered accounts.

The registered accounts belong to one middle-aged married woman, while the other to two elderly persons.

And two anonymous accounts, one that has not been stored so far, have some 7,000 in the account number, and the other is relatively small, with more than 200,000, but with frequent payment records.

With only one phone call, the local police station for registration information has investigated these individuals, and the bank has contacted the head of one of the anonymous accounts for reasons that need to update the cash cheques – making the account anonymous, and when cash cheques are fulfilled, banks will alert the customers of the cheques so that the signatories of those checks are lost and the bank will be required to re-register them.

Eventually, these results were brought together, allowing Durin to discover Pete’s family and a married woman.

When Durin, who pretended to be a policeman, knocked off her home on the grounds that she had a child crying for a long time, saw several children in her room and asked why there was a child’s hair that was clearly different from others, and if adopted, please provide an adoption certificate that they suspect that she had abused children.

Every human being has a unique, very bright look, like Ogdinian, pure blood, has a blonde hair that can spread rays of light under the sun, and that’s why King Gualter had to cut down a lot of pure blood Ogdinian’s head in the year to produce a “Star Tower” to meet God.

Although there is now a poor Ogdinian in pure blood, only a few of the noble families in the North maintain the foolish way to marry close relatives in order to ensure that the bloodline is pure and that Ogdinian is extinct elsewhere.

But even so, they have a golden hair, white golden, not pure, but golden.

Guartian, which tends to have black or deep brown hair, is a very good idea, as long as he sees black hair and people with deep brown hair, he must be Guartian, even if not, and at least 80 per cent of Guartian bloodline.

For example, Guartian and Ogdinian children tend to have marijuana bias in gold or yellow hair, most of which are hailed and others may be shallow, less so, but as long as they are so good, they will not run away.

There are so many characters like this, so the two men who act as policemen see a child like others, and they realize what they’re thinking right away until the woman says it’s the child of her ex-boyfriend.

As for Pete’s families, it was clear from the investigation that they had a child out of the country a few years earlier, and then went abroad, running a shop, and they even visited their families when they were invited to travel.

Just that child was married abroad and had a family, so they didn’t force them to come back.

The more impoverished families often have children, the more they do not take into account social change, such as humankind, mainly because they do not have more cheap recreation and enough money to make contraceptive measures, so for families with many children, a child that is long away from the family will not be a factor that bothers families, not a few more or less.

But at this point, these people have played a crucial role, and Durin has been able to ascertain that he can get what he wants from Pete’s frightened face.

He’s not interested in continuing talking to Peter, playing hands, instructed, “I’ll get you to the basement, and then I’ll give you a pen, some paper, and you can write out what I think I’m interested in, and you only have one chance, Mr. Pete!”

Durin laughed, and then stood up and prepared to leave, and Peter suddenly struggled for two, and said, “What would happen to my family if I wrote everything you want?”

Durin looked at him on his side, shrugged bladder, “I’m sorry, I don’t know who would be looking at those who don’t matter, I don’t have these time and reasons, Mr. Pete.”


men dragged Pete into the basement of the villa, and then gave him what Durin needed, and in the studio in the basement, Dufo asked the question, “Are they going to bring their families together?”

Durin had an accident looking at Dufo, “Why? I mean, why did you kill them? Come on, we’re all good people, good people shouldn’t kill, I’ll send him to the Military Service, you know, some of our friends recently seem to be less cooperative, and we have to remind him of who he is, who I am!”

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