Cosma Empire

Chapter 1281

It is not a pleasant memory that Mr. Pete woke up for the third time… as to why he woke up for the third time.

He shot his head, two hands pressed on the solar cave, and his brain ached like he was knocked out three times, and the pain was ripped out of it.


breath of drilling into his nose makes him feel so deep that the mud stinks with some bullshit and horse shit, as well as the weed of all vegetation dispersed him to close his eyes.

In the west, even if there is no need to see the view outside the window, there is no need to ask, so long as it smells the air that can no longer be familiar, he knows that he returned to the west.

He was not Western, and the reason he chose the West as the basis for his own cause was because of the backwardness, closures and difficulties in exchanging information with the outside world.

The information gap makes people in the West even more ignorant and powerful, as long as they can be persuaded to eat hot horse shit to cure disease, even if they are told by guns on their head that this is a lie, they will be treated as people who do not want them to heal.

The people here are very cheating, and then very loyal, and when they think they put up less than 50 bucks, after all these years, don’t say 50 bucks, 50 kg of gold, he’s seen and belongs to him.

Unfortunately, it’s all gone, except for those wealth.

He recovered quickly, and before the car stopped, he started to hit all around, and the fantastic state capital of Ambilo changed a lot more than he did when he first came, but some landmark buildings were still in place, so he figured out where it was.

From the eastern part of the Empire, the whole empire arrived in the west of the Empire, without saying that he knew what he was about to face, the young man who was called a demon.

The car stopped behind a villa with no eyes for a while, and he was handcuffed and taken into the villa from the back garage.

After a while, finally came to a broad living room, where a young man was sitting on the couch watching him, and the news of Confederation was being broadcast on television, and an anti-government armed surprise attacked Saint-Louis, not only by robbing Confederation Bank, but also by burning down the newly constructed Confederation First Exchange.

This is a big deal of trouble, and there are four organizers in Confederation claiming responsibility for the most, but who did it, and no one really knows.

Representatives of the national community, the current Speaker of the Confederation Joint Parliamentary Assembly, in his interview, stated that they would investigate as soon as possible the real messengers who made it clear, and called on the entire Confederation society not to imitate such extremist constituencies.

It’s not romantic, it’s not funny. They’re all just a bunch of poor villains, and there’s no glimmer worth learning.

Indeed, a problem has been echoed in the back of this matter, and with the complete breakdown of relations between the Joint Parliament and the Confederation Government and the temporary replacement by the Speaker of Parliament of the President of the Confederation Government, many people have a sense of dismay and resentment for the current Confederation rulers.

These represent the destruction of nascent consortium by the intrinsic conservative forces and the use of their flesh to build society, and, on the other hand, they are beginning to be concerned about the rise of emerging forces and are strictly forbidden to anyone or persons beyond their control.

Confederation’s two years of devastation are, in fact, inevitable conflicts between the old order and emerging forces, even if there is no Durin plan to block Confederation’s financial economy, less than five decades, and when those emerging forces become stronger, war will erupt.

It is

impossible for the two sides to live side by side in peace, and the positions that are completely opposing determine that they can only survive on one side.

If Durin does not intervene, it is likely that the new forces will replace the building of the nation and become the true ruler of Confederation.

But Durin broke up, pushed some of the lids away earlier, fuelled by contradictions, and the emerging forces did not have the opportunity to grow on a sustained basis, which could be said to have been strangled in the toilet just when there was a certain threat to the old forces of nation-building.

To that end, the building of the nation has also paid a heavy price, so that they are more vigilant about the rapid rise of the emerging forces, which has precisely led to the remnants of those forces in Confederation and the dissatisfaction of the relatively general public of society.

Simply understood, the problem is not complex, and in order to avoid repetition of past events, they have built a barrier to prevent the emergence of new forces, a violation of the natural development of society that is bound to be opposed.

It may not be possible to do anything now under the threat of high pressure and clandestine police, but it is less difficult to support anti-Government armed forces.

Some young people are very interested in joining the anti-government armed forces, which are said to have strongly supported their movements by a number of newborn capitalists in Confederation, in addition to assistance from the Empire.

So Cecil said on television that it was not a game to recognize reality and to recognize the true face of armed anti-government organizations, and that justice would certainly prevail.

Until the news was completely closed, Durin turned off the TV, and he actually heard footsteps, but it was important.

He stood up, walked to the bar, watched Pete on the side. “Or coffee? I don’t have tea here.”

“Give me some wine, I need this,” Peter answered, and then walked to sit on the couch, and nobody stopped him, and he hit all around, and the very abundance of the renovation was very consistent with Durin’s image in his heart.

In fact, when you were talking about bringing Durin in, he was hesitant that a young man with a certain positive influence in society would be able to be high at a young age.

He’s not like those four or fifty years old, fifty-sixty years old, men who fought for half their lives, and they’ve been hurt, and finally climbing to today’s place.

Many of them have not yet had the desire and the power to continue their struggle, but only the power or wealth they now have in their hands, and then the rest of their lives are happily spent.

Come on in, fight, like yesterday’s shit, rush into the sewer and all the abandoned integration, and no longer recover.

So this stage of people is the most important goal of Earth God Religion, who enjoy happiness and enjoy them the most comfortable.

They like heterosexuality, as long as they believe in Earth God Religion, and on the basis of respect for religious practices, the Earth God Religion’s followers can marry four wives or marry four husbands.

People who like to stimulate life, whether they look at somebody else’s fight, or they kill something personally, should be done here.

Even more terrifying is their support for “customized” services, and Earth God Religion will help them complete as long as they are not too ambitious.

But, unlike Durin, he was young, so that he would be able to weigh two possibilities at such a age, one with an alarming background of identity, the birth of nobility, the parents being independent and noble representatives, and the end of centuries of bringing together the two communities, who had exceeded 99% of the world’s people since the moment of birth.

Durin’s not, he’s not in line with article 1, and everyone knows he’s the son of the farmer.

Then there is only article 2, great ambition, unprecedented enforcement power, terrifying courage and the implementation of all the convictions.

Such people are the hardest to get together, why, because they know what they want, and that’s the most terrifying, and they can understand themselves, know the purpose of all their deeds, not lost, everything is orderly and precise.

They pick up the glass and they don’t think about what to drink, because before they pick it up, they’ve decided what they want to drink.

To bring Durin together, he must be seen here with a ladder that would allow him to arrive faster where he wanted to go, otherwise it would be unrealistic.

Earth God Religion’s bragging can no longer be great, nor can Durin be the governor, let him be the prime minister, and those are exactly his goals.

But when Charlie suggested that he could try, Pete, though hesitating, agreed to Charlie’s request to try it.

Successful, they will have an unprecedented resource, no matter what, not to blame Durin.

But Pete just ignored the point that Earth God Religion was valuable in Durin’s eyes – reporting that the cult was responsible, and that such a wonderful thing found that it was not going to do it, and that it was hidden?

In fact, until now, Pete doesn’t know the end of Earth God Religion is because they’re messing with Durin.

Durin got some wine for him, took two glasses back to the couch, and pushed one of them over.

Pete looked at the handcuffs between his hands, and he said clearly, he’s here, why don’t you open the handcuffs, and that many people around?

Most times this practice will be effective, especially when a young man is high and has always had absolute power over things around him, considering that nothing escapes his control, even if he opens a handcuff.

But Durin looked at him like he didn’t see, raised the glass, “What should I call you? Mr. Pete, or H.E. Shenshi?”

Pete’s got two hands on the cup, and Durin touched, “Peter, call me Pete, which is actually my real name.”

Durin smiled and put the glass back on some tea, “I’m curious, Mr. Pete, you have a lot of opportunities to leave forever and hide it, hidden in a corner of the world, and I might never find you in my life.”

“With the wealth you have acquired in the past, I believe that anywhere is enough to make you feel very comfortable and respectful.”

Peter Nodded, “Yes, but you may not know that as long as we live in this society and live around others, we will not be able to escape the interference of others with us.”

Durin had a feeling in the heart, nodded said, “I’ve recently learned a new word from the east, called ‘I don’t care’, that’s what that means.”

“Can’t control yourself?” And Pete laughed at missing the little knowledge spot, “Many people are looking for me, more secure than they are in those small, remote countries’ impudents.”

“At least they dared to be the end of the crowd of rifles to fire my house, or abduct me in the car during the day.”

Durin laughed, Peter was complaining about his kidnapping, and he was just going to ask something, Peter followed up and stopped what he wanted to say.

“Mr. Durin, I believe, in your position, that you have understood that the sad and terrifying of ‘body’, many of which we are doing, is not necessarily what we want to do, and that what we do is to live better.”

“There have been little differences and contradictions between us in the past, but those are not important, let me go, I’ll give you 10,000!”

“Send me out of the country, I’ll give you 30 million!”

This is not a small amount, even if the empire Star Coin became less valuable than before in silent inflation, but it was 10 million, 30 million, and it was still a very impressive asset.

Durin kept his mouth laughed, “I’m not interested in money, money is more like a slight decoration for people like me, saying that I’m interested, for example, who manipulates it behind your back?”

Pete was a bit rigid and he thought, and he said, “50,000, plus three local states in the West, some 100 officials and some evidence of violations, and with these things, the whole West is up to you alone.”

Durin didn’t answer him immediately, but it was like a smile yet a smile smile, a smile, that man’s face was ugly in the left light of his eyes, like he just smelled the stink socks that had been pulled off his sweat for three months without washing yellow’s heat.

He shakes his head, “You still don’t understand, Mr. Pete, hid a stink nest in the eyes of a lion, maybe four times, but he can’t afford a piece of the lion’s teeth.”

“These things are weighed by you and those behind you, but not in my eyes at all.”

“Maybe you and the people behind you need these things to manipulate them to cooperate with you or be threatened by you, but for me, I need them to just call them when I need them to do something.”

“Then tell them, call this guy, that’s me, Durin!”

“In the west, what Durin said is law, law, truth!”

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