Cosma Empire

Chapter 1283

“Sir, please sign here.” A soldier, with a thick document standing outside Eric’s office for more than 20 minutes, keeps a very strong stand and knows that Eric only showed up in Sighed in relief.

This document requires Eric’s signature to continue the process, and at least one office is waiting for Eric’s signature.

Eric stood outside the office door and looked at the document carefully and looked at some of them, and signed his name after three confirmations in order to show that he had read it.

This is a case in which foreign forces have bought some domestic eyesight for transmission of information, including through authoritarian temptation, which has been numerous in the past, but has been increasing over the years.

Sometimes it will be difficult to choose when dealing with these people, some of whom do not even know what they have done and consider this to be persecution.

For example, a farmer in this case, whose farmland is not a special distance from the Bondika research centre, is probably a 20-minute journey and is often sent to the kitchen of the Bondika Research Centre some of the vegetables planted at his own home.

At the end of last year, someone found him, claiming to be relatives of the distant, and indeed relatives say hello to who the child was, who was the little man in whose house he was, because he was a habit in the city, so the family intended to send him to the countryside for exercise.

To that end, they would like to pay the farmer 20 bucks per month as a “correctional” child and a diet.

There are few places where money is needed in remote towns in the countryside, and $20 a month is already an extraordinary additional income for this farmer, who recognized this remote relative almost without consideration and started working with him.

Fortunately, he had occasionally been asked to send a kitchen of the Bondika Laboratory Centre for some agricultural products, informing him of his willingness to enter into a long-term supply contract with him, which he was required to send to the Bondika Research Centre every week.

If it were before, he would probably not be able to bring the job to the next, because his people were inadequate and the children were neither around, and the relatives of the child made up the shortboards in that regard and became his favorable assistant.

He always thought that this was not a lazy child that was his own lucky star until he was arrested for stealing Bondika’s important military secrets and suspected treason, and he had no idea what he had done during that period.

Are these people supposed to die?

Some people do, and their motives for selling countries are clear, in order to get more money, but others are stupid, they belong to the kind of deceived, not everyone should die.

But the problem comes again, if they are not everyone to die, then they sell the intelligence of the State and betray the glory of the State, and those who sacrifice every year the countless soldiers on the clandestine front, should they die for their lives?

Sometimes people must be hard at heart, all for the sake of the State, not for the sake of their own selfish interests, to determine the lives of others, their names can easily be written, and their names can be signed very heavy in those documents, because Eric knows that everyone in this material will be executed in secret, only because they betray the State and betray the people, which is the punishment they deserve.

There is no reason for them to betray their homeland and to betray their people without punishment, even if God has no power!

After the signature, Eric handed over the file to the lieutenant, and then fixed him up with a shoulder, respecting a courtesy and pushing the door in.

The doors returned were closed slowly and locked after a sound, with a sign on the top of the door board – the first office in the Military Troika, Colonel Eric.

Eric was helped by Durin and by Durin, and was promoted to the school by the work of the extreme anti-social armed elements of the Front of Liberty.

This is almost impossible in times of peace, and how many people envy him in darkness, envy him, want to replicate his successes from him, or take him down personally.

But he was lucky not only to have Durin to help him, but also to have good luck with his own business, but also to have no choice but to be able to work, but also to be humbled by his superiority, who joined the war as an intelligence staff when he struck Confederation.

And in the war, a very special idea was put forward that, after the superior thought that it would be possible to try and give him the opportunity, he succeeded in completing the tactical target of the surprise attack on Saint-Louis, and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Military Region of the Army considered Eric to be an error on the lines of intelligence operations, and he should be more involved in the Army Staff.

It’s just a small interesting thing, but it’s enough to illustrate Eric’s excellent work, so that he promoted the Colonel soon after his promotion and was responsible for the highest officer in the three first offices of the Military Intelligence Service.

With regard to the official interpretation currently provided by the Military Intelligence Service, Operation III of the Military Intelligence Section is primarily responsible for the arrest and elimination of clandestine forces that have been found in the interior of the Empire.

It’s more intentional to reveal that, as long as Eric works well, there is great hope that the colonel’s title will be available before he reaches the age of 40.

What does that mean?

On behalf of a future imperial intelligence giant, which has risen and the Military Intelligence Service is also in the rank of the Army, it is difficult to promote without sufficient fighting under the current military regulations, but it happens that Eric’s two great efforts fall within the scope of the battle and that he has been qualified for promotion.

As long as he can live up to his mistakes and at the latest 48 years old, he will certainly be a young general of the military intelligence services.

Those who climb up at this age, at least 20 years, can run, as long as he’s not standing in the wrong team, doing something wrong, going on to be the general, or even the superior.

His battle was too great, and no one could stop him.

Throughout the day he worked in the office, and after working hours, he left the briefcase on time, as the supreme officer of the first office of the Military Troika, and now he does not need to go out with a dangerous field mission on his own, issuing a decree in the office and signing it.

Driving back to the house just over ten kilometres away from the office, and just taking the car well, his wife just couldn’t wait to open the door and stand there and watch him.

He lives in a high-profile residential community, where neither capital nor politicians, or military personnel like him, are very safe nor very convenient.

Considering the dignity of the families here, and in order to ensure that they do not have accidents due to certain minor events, developers in this community have also set up a small business site dedicated to the construction of these households.

From supermarkets to a number of high- and high-end luxury hotels, basically all needs can be addressed here, and all the best can be enjoyed without an account.

He had some strange eyes on his wife standing by the door, inserting his hand in his pocket next second, holding his hand gun with him in the back belt, and then hiding it with his clothes and moving towards his wife.

His wife just continued to look to the house, which showed that there were others in the house, and her initiative was also due to the fact that she might now lack a sense of security and that the people in the room posed a great threat to her, so that she wanted to flee there.

There’s someone in the room who’s scared, and that’s what Eric’s been analysing as an agent of the intelligence service at the first time.

But from the fact that his wife did not flee immediately, nor did she call the security guard, there might be some other situation in it, he pulled his hands up, touched his wife’s emotions, walked into the yard quickly, walked to the front door and stuck his wife’s limb, and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s all right.”

When Eric came in, he stood up, “Mr. Eric, hello, we were…”

No, when they finish, Eric pointed to the bookshop on the second floor, “Let’s go to the studio and say!”

Three people entered the bookshop two years ago, and one of the two young people was also very kind enough to close the door to the bookstore, so they brought people to the bookshop, primarily to avoid their proximity to Eric’s wife so as to avoid accidents.

The two people themselves introduced themselves, without any substance, and Eric thought that their own presentation was not necessarily true, and Eric frowns cough after their own introduction, “Gentlemen, I am sure you have something important to visit me, let us not waste our time and explain your intentions.”

Those two young people laughed, one of them walked to the desk, and Eric’s hands had been whispered on the drawer Lasso, and there was another gun in it.

It seems that Eric’s care and defense were seen, young people picked up their hands, and laughed at Eric, distorted his head, followed his distorted direction, and Eric saw a phone call.

His face slowed down, young people dialed a lot of numbers after they picked up the phone, and Eric, who’s been doing intelligence work, showed that the phone was using a safety number, that is, that is, the route that would never be stolen and recorded.

Those who have such a number are, at least, more than the state councillors, a privilege that is not available for money.

His face is somewhat sophisticated, and once anything is linked to government officials, it makes people’s nerves more sensitive, whether military affairs belong to the Ministry of Defence or not, and he is a soldier.

Soldiers, it’s iron law not to participate in politics!

He was worried that he was not involved in any political dumping, until he raised the phone and heard that familiar voice in it, knowing what he had ignored.


“If I were your friend, even if I was in hell, I’d climb out of that fucking place and give you a shot while you’re asleep!”

It doesn’t seem like a joke, “I don’t understand, Durin.”

He shouted Durin’s name, which he could see as a deterrent to Durin, and as if he was afraid of Durin, shouted his name and told Durin that he knew who threatened him.

Durin laughed a few times on the phone and said, “The most trusted friend of yours died in front of you, because you were hesitant, hesitant or brave, and you were brave because I became a hero, even more surprised that you married your dead friend’s wife and gave her child for you.”

“Eric, a lot of people say I’m a scum, but I think you’re the one!”

In fact, Durin was seen by Eric’s operation when he warmed the woman who lost the cold in her husband with his own body during his comfort with the widows of the friends of war, and then they married and gave birth to a child.

If that woman knew her ex-husband’s death was just because Eric… that was a scum, and the bias made him a lot of impression.

Many times in the line of intelligence work, a living man has no idea when he suddenly has no place, may have escaped, may have been cleared, and Governments will not exchange this information, but simply leave the nails in the fireplace.

So there’s always some married woman who tastes fainted tea at the leisure afternoon, and still fantasizes the sweetness of waiting for her husband to come back to work, and as a result government staff go to the door, and very formally informs her – I’m sorry, ma’am, you’re a widow from now on.

The widows’ days are not much better, because many of them “missing” intelligence personnel will not immediately be held dead in years of disappearance, most of them think they might have escaped, and their families will be placed under surveillance.

Just and honorable, like Eric’s heroic companion, is actually a good thing for his wife. Of course Eric is willing to take over, and at least the wife of the dead agent is taken care of, and he doesn’t have to worry about it.

Eric got a mouth, “If you just want to talk to me about these things, then I don’t think there’s anything we need to talk about…”

Durin listened to laughed heartily, “You could probably hang up the phone and try, Colonel Eric, we bet a bet, you wouldn’t dare hang my phone, you’d bet a dollar.”

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