Cosma Empire

Chapter 1280

He didn’t panic when a sharp item that pushed Pitt’s waist down his skin.

He thinks he has no broken identity, nor is he necessarily looking for him because of what he used to do, and even more likely because he seems to be richer.

There will

never be a shortage of the poor in this society, the poor with empty ambitions and aspirations without any practical meaning.

They have always been able to find a serious reason for their own poverty, to prove that their root causes are not on their own, that it is the fault of this society, that other rich people do not give him any chance to prepare for wealth that threatens those who are already rich, so they are destined to be poor.

That’s a little bit different, anyway, and it’s a good and rotten reason.

Some poor people are going to be in slums every day, in the downtown, talking about how “if” their own plans make a lot of money and what they have to do, they’ll just say that they never do it, they’re safe.

But there are others, like them, who believe that their main problems of poverty are not on their own, and that they are somewhat different than those who are above, that they are really good at getting rich, for example, risking to do something illegal.

All those who know a little bit about the law know that the most profitable trade is written into the law and that it is up to those who may earn money through these methods to decide that they can no longer be used by others and replicated.

This is narrow, but it is the foundation of social stability, which is difficult for the first person to be convicted, but the second must certainly be bad luck, a process of building that is never available, although some problems may arise in the eyes of some.

These people will turn their desire for wealth into a way that is illegal, looting, smuggling and trafficking in human beings, and they are willing to do it, even if they are at risk of violating the law, as long as they are able to earn money.

After being pushed into the car, the car slows down, and when the car starts running, Pete reacts, “Gentlemen, I’m a generous businessman, and all those who know me will admit it.”

“If you have some problems in your hands, I am happy to help you through the current difficulties, and we’ll be good friends, do you think?”

He did not speak at the outset in order to avoid misperception of his behavior as dangerous and then stabbed him with shock, so he was able to communicate with these people only when the car started.

When this car starts driving, it’s a closed little space, which belongs to these abductors, so at this point, even if he says something, even moves his body, they won’t be busy giving him a knife and then run away.

The truth is true, as Peter imagined, that he spoke and moved his arms and made himself more comfortable, not only by stabbing him, but by taking the knife away.

But they didn’t talk, they didn’t answer, and that made Pete’s head a little bit of weed, and he thought they were looking for him for money, but now it seems unlikely.

The entire kidnapping process was rapid and skilled, and it also made Pete’s mistake to think that these people were specifically kidnapped for extortion, and that he had erroneously estimated the form.

The car is still in an orderly way, and the car also appears to be quiet and depressed.

There are

fewer people on the streets of the windows, and those towers are going to disappear, and Pete is starting to get upset, far away from the city. If someone kills this side, no one will hear the throat, and no one will help him.

Just as he was thinking about whether to save himself, young people around him might have noticed a slight change in his face, saying, “We need you to cooperate, sir, as long as you cooperate with our next action, I promise you that you will not be hurt, provided, of course, you can’t do something dangerous.”


don’t know if it works, or language communication makes Pete feel a little comfortable, and he just squeezed his muscles down, “What do you need me to do, or what do you want from me?”

He asked a question and then looked at the young people around, and the young people laughed, and said, “Some little things will not delay you too much time, sir, and, please, remain quiet.”

Peter hasn’t spoken any more on the road, and he’s settled a little bit, about 30 minutes after he got in the car, and the car parked in a warehouse near the perimeter of the city.

His warehouse manager works here to watch the warehouse, and some goods that need to be transported abroad will be shipped to the warehouse for a few days and a week after the company has signed a consignment agreement.

Then on the night before the cargo tank arrived, the goods were transported through trucks to the warehouse at the dock for inspection and could be loaded on the next day after the inspection.

As to why it was not in the dock warehouse from the outset, it was simply because the warehouse there was too expensive and somewhat scary.

When the car was stable, the folding door of a hua la warehouse fell, Peter looked back through the car’s back window and looked at the folding door slowly, cut the last light of the outside world, and the entire warehouse became somewhat dark, and he was once again unhappy.

“Get out of the car, sir…”, the young people around him have given him full relinquishment of control and given him a lot of space, and he is very polite, but the more he feels he can’t express fear.

He slipped his head out of the car with his hands and feet, and in this move that seems to have no problems, he put his silent pencils in his pocket in his hands, and then put it in his pocket for decoration.

The pencil value is extraordinary, and, in addition to being able to write, it pushes off the hat in a pushing rather than a spinning manner, it reveals a micro piece of paper knife.

It may not be able to give a tremendous visual shock to the feeling of fear, but it can kill people when people want to kill.

He came out of the car, took his own clothes, and then stood in the ground.

Soon, a couple of footsteps came out of the corner of the warehouse, Peter turned around, and some kind of looked at the child who wiped his shoes together with others, and at that moment he was angry.

Not only did he look after this child’s business, but it was nice to give him two more bucks, but what did this child do?

Because of his generosity, he thinks he’s a rich man, and then the gang kidnapped him, and intends to earn a fortune from him?

That’s why people in this society always complain that “Mercy becomes the food of the devil’s fruit, and only teeth can protect themselves from harm”, because they return to good faith with evil!

He’s stuck with the anger of his heart, and he has decided that, once he gets out of danger, he will send this child, together with the rest of the world, to the grave, so that they can understand that some people, while low, do not mean tolerance for others’ offenses.

“Is that him?” The guy around the boy, looks like a young man of 27 years old, asked a question.

This guy was wearing a very sophisticated suit, giving a feeling of death, especially that his little horse pie was a little bit like a priest’s shirt, a lack of inspiration and tide, and some more ancient boxes and seriousness.

That child looked at Pete, and then nodded, “Yes, that’s the gentleman.”

The young man slipped his head and touched the child’s head, “Well, you go back, and I’ll come back to you later.” He said, “He’s packing the child’s shoulders, he’s turning around moving towards the shift room, and there’s a little door to the outside.”

When he left, he walked into Pete, hit him down, said with a smile, “Can you stretch your hands out, like this, on his back?”

This guy made a demonstration, Pete followed it, and he was kind of weird, and if he said he still suspected these people were trying to kidnap him, then now he doesn’t think so, because the kidnappers only want money and the safe departure after they get paid, they don’t play games with the hostages.

Some old boxes of young people watched Pete’s hands for a while, and another request was made, “I hear children, you have a watch, can I see?”

Pete had a little bit of his head, but he slowed down his watch and touched those pockets that were not wearing a watch to delay time.

He took off the ring, changed the belt, burned his shoes and those clothes in the west, but the only watch he never changed.

On the one hand, he really liked this watch, which, in addition to its very expensive value, has a lot of special significance, for example, because it was Peter’s first high-profile decoration for himself after the creation of Earth God Religion.

He spent more than 20,000 dollars for that, which could be nothing for him now, but for him at that time, it was a huge sum and a souvenir of his own.

He can ensure that people who know that they have this watch are virtually non-existent, but with the exception of the Master who made it so clear that the purpose of these people cannot doubt him that he is not exposed.

When his hand was inserted in his pocket, he pushed the pen and then looked for young people opposite him, he was ready.

He and this guy who seems to be this guy boss is less than a metre away, and he can totally swift up and grab this guy, and then figure out how to get out.

His eyes became somewhat negligent, but soon became firm, and just as his hands began to pocket out, his body was ready to move forward with consciousness, that young man pulled out a gun quickly to his head, which left his brain empty.

“I saw from your face some terrifying stuff, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly picking out what’s in your pocket.” And, that young man’s observation was very detailed and very decisive, “Don’t make me mistaken, though I don’t want to kill a possible innocent man.”

Pete slowly pulled out his watch with another hand, handcuffed with a steel pen, and let the pencil slip back into his pocket.

young people put Pete’s watch in their hands, and then pulled it hard, and the shelf on the other side of the chain was loose, and the whole watch fell into his hand.

He withdrew several steps before he recovered the gun, and then started to weigh the watch in his hand.

Beautiful rune sculpture, and a woman’s head, beautiful, noble, not ordinary.

When he looked up again, he had more smiles on his face, “This gentleman, you’re in trouble!”

The next second, Pete felt the wind behind his head, he didn’t get to hide, the shock of his head was shaking, the face was dark, and he lost consciousness on the ground.

Durin had been on the phone all day, and he had been discussing the spring propaganda offensive with the mayors everywhere.

Some believe that there is no need to attract tourists by advertising, who believe that the role of stamps and accents is much higher than that of issuing leaflets and conducting various information campaigns, and that there is also a coalition of revenge recipients in the West this summer, which is tantamount to advertising tourism in the west.

Those who think about it are often older people, who are in the west behind their dwelling are more closed, and the tide’s top line is already serious, which makes them more conservative on certain issues.

Together with the poverty of the past, they have given them an obsession with the loose finances, reluctance to spend money to keep the wallet empty, so there is some resistance to Durin’s demands.

Ultimately, at the request of Durin, they also endorsed the plans proposed by Durin and committed themselves to act as soon as they return.

This year will be the first real peak in the tourism industry in Ambilo, where the bulk guns and bullets that have been made from arms companies have been fully delivered, and Durin has begun to arrange for the “guided tours” of those who used to be navigators to hide these weapons and ammunition in the lofty mountains and wildlands of Ambilo.

They will then record their location of these weapons and ammunition on the map, which will become an important vehicle for the first major Western fugitive game, as well as invitations – only tourists holding “maps” – to participate in this world military race, for which two million cable television groups have bought the broadcasting power of the “Big Run in the West”.

Of the 24 regions, up to 1,500 cameras will be installed to ensure that there is a clear and visible process from the beginning to the finals, as well as protection for voters.

A series of promotional and major moves cost Durin a lot of energy, and until more than four o’clock he took this off, and then he got the call.

After a while of silence, he instructed, “Send people to me, and I want to see him.”

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